Suggested proposals

Unique Part

Asuna felt disappointed that I didn't want to sleep with her in her bed, so she prepared a Japanese futon for me and placed it next to her bed.

I think it's the first time I don't wake up tired since Akari sleeps with me... I felt something heavy in my glove, I lifted the sheet to see what was weighing me down... it was Asuna's arm, I turned around and my face collided with her huge tits, which apparently she had unzipped to the point that they were showing their big front.

-Asuna, at what point did you climb into my bed!

Asuna stretched out, which was a nice thing to see, she had a more pleasant tone of voice that I was liking, I hadn't noticed, but the bunny pajamas made her look very sexy, even... no, no what am I thinking don't get hot, you idiot, she's your friend, at home you have your beautiful girlfriend waiting for you.

Asuna stuck to me very provocatively.

-Don't you remember, last night you asked me to cuddle sweetly while....

Asuna lowered the volume of her voice, as she brought her mouth to my ear, I couldn't help but swallow slowly.

-...we did kinky things together...

I immediately stood up to separate myself from Asuna.

-I said, 'Focus there, that never happened Asuna, don't make things up.

Asuna was staring at me, but not at my face... I lowered my gaze, I bumped into something that wasn't my fault, but I had her standing up, and since she was only wearing boxers, it was quite noticeable.

Asuna was, I think, amazed...

-Since when did she have that, I remember when I groped you two years ago I wasn't big, I never cared, but that could hurt me.

I covered myself with both hands.

-Stop looking pervert.... At what point did you grab me down there two years ago?

Asuna let out a few hehehehs, as if to play it cool.

-I'm this close to reporting you for harassment Asuna, damn, I can't believe you found me... if it's normally smaller, it's because I'm team blood... you're happy, look what you made me say.

Asuna took advantage of the fact that I had removed my hands and took a picture.

-But what is Asuna doing, erase that immediately.

-I refuse.

The morning continued a little bit like that, we were having breakfast more quietly.

-Asuna seriously nothing I said to you last night entered your head, I don't want to be hurtful, but I have Akari, because neither you nor Emi understand.

-Mmm why are you mentioning Emi, Hikaru?

I spit out all the coffee she's drinking.

I can't believe it came out... Asuna hasn't let me think clearly.

-Because she keeps asking you to do things to me, and you're so good at listening to her, at least I'm glad you deleted the picture. At least with that I can get out of the way.

If you delete, hehehehehe, then don't delete it.

-Be calm, Hikaru yesterday, even though it hurt me, I was able to get my feelings for you out, I'm ready to continue, but it doesn't mean that I won't play jokes on you, remember that Baki, also did this kind of things to you.

-Yes and look how well it worked.

Asuna couldn't help but look sad.

-I'm sorry, but you have to understand that you can send the wrong message Asuna, besides you are very pretty, you have a body that even I have to admit is too sensual, and I grew up with a sister that you know has played some cheeky pranks on me, with her nice body, in fact you started to play that kind of pranks on me when you saw Emi playing her perverted pranks on me.

-I can't believe that with a girlfriend and all, you can say that I have a sensual body, but you see Emi is to blame, I follow her example hehehehe. But joking aside, I like to see your reaction, and now I'd like to see Akari's, but rest assured, from now on I'll do everything as a joke, I have to let you go as my romantic interest Raccoon, I want to find someone who can love me the way I want too.

-I'm going to tell you two things, I really hope you find someone who can love you more than what you want, I want you to be happy, and never forget that if you want to talk about your feelings or anything else you can count on me, I'll be there, and if I can't make it in time, I'll pick you up like they already did with me, the second thing, it has to do with your jokes, Akari lately is bad, for... everything, you could at least wait until she gets a little better before you continue with your game with me.

Asuna got up from the table, and hugged me.

-Thank you for being my friend to this weird pervert.

-Hey, hey, don't say that, of course, besides I'm a freak too, oh my god and a pervert, I think about doing things with Aki every night, so you're not the only one.

Asuna looked at me sideways, it was weird to see her from below, as she bent down to hug me.

-Asuna, you will always be my first friend, and my best friend, don't be afraid of anything, I don't care about your past, only about who you are, you know I always avoid thinking about the future, I focus a lot on living in the present, but I want to know what we will all become in a few years.

-Don't go on, you're going to make me cry, and I think that after crying all these days I don't have any more tears left.

Asuna sat back down, and began to swallow her food.

I forget that when you're happy, manners go on sabbatical.

-Since you're talking about the future, I wasn't going to tell you, but Emi sent me a second message, she wanted me to help you with what you'd like to be, and I came up with something.

-Emi, it had to be her again, why does she try so hard to make me think about what I want to do, tell me what you thought. - I said resignedly.

Asuna cleared her throat, became serious, as if she was a military man giving an order, and spoke to me with her eyes closed.

-Hikaru, we both share something since we met and I'm not talking about our passion for the paranormal or old movies, but about fashion, I know that you like it a lot, I even know that you admire how I dress, that's why I thought about you joining the costume design battalion as a special class at the academy.

Asuna opened one of her eyes waiting for my answer.

-I don't know, I like fashion, but you know I don't have the money to buy the clothes I'd like, besides I like the designs, but to create them myself... I don't know.

-Lately I haven't felt like going to design classes, I missed the last 2, so if you would come with me maybe you could give me back the excitement I had before.

I couldn't help scratching my head to think.

-That's called manipulation Asuna, but yeah, why not, I guess it doesn't hurt to try, let's do it, tomorrow I'll talk to the counselling to see if I can still join the class.

-That's right, I'm sorry I let myself get carried away, but Hikaru, the storm is supposed to continue in a few hours, I'd like you to stay, but if you want to leave, you should do it now, I won't be going to class today, but I'll be back tomorrow.

-If you're right I'll pick up my stuff and go home, if there's a storm I'll miss too... one more thing I want to meet with Colmillos and his team, if we're going to face whoever is chasing us, I think we need them, but I want your opinion.

-I want to get away from Colmillos, I thought he was more pleasant when he started attending the school, he even talked to me a couple of times and insisted on taking me on a date, but what he did, I'm afraid of him, but if you think it's necessary to count on him, I'll support you Hikaru.

-Thank you Asuna, I think it's for everyone's good.

I picked up my things, I couldn't avoid seeing Asuna's pills again, what she didn't tell me, it was the unknown in my head, but she was able to tell me something very delicate, I won't distrust her again.

We said goodbye, she accompanied me to the door of her house.

-Asuna one more thing, this is just between us and if you tell Akari I'll deny it and say it's a made up lie of yours, but you look very sexy in those pajamas.

Asuna turned red, even stammering a little.

Asuna turned red, even stammering a little.

-Hikaru sees me in a lewd way... no, I'm just a piece of meat for you, he just wants my flower.

Asuna was saying all that to me in suggestive poses, playing with her butt and breasts.

This girl I think she's seen too much echii or porn.

-Take care bunny, if something happens call me, and this time don't run away, answer your phone.

Wait Hikaru, if I have to keep what you say to me I want something too.

Asuna came very close to me, I thought she was going to kiss me on the mouth, so I pulled back.

Asuna don't kiss me...ahahhh, let go of me, you pervert.

The pervert Ausna grabbed my ass with both her hands, giving me a hard squeeze, which would probably leave marks.

-Hands off, hands off ASUNA.

-Shi, now I will also leave a mark on you like Aki did on your neck.
