Mother blow

Unique Part

I went to the stairs to go talk to Emi, but Camila got in the way.

"No Anton, I don't agree with this, Emi moving out is one thing because she is of age, but Hikaru is not, he is still a child and needs to be with his parents".

"Then I made the right decision 'mum' because Emi plays the role of my two parents, besides everything is already said".

"No, young man, you don't make this decision, I'll make the decision myself".

"What the fuck..."

My father interrupted me just when I was about to insult Camila.

"That's enough, Camila, leave him alone, he made his decision, that's something we have to respect whether we like it or not" - Said my father wiping his tears.


"But nothing Camila, now let it go".

Camila stepped aside, I looked at my father and nodded my thanks.

When I went up to the first floor he was assaulted by Kaeda who was crying like a little girl who had misplaced a piece of candy.

"It's not fair...waaa...snif, I wanted to spend time with you.... Snif...don't you go.... Snif..."

"Relax Kaede, you can visit us whenever you want, I assure you". I told her while giving her little cuddles on her head.

"It's not fair... Snif..."

"I'll leave you, I have to go talk to Emi...."

In the end I had to promise her that I could go whenever I wanted again so she would let me go, before I did it I gave her a kiss on the cheek, something that I don't usually do with my sister Kaede, but she liked the gesture, she hugged me and kissed me back on the head, after that she let me go.

I knocked on the door so Emi would let me in, she didn't say anything, so I went in, she was upset with me, I asked her to talk, but she abruptly answered me that she had nothing to talk to me, that everything had been very clear at the table, but it hurt, with Emi I had argued before, but this time she was hurt, I insisted, but she was making me the law of ice.

"I wanted to apologise sister, but I don't feel like I'm doing anything wrong really, maybe just one thing and that was not telling you first".

"Yes you should have talked to me, but what did you do, basically a set up... to my Hikaru I was just.... It doesn't matter, it's all done, and I can't believe that that bastard won't support us financially for your studies... It doesn't matter anyway, I had thought about that possibility... Hikaru I don't want to see you now, leave me alone".

I approached her and sat next to her.

"I refuse, you never left me alone, I won't leave you alone either".

Emi looked at me very angry, she insisted that I leave her room, but I wasn't going to do it until we really talked properly, we kept arguing, until Emi started to take out her frustration.

"How do you think I feel when you did that to me, when I've always cared about you, you betrayed me Hikaru, you joined the man who abandoned us".

"Emi I think you're making this bigger than it is, I didn't betray you I would never do it, I love you sister, and it's hurting me what you're telling me, I did this thinking about both of us, Asuna as soon as she offered me to work with her I accepted, besides it's something I like and it will bring some money to help you understand, I'm doing it for you too".

"You're not doing it for you, you selfish idiot, if you thought about me you would listen to me, if you say you do things to help me you wouldn't go running straight to situations where you could get killed, you asshole, you're against me every time I say no, I swear I'm trying to help you, but you do anything stupid".

"No, I'm doing it for Aki, because she was taken from me, and there's a chance that she'll go back to normal that you want me to run away like a coward, like our mother did, or Matsuo who joined..."

Emi didn't hesitate to slap me, she hit me so hard that it turned my face, but she immediately regretted doing it.

"Hikaru... I'm sorry I didn't mean to do it myself..."

The blow that Emi gave me made me bite my mouth which made a lot of blood come out of my mouth that I had to start spitting out, she approached me a bit scared, but I stopped her with a gesture of my hand.

I couldn't hold back the truth, the outburst that Emi had with me caused me to scream a little and throw the things that Emi had on her desk. I started to breathe slower to relax, but I didn't even notice when I had my finger on my lip again.

"I didn't mean to throw things away. I said still trying to calm down".

Emi came over to me to look at my bleeding.

"Fuck that, I did something stupid Hiakru, I don't know what happened to me, I swear I didn't mean to do this to you.... Open your mouth to see the wound".

"Yes, of course you did a stupid thing, what were you thinking when you slapped me, you idiot...."

I opened my mouth so that she could see me, she shone the torch of her mobile phone to see better, she made a bad face and hugged me.

"It's only a superficial wound, but I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do this to you..."

Emi started to cry as she wiped the blood that was leaking from the corner of my lip.

"It hurt me a lot to see you allying yourself with daddy, I was afraid that.... I mean I should be happy that you're getting along better with him, but I was jealous, along with you not telling me things before.... I felt like I was losing you, just forgive me I swear I didn't want this".

I had to take a long sigh not because I was still mad at her, that didn't matter anymore, but because I felt sorry for her.

"Calm down, don't keep apologizing, it's over.... Mom, let's forget all this and celebrate that we are moving in together".

Emi wiped the tears from her eyes.

"Mom, that was nice.... Although I prefer you to keep calling me Emi or sister".

I blushed.

"I'm sorry I didn't realize I called you that, but at least that's how I see you, you're also partly my sister and my friend, to be honest it's always been something complex what I feel for you, but one thing I'm sure of is that I don't want to have to argue with you, it really hurts a lot".

"They say that fights help the relationship between people? If they get over it of course, I don't know what to tell you anymore... I love you Hikaru, just promise that you won't make too many demands with your work".

"That I can promise Emi, although, it's still a while away, Asuna didn't give me an exact date, but first we are going to focus on Kaede's order and then on the business, but Mr. Marias already bought the place, so I don't think it will take us more than a month to start, maybe a little more or less, but you understand, right?"

Emi gave me a little kiss where it hit me.

"Again, I'm sorry, this won't happen again, I let my frustration out on you, that's not something I should do, it's just that when you mentioned Gonzalo I lost my temper? It's hard for me to admit it, but he was a special person for me, not romantically, but as a kind of mentor I think, I still don't really understand... And mentioning our bitch of a mother didn't help much either".

"So I'm sorry about that Emi".

"Thanks, we'll be right there, go get Akari and we'll go eat to celebrate Kobe barbecue".

"You don't have to tell me that twice".

I gave Emi a kiss on the cheek and went out to look for Akari, as soon as I opened the door I saw her trying to run away, I closed the door so Emi wouldn't notice, but Aki had a face like you caught her doing something evil.

"You were spying on us?"

"No good, since you screamed, I got worried and heard the rest from there...."

Aki came up to me, touched me to see the bleeding I had.

"It must have been hard for you to fight, I... I wish I could really touch you so I could heal you".

"I'm not comfortable with that, besides, if you heard everything, you could tell that things have already been solved".

"Yes, that makes me happy at least, but I'm mad at the idiot for how she left you, she's going to hear me".

"It's not necessary".

I heard a footstep and instinctively took out my mobile phone and put it to my ear.

"Who are you talking to, brat?" Said Sou, who was still dressed in his work suit.

"I was talking to my girlfriend on the phone".

Sou walked straight to Aki, for a second it looked as if they had made eye contact, but he kept going, took a step to the side and went towards the stairs.

"You shouldn't talk in the hallways, it's rude Hikaru". - Sou said before going downstairs.

I didn't answer him anything.

I approached Aki to go to my room to change my clothes and go out with Emi, but before I got to my room I realized something....

"Aki avoided you, didn't he, he took a step to the side so he wouldn't 'bump' into you...."

"I didn't want to say anything, but I was thinking about it Hika".

We were both very thoughtful about it, maybe even paranoid.