Author's Note

Hey Peeps!

Before you click to the next page, I just wanted to warn you! This is not your average science fiction story. It won't have just one main character going through tribulations and challenges. For example; a girl or guy that is down on their luck and now they are going through challenges to become better as a person. Think of this story plot as a tree. Each branch represents a character with a story line that contributes to the main plot. Each chapter POV will be important to the story. As an avid reader, I loved it when I connected the dots on certain things when reading a book. I want my readers to connect the dots while reading my book. I think a story line with just one protagonist and antagonist is old fashioned. We need to know why and how the antagonist became that way. How do you define being good or bad? Their personality? Through their decisions? I will let you ponder that question. Please give my story a chance. This is something entirely new! I am slowly building a world and I would love it if you would ride this roller coaster with me! Now, if you are willing to read something new, then please proceed to the next page!