Testing the Limits

The morning sun peeked through the curtains of Yaro's bedroom, casting a warm glow over his small, tidy room. Yaro Nakamura, now a child of five once more, sat up in bed, rubbing his eyes. The events of the previous day felt like a dream, but the vivid memory of meeting God and being granted incredible abilities reminded him that this was his new reality.

He could hardly contain his excitement. Today, he would test his abilities and explore the extent of the powers bestowed upon him.

After breakfast, Yaro went outside to the backyard, making sure his mother, Ayumi, was occupied in the kitchen. He wanted privacy to test his abilities without raising suspicion.

Standing next to a pile of old trash, Yaro focused on his first ability: instant destruction. He extended his small hand towards the trash and thought about erasing it from existence. The pile of garbage shimmered briefly before vanishing into thin air.

"Wow," Yaro whispered to himself, a smile spreading across his face. "This is incredible."

Next, he decided to try creating something from nothing. He concentrated on the image of a new set of clothes, envisioning a stylish outfit that a child his age might wear. With a slight wave of his hand, the air shimmered, and a perfectly tailored outfit materialized in front of him. He reached out to touch the fabric, marveling at how real it felt.

"Time to see what else I can do," he thought.

He picked a ripe tomato from the small garden patch his mother tended. Holding it in his hand, he activated his inventory ability, causing the tomato to disappear into an invisible storage space. He accessed the inventory, seeing the tomato perfectly preserved inside. With a thought, he multiplied the tomato, filling his inventory with dozens of identical, fresh tomatoes.

"Okay, now let's try modifying," Yaro mused.

He selected one of the tomatoes in his inventory and imagined it sliced into perfect wedges. Instantly, the tomato transformed, and neatly cut slices appeared. He tried other variations: diced tomatoes, pureed tomatoes, even a cooked tomato sauce. Each modification was flawless.

Feeling confident, Yaro decided to test his teleportation ability. He closed his eyes and imagined the beach, a place he had visited with his parents in his past life. When he opened his eyes, he found himself standing on the warm sands, the sound of waves crashing in the distance. The sudden change in scenery took his breath away.

"Unbelievable," he muttered, grinning. After a few minutes of enjoying the beach, he teleported back home, appearing in his backyard once more.

Yaro's next experiment was perhaps the most ambitious. He focused on creating avatars, beings who could assist him in his endeavors. He envisioned an adult man, strong and capable, who could help him run errands and start his business. The air shimmered, and a tall man appeared, looking around with a calm, neutral expression.

"Hello," Yaro greeted the avatar. "Your name is Ken, and you'll help me with my plans. Let's test your abilities."

Ken nodded, awaiting instructions. Yaro summoned a female avatar next, deciding to name her Emi. She appeared just as seamlessly, her presence radiating a quiet confidence.

"Emi, you'll assist Ken. Both of you have the same inventory abilities as I do, and it's all linked to mine," Yaro explained.

He spent the rest of the morning programming the avatars, deciding their behaviors and capabilities. They could think independently but were loyal and dedicated to following his commands. He summoned and unsummoned them several times to ensure the process was smooth and efficient.

Satisfied with his progress, Yaro formulated a plan. He would create ten thousand avatars and send them across the country to start businesses, selling fresh produce and various goods using his inventory abilities. This would generate the wealth and resources he needed for his future plans.

Yaro's first step was to test his abilities in the real world. He needed to go to the grocery store to see how his powers could be utilized discreetly. He asked his mother for some money and headed out.

At the grocery store, Yaro observed the bustling activity around him. He approached the vegetable section, picking up a few items and subtly using his inventory ability to multiply them. He did the same with other goods, ensuring he had a diverse stockpile. No one noticed as he moved through the aisles, seemingly an ordinary child doing ordinary shopping.

On his way home, Yaro pondered his next steps. The avatars were ready, and he had a clear vision for his business. He decided to test a small-scale operation first. Back home, he summoned Ken and Emi.

"Ken, I need you to set up a small market stall in the town square," Yaro instructed. "Sell fresh vegetables and seasonings. Emi, help him with whatever he needs."

Ken and Emi nodded, ready to execute the plan. Yaro watched them leave, feeling a surge of excitement. This was just the beginning.

In the days that followed, Yaro's market stall became an instant success. Ken and Emi, with their charming personalities and efficient operations, attracted a steady stream of customers. The quality of the products was unmatched, and word spread quickly. Yaro monitored the progress through his inventory, satisfied with the growing profits.

At kindergarten, Yaro maintained a low profile. He interacted with his friends, including Aiko, Sakura, Rina, Emi, Yumi, Mika, Hana, and Mei, pretending to be an ordinary child. However, he couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation. Each of them would play a crucial role in his future plans, and he looked forward to revealing his abilities to them when the time was right.

One afternoon, during recess, Yaro sat with Aiko under a large oak tree. She was excitedly talking about a new recipe she wanted to try.

"Yaro, you have to come over this weekend! I'm going to make the best chocolate cake ever," Aiko said, her eyes sparkling with enthusiasm.

Yaro smiled, enjoying the moment. "I'd love to, Aiko. I'm sure it'll be amazing."

As he listened to her, Yaro felt a renewed sense of determination. He had been given a second chance, and he would not waste it. With his abilities and the support of his friends, he was ready to conquer every challenge and seize every opportunity. The future was his to shape, and he intended to live it to the fullest.

With his avatars steadily expanding his business across the country, Yaro felt a sense of satisfaction. His wealth grew, and so did his influence. Yet, he knew this was just the beginning. He had grander ambitions, and his powers were the key to achieving them.

As the sun set, Yaro stood in his backyard, gazing at the horizon. His journey had just begun, and with each passing day, he grew more confident in his abilities and his vision for the future. The world was his to conquer, and nothing would stand in his way.

Tomorrow, he would start planning the next phase of his strategy. But for now, he was content to enjoy the simple pleasures of his second chance at life.