Shadows of Retribution

Yaro Nakamura lay awake in the stillness of the night, his mind a whirlwind of thoughts. Beside him, his nine wives slept peacefully, their faces serene in the soft moonlight that filtered through the curtains. Yaro's towering frame, all 2.3 meters of muscle and might, barely fit the bed they shared. He gently brushed a strand of hair from Aiko's face, a tender smile playing on his lips. He thought back to the day's events at Aiko's family restaurant and the audacity of the Fujimoto family.

Yaro's other wives stirred slightly in their sleep, but he was careful not to wake them. He leaned over and kissed Aiko's forehead, his heart aching to see the worry etched on her face even in sleep.

"Yaro?" Aiko murmured sleepily, sensing his wakefulness.

"Shh, it's alright," Yaro whispered, careful not to wake the others. "I didn't mean to wake you."

Aiko blinked her eyes open, looking up at him. "Is everything okay? You seem troubled."

Yaro's heart ached seeing the concern in her eyes. "I'm just thinking about today. How are you feeling about what happened at the restaurant?"

Aiko sighed, sitting up slightly and causing a ripple of movement in the bed as the other wives shifted but didn't wake. "I'm worried, Yaro. The Fujimotos have always been trouble, but this was different. They were so brazen, so fearless. I'm scared for our family and our businesses."

Yaro took her hand in his, his grip reassuring. "I won't let them hurt you or any of us, Aiko. They crossed a line, and they need to know there are consequences."

Aiko looked into Yaro's eyes, seeing the determination burning there. "What are you planning to do?"

He hesitated for a moment, then decided she deserved to know he had a plan, but not the specifics. "I'm going to make sure we're safe, Aiko. Trust me, everything will be alright."

Aiko squeezed his hand. "I trust you, Yaro. Just... be careful. I don't want you getting hurt."

Yaro leaned in and kissed her forehead. "I promise, Aiko. Get some rest."

As Aiko drifted back to sleep, Yaro quietly slipped out of bed, making sure not to disturb the others. He moved silently through the house, his mind focused on what needed to be done. Once outside, he teleported to an empty location far from prying eyes. The desolate landscape was perfect for his plan. With a thought, he summoned 100 avatars, each identical to him in appearance and abilities.

Yaro faced his avatars, their expressions mirroring his own resolve. "We have a mission tonight," he began. "The Fujimoto family has eight restaurant branches. I want each one of those branches to be sent a message. We're going to make them regret ever messing with Aiko and our family. Here's the plan."

He handed each avatar a detailed dossier, compiled with information about the Fujimoto restaurants, their layouts, security measures, and the best times to strike. "Study these. I want no mercy. Make them pay dearly for what they did. Use the name ORAY—Oppressive Regime of Anarchist Youth. We need to create fear, but also credibility. Make sure the public believes ORAY is behind this."

Yaro's orders were precise and clear:

1. **Reconnaissance**: Each avatar would scout the assigned restaurant, noting security personnel, cameras, and potential escape routes.

2. **Diversion**: Create a diversion outside the restaurants to draw attention away from the interiors.

3. **Disruption**: Enter the restaurants and cause chaos—disable security systems, destroy property, and ensure patrons and staff are terrified. Make sure the staff is harmed just enough to send a clear message.

4. **Messages**: Leave behind symbolic messages and items linked to ORAY to solidify the group's presence.

5. **Extraction**: Ensure all avatars teleport out safely once the mission is complete, but leave behind enough damage to cripple the Fujimoto businesses.

"Remember," Yaro continued, "the goal is to send a message of fear and dominance. Make sure the Fujimotos understand the consequences of crossing us."

The avatars nodded in unison, their determination palpable. Yaro watched as they teleported to their respective targets, then returned to his bedroom, slipping back into bed beside his wives. He wrapped his arms around Aiko, drawing comfort from her presence as he drifted into a light sleep, ever alert.

The next morning, the city was abuzz with news of the overnight attacks. Headlines blared: "Terror Group ORAY Strikes Again," "Chaos at Fujimoto Restaurants," "Fear Grips the City as ORAY Escalates." The media frenzy was exactly what Yaro had anticipated.

In a high-security meeting room, six top officials gathered to discuss the latest developments. Chief Commissioner Hideo Takahashi addressed the group, his face etched with concern. "We have a serious situation on our hands. ORAY has struck eight Fujimoto restaurants simultaneously. The scale and coordination of these attacks are unprecedented."

Lieutenant Sato leaned forward, his expression grim. "We've dealt with ORAY before, but never like this. The reports indicate significant property damage and injuries. The group left their mark, and the public is terrified."

Captain Watanabe nodded. "Our officers are struggling. We've had several casualties, and those who survived are traumatized. Some have even resigned, unable to cope with the aftermath. We need to reassess our strategy."

General Nakamura, a veteran officer with years of experience, spoke up. "What baffles me is how easily Yaro Nakamura handled ORAY previously. He took down five members single-handedly. Yet now, our best officers are being defeated, some even killed. It's like ORAY has become a different beast altogether."

Deputy Chief Suzuki added, "We need to consider the possibility that ORAY has gained new leadership or resources. Their tactics are more sophisticated, and their reach is broader than before. We must adapt if we're going to protect our city."

Commissioner Takahashi sighed, looking around the room at his beleaguered colleagues. "We can't let fear dictate our actions. We need to find out who's behind ORAY and put an end to their reign of terror. We'll increase our surveillance, enhance our training, and bolster our forces. We owe it to the citizens of our city."

As the meeting continued, Yaro watched the news from his home, a grim satisfaction settling over him. The plan had worked perfectly. ORAY was now a name feared by many, and the Fujimoto family had received the message loud and clear. Yaro knew this was just the beginning. He would protect his family at any cost, and anyone who dared to threaten them would face the full force of his wrath.

Aiko approached him, concern etched on her face. "Yaro, are you okay? You seem distant."

He turned to her, his expression softening. "I'm fine, Aiko. Just thinking about everything. How are you holding up?"

She sat beside him, taking his hand. "It's been overwhelming, but knowing you're here, knowing you're protecting us, it helps. Thank you, Yaro."

He pulled her into a hug, holding her close. "I'll always protect you, Aiko. No matter what."

As they sat together, the bond between them stronger than ever, Yaro knew he had done the right thing. The path ahead would be challenging, but with Aiko and his family by his side, he was ready to face whatever came their way.