Turning another leaf in her book, Hope skimmed through the lines of ingredients she would need. It was a new recipe she'd been curious to try for a while, and now that she had unlimited time, she saw no better moment than now.
Draco would be home soon, and she wondered if he might like the new concoction. It was strange to think she'd been hiding for three months now. Coming out to the Wizarding World as a powerful Tribrid wasn't taken too kindly and earned her a one-way ticket to Askaban.
Well, if they could catch her.
A new rise of another Dark Lord, they'd shouted, which was utter bullshit. If she wanted to take over the world, she'd have done it ages ago. It wasn't what she wanted. She just wanted to…belong.
Draco had been there that day, standing in the crowd amongst the lot of them, but while the others were getting their torches and pitchforks ready, he had found her in her mad dash to leave the city and away from the Aurors hot on her tail.
"This way!" He had called to her from a side door, and with not much other choice, she'd followed him.
Now, here they were, in the middle of London, living in a flat bound by secrecy. Well, she was in secret as she rarely left the place, but Draco traveled to the Ministry every day. His work required it as he, too, was an Auror.
Hope had asked him late one night a few weeks ago.
"Why not turn me in?" She'd asked, sipping her tea as rain fell outside and the fire crackled.
Draco had smiled crookedly and shrugged, stroking his thumb across her knee. "Because I've made mistakes in the past, but helping you isn't one of them," he'd glanced up at her, "I see a light in you I refuse to snuff out. You shouldn't be hated for simply existing."
"I agree," she'd murmured, "but you being sent to rot in Askaban by helping me isn't what I'd call a wise decision."
Draco had leaned forward and ran his thumb along the crest of her cheek, frowning as he gazed into her eyes. They'd been living together for a couple of months, and the tension had always been there, but they gave in to it that night.
"Wise or not, I'd die to keep you safe."
When their lips had met, everything Hope held sacred shifted. Suddenly, he was everything she could ever ask for, and she, too, would die should anything happen to him.
They'd shared their first kiss that night and made love in the firelight.
Hope smiled as she took the flour from the cupboard and measured out a decent scoop to lay out on the counter. This pasta recipe called for lavender; she hoped it would taste as good as it smelled.
"Cooking?" Draco asked as he entered the flat, hanging his coat by the door.
Hope grinned, looking over her shoulder. Butterflies battered about in her stomach as he approached and pressed a soft kiss to her lips.
"Yes," she smiled, "how was work?"
"Well, it would have been better if I hadn't thought of you all day, distracting me." Draco chuckled and rested his hands on her hips. "Would you like any help?"
"Sure," Hope offered him a rolling pin, "you flatten out the dough and I'll crush the lavender."
She took a mortar and pestle, turning the little purple flowers into chunky dust. Draco had taken well to the life she lived, as her magic wasn't the same as his. She couldn't flourish a wand and make everything cook itself, and she didn't grow up in a mansion where others did things for her.
Not that she hadn't grown in elegance, she had, but it was a different way of life she'd lead. She was taught tasks he hadn't been, and every time he slowed down to do something with her, her heart squeezed tighter.
A happiness she couldn't explain.
However, he hadn't given up the entirety of the life he'd once lived. Where House Elves performed their tasks around every corner. The flat itself was an echoed shadow of his home life, and Hope adored it.
It was like walking into the garden of a scholar- dark in color with Victorian-themed paintings that moved and lush greenery speckled here and there as if bringing the place to life. If she could describe it, it would be to lick a piece of dark chocolate followed by a sip of espresso.
Decadent and delicious.
"We can watch one of those films tonight if you'd like." Draco offered as Hope dashed the lavender bits into the dough for him to knead and roll out.
Hope grinned and nodded. "Okay, go shower, and I'll finish this up so we can watch the one I was talking about earlier. The new Batman movie."
Draco snorted, and Hope glanced over, brow raised.
"Explain that noise."
His eyes flitted to hers, and he shrugged. "A man running around like a bat seems a bit farfetched, don't you think."
Hope blinked, staring at him. "You have a magic wand and think an orphaned vigilante is farfetched?" She dusted the flour off her hands and moved forward, reaching into his pocket and removing his wand. "I'm going to pretend you didn't diss Bruce Wayne. Now, go take a shower before this ends up in your ass."
Smirking, Draco snatched the wand from her and tapped her nose with the tip. "That is awfully bold talk for someone who can't wield one."
"I don't need a wand to kick your ass, Malfoy."
Draco grinned and leaned forward, pressing a soft kiss against her lips.
"I do love you, Hope Mikaelson."
Smiling against his mouth, she rested her hands on his waist. "I love you, too."
Hope took a long moment to convince herself to pull away from him and continue making dinner rather than slam him to the floor and ride the attitude out of him, but finally, he parted and retreated down the hall.
Then, as she started to roll the pasta into clumpy shapes, she slowly glanced over to see Draco's wand sitting on the edge of the counter. Biting her lip, she glanced toward the lip of the hallway and listened to the shower running.
She took only a moment to take his wand in her hands and find a suitable hiding place. She tucked it away, a sly smirk on her lips, before skipping back to the boiling water in the kitchen to strain the pasta.
A soft hum on her lips.
Hope listened to the sounds of Draco emerging from the shower, and the immediate image of him in a towel nearly made her drop the pasta. She bit her lip, trying to ignore the sudden heated ache between her legs.
"Have you seen my wand?" He asked as she plated the pasta with a side of greens and set them on the little table by the kitchen window.
"Dinner's ready," Hope said, biting back a smirk.
"I thought I left it right here," Draco said from across the kitchen, hand on the counter, and then she felt his eyes on the back of her neck.
He let out a soft sigh and walked toward her. "Hope?"
"Yes?" She hummed, fixing the flower arrangement in the center of the table.
"Did you take my wand?"
Without looking at him, she sat in her seat and crossed her legs. "Sorry, I'm on my vigilante shit today." She said, reaching forward, she took her fork in her hand.
Hands took hold of the seat of her chair and whipped her around, forcing her to face him. Draco smirked, a glimmering glint in his eyes.
His tongue clicked as he raised a brow, and she was disappointed to see he was already dressed.
"Where is my wand?"
"The bat cave."
Biting his lip, he sat back on his heels. "You do realize I could just force the information from you?"
Hope smiled and leaned her elbow against the table, watching him with a growing grin. "How confident are you in that?"
His eyes flashed, and a thrill of excitement trilled up her spine, making her skin tingle.
"I've studied methods of torture, Hope. I'm quite confident I can find my wand, but I don't think you understand what will happen if you don't tell me. I'll give you one last chance, then you forfeit all rights, and I'll get the information my way."
Smiling, Hope took her fork and stabbed a piece of twisted pasta. She took it between her teeth and slid it off.
"The lavender is a nice touch."
Eyes narrowing, Draco suddenly wrapped his arms around her waist and hoisted her over his shoulder.
Hope let out a squeal of laughter, but she didn't fight him, not even as he waltzed into their bedroom and tossed her on the bed. However, her giggles stopped when she saw what he now held in his hands.
"Are you going to tell me?" He asked, brow raised.
"Nope…" she bit her lip, watching him approach her with the enchanted chains strong enough to keep a troll at bay.
Quickly, she lunged forward to escape, but his strong arms had already wrapped around her waist and fastened her wrists to the iron of the headboard. Iron that he had also enchanted.
A lesson he'd learned the last time they'd expanded their sexual horizons. Draco knew his way around a mattress, it turned out, and Hope took every chance she could to push the boundaries just to get a taste of that raw pleasure he could force from her.
Giggling, she watched him do the same to her ankles. Now, she laid spread eagle on the bed, her stomach rolled, and the pulse in her ears thundered. Being restrained, while fun, also could send a moment of panic through her.
"Remember our word?" Draco asked, his gaze serious as his fingers pressed lightly against her vulnerable belly.
Biting her lip, Hope looked up at him and nodded as her eyes shifted yellow.
With a smile, he trailed his fingers up and across her chest. Though, her clothing fought back some of the stimulation.
"Ready to tell me where my wand is?"
Hope slowly shook her head. "No, but I think it's important to note I wouldn't have taken it if you hadn't talked shit about Batman."
Chuckling, he shook his head and walked to the end of the bed, trailing his fingers along the length of her body as he did.
"Well, unfortunately for you, your actions have led to torture."
Hope watched as Draco slowly untied the laces of her shoe and carefully let them drop to the floor, followed by her socks.
It was too late; his fingers began slowly trailing up and down the soles of her feet, and Hope instinctively clenched every muscle in her body before letting out laughter she hadn't known existed inside her.
"You can tell me where my wand is at any point, Hope," Draco smirked up at her, continuing to tickle her feet as she fought against the restraints, "the moment you tell me, I'll stop."
Hope was the Tribrid. She'd been beaten and bruised, had her entire body demolished by enemies, but she wasn't so sure this was something she could handle. Gritting her teeth, she tried to hold back her squirms and laughter. To become indifferent to the sensation, but he gradually moved from her feet to her legs and continued up until he was sitting on her hips, using those sinful fingers against her ribs.
What were mere minutes felt like ages before he stroked his palm between her legs and cupped her sex with a hard grip.
Gasping, she looked down at his hand, biting her lip as he rubbed the fabric of her leggings against her soaked cunt.
"Fuck," she muttered, and the moment she did, she knew she'd made a mistake. She could practically smell his malicious intent from how he grinned and got off the bed.
Draco opened the side table and pulled out a pair of scissors. With a raised brow, he snipped the air.
"Ready to tell me?"
Hope giggled, though she was sure it was still from how her skin tingled from his touch. She slowly shook her head.
With a sly smirk, he placed the blade edge under her shirt and began cutting the fabric away. He wasn't sentimental as he sliced across every seam until nothing was left.
Hope watched him drop her shredded panties to the floor.
"Those were period panties anyway." She snarked, only for him to reach forward, grip her breast, and twist the raised tip of her nipple.
With a gasp, she bit her lip. He skimmed around the pink-pebbled surface.
"You're not in the position to have an attitude."
"Bite me." She retorted.
Draco smirked, glancing over at her. "If you insist…" He then lowered his head and skimmed his lips along the swell of her breast before grating his teeth against the sensitive skin and biting down.
Hope watched with a slack jaw as he trailed to another spot and sank his teeth in. Her sex clenched, and it took everything in her not to cry out, but she couldn't hold it back as his teeth took hold of her nipple. His tongue swirled over it lavishly, sending her head back against the pillow in a moaning cry.
"Tell me." He purred against her skin.
Draco pressed his lips against her ear and chuckled deeply. "Have it your way…" He stood and crossed the room again, slid one of his belts off the wall, and returned.
Biting down on her lip hard enough to bleed, Hope shuddered as he trailed the leather across her sensitive skin.
Hope gasped, watching a red welt rise across her chest.
Like ribbons, red marks rose and slowly fell as she healed, and just when she thought he might be finished with the belt, his hands slipped under her back and rolled her over.
The soft curve of her ass was on display for him now.
Draco brought the belt down on the back of her thighs, and she jolted, clenching her fists as she whimpered.
He landed a total of seven swats to her ass and thighs before he was at the end of the bed again and brought his belt down on the soles of her feet.
Hope cried out, writhing against the bedding before bursting into another fit of laughter as his fingers glided across her feet again.
"You will tell me," Draco chuckled, "it might just take some time."
"Fuck you!" Hope laughed, pressing her face against the pillow.
The sudden release of her ankles made her race her head to look over her shoulder, finding he was turning her over.
She looked up at him in surprise as he fastened her ankles to the iron again, this time conjoined with her wrists. Leaving her pussy open to him. She was pink and ready, weeping with arousal that he immediately swirled with his fingers.
Hope whined, watching him gather her slick arousal before shoving three fingers inside of her. Harshly finger fucking her with hooked fingers.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck!" Hope gasped, helplessly watching him thrust in and out of her so fast he slung her arousal in drips across the bed.
Just as she was starting to go cross-eyed, his belt came down on her quivering pussy. She wasn't sure what sound came out of her then, but it didn't sound human.
"Where is my wand, Hope?" Draco asked, his voice far too calm for what he was doing to her.
Breathless, Hope grinned up at him. "Oh, I sold it to the Joker. We had a good laugh about it."
Smirking, he shook his head and scissored his fingers through her soaked folds before bringing the sting of the belt back down.
"You are going to regret saying that," he smirked, rolling the sleeves to his white button down past his forearms, "I advise you to brace yourself."
Opening the drawer again, Draco removed the massive vibrator Hope had purchased as a gag gift when she'd tried to explain what Amazon was.
Oh shit, she thought, staring at it with wide eyes, but then confusion struck her as he took a roll of duct tape.
Why did she have that in there again?
The question disappeared from her thoughts as she watched him unzip his black trousers and let them drop to his ankles. Furrowing her brows, she watched him release his cock from his boxers.
Hope instinctively licked her lips, desperately hoping part of his torture would allow her to taste him, but she watched in confusion as he picked up her sock from the floor and slid it on his length.
She had many questions but uttered none of them as she watched him grip his cock and pump himself hard and fast. His jaw was feathered, and a bead of sweat formed on his forehead as he worked himself in the sock.
Draco had already been so on edge that he came swiftly without much effort.
"What are you…" but she was met by a wicked smirk as he removed the sock and leaned close. "Tap the bar three times when you're ready to tell me."
Hope narrowed her eyes but slowly nodded.
What was he up to?
"Open your mouth," he ordered.
Swallowing hard, she obeyed, but his hand took hold of her jaw and eased her to open wider before stuffing his cum filled sock into her mouth. The salt of her own sweat and his ejaculation sent trembles through her already-edged cunt.
Hope moaned and whined as he tore off a piece of duct tape and secured it snuggly across her face to keep everything inside.
"Good girl…" he murmured, stroking his fingers lightly along her jaw.
Hope whimpered and watched helplessly as he tore off more duct tape, fastening the vibrator in place so that its head rested against her swollen clit.
Draco turned it on its lowest setting and walked away. Sitting down in the corner chair, he watched her.
Hope's eyes rolled back, and with all of her might, she tried to move her hips to angle the vibration elsewhere, but no matter what she tried, the chains were simply too much to break.
"Ready to tell me?" Draco asked from his place in the corner, watching her with a wicked glint in his eyes.
Shaking her head, she watched as his thumb pressed the upward arrow on the remote he had. Increasing the vibration.
Torturous pleasure coursed through as her mind entered a blinding haze before she shattered into a million pieces.
Hope screamed around the sock as she came in throbbing waves, throwing her head back as tears stung her eyes because, while the release felt amazing, it was torture beyond what she'd ever experienced.
The vibration didn't stop.
Draco didn't let it stop- in fact, he pressed the up arrow again.
It wasn't until she came two more excruciating times that he finally let the vibration stop and ticked his tongue.
He ventured forward and smiled, stroking the tear stains from her cheeks she hadn't realized had fallen.
"I think we're finally getting somewhere, darling." He purred, gently removing the contraption from her thighs, but didn't touch the tape at her mouth. "I'll be just a moment," he murmured and retreated to the bathroom.
Hope's thighs were shaking, her breathing uneven as he returned holding…oh, hell no, she thought as she stared at the bristled toilet brush in his hand.
"Mind, it is clean," Draco smirked devilishly as he approached the bed, "ready to confess where you hid my wand?"
Hope slowly shook her head with wide eyes, but she wasn't sure if she was saying no to his question or trying to back-peddle from the toilet brush.
"No?" Draco sighed softly and stepped forward, his thumb finding her clit that she wasn't sure existed anymore. The moment he started his slow circles, her eyes rolled back from the deep pleasure it sent through her, proving it hadn't fallen off.
Draco pressed the bristled end of the brush against her entrance and slowly pushed in, locking his eyes on her as his thumb continued slow swirls.
More tears filled her eyes as he stretched her wider and wider, and she took all of it as her chest heaved through the stinging pinch. She whimpered, resting her head back to focus on not falling apart- it hurt in the best way.
The slow start didn't stay slow as Draco began pulling and pushing the brush in and out of her, increasing speed with each passing moment, the looser she became.
Looking down, Hope watched him fuck her with a toilet brush while his thumb teased her clit.
His cum seeped down the back of her throat from gripping the sock too tight between her teeth.
Oh, she was about to lose her shit.
Her toes curled as that swelling ache inside of her expanded to something more, and she had the sudden desperate urge to pee.
Knitting her brows together, she watched helplessly as the bristles inside her left her no room to think. She went cross-eyed then as the dam broke, and she squirted in a spray across the now-soaked comforter.
Hope writhed in against her restraints and sent three firm taps against the iron. Instantly, Draco removed the brush and tossed it at the end of the bed, tearing away the tape from her mouth and removing the sock.
Sucking in the deepest breath she'd ever taken, she panted, her pussy still convulsing through the intense orgasm.
It didn't seem to want to stop.
"You have something to tell me?" Draco asked with a small smirk, stroking her hair as if he hadn't just spent the last hour tormenting her.
"It's under the fridge, dumbass." Hope breathed shakily.
Chuckling, he took her chin between his fingers and pressed a feather-light kiss to her lips. His nimble fingers started undoing her binds, and she could finally let her muscles relax, but just as she was sure she was about to fall asleep, he lifted her in his arms and guided her to the bathroom, where he started a warm bath in the tub.
Complete with bubbles, all while holding her against his chest. Not daring to put her down.
The moment she was laid in the calm scent of soothing lavender, Hope let out a satisfied sigh. Her body had never felt so incredible, despite the torturous path to get there.
Torturously addictive.