New life, new people but some are..... weird?

After a long four-hour cab ride, Eve finally arrived at the university. It was noon when the cab pulled up to the main gate. As she stepped out, a middle-aged man approached her.

"I'm Harvard, the gatekeeper and head guard," he introduced himself. Something about him was both strange and a bit intimidating, but she couldn't quite figure out why. He was tall and strongly built, despite his age.

Realizing she was staring, Eve quickly introduced herself. "I'm Genevieve Evardon. You can call me Eve. I'm a new student here." He nodded and asked for her ID card, which she handed over.

"You can head to the administration office first. I'll have someone take your bags to your dorm," he said. She thanked him, paid the driver, and walked through the gate.

As soon as she entered, she was struck by the beauty of the university. The last time she had been here, she was too nervous about the entrance exam to really notice her surroundings.

Now, she took everything in with awe. Students were everywhere. Some were walking, others laughing and chatting in groups, and even a few arguing, with no one stepping in to stop them. It felt a bit odd.

The fashion sense of some students also caught her attention. Some were dressed in revealing clothes, while others wore ripped jeans and t-shirts, some even had tattoos.

They looked like hooligans, she thought. "Is that really allowed here?" she muttered to herself.

Deciding it was time to find the administration office, Eve realized she didn't know the way. She spotted a group that seemed more approachable. There was a boy and two girls chatting together. And she walked over to them.

"Excuse me. Could you tell me how to get to the administration office? I'm new here," she asked politely.

One of the girls, clearly excited, responded, "So you're new too! I'm Emily Parkinson, a new student as well." Eve introduced herself in return.

Emily was a cute girl with shoulder-length golden blonde hair and grayish-blue eyes, about Eve's age. "That's my brother Alexander, and this is his friend, Fiona Elvis," she introduced the others happily.

"It's nice to meet you, Genevieve. You can call me Alex," said her brother. He was tall with broad shoulders, sharing the same hair and eye color as his sister but with short, wavy hair. He was a handsome young man, probably around 23.

"It's nice to meet you too. You can call me Eve," she replied, glancing at the other girl, Fiona. Fiona, with her reddish-brown curly hair and pale brown eyes, just nodded and smiled before excusing herself to attend classes.

"What department are you in?" Alex asked. "I'm in the Biochemistry department. What about you?" she asked back.

"I'm in Law. Only a year left before I graduate. Emily's in the same department as you," he answered with a smile.

Eve was glad that Emily would be her first friend here. She seemed sweet and genuine. "We've already been to the administration office. You just need to collect your dorm keys," Emily informed her and offered to show her the way. Eve happily agreed.

"Ladies, I've got classes, so I'll see you both later," Alex said. They nodded, and with a warm smile, he added, "It was nice meeting you, Eve. See you soon." He walked off, and Eve couldn't help but think he seemed like a nice guy.

"I'm so glad we met, Eve. I'm picky about making friends, but I already like you. Let's be friends," Emily said with a bright smile, linking her arm with Eve's as they walked.

Emily's bubbly nature made Eve feel comfortable, and it was the first time she felt she had a friend who wasn't judging her.

"You smell so good, so unique," Emily suddenly commented. Eve felt a little awkward and just murmured a thank you.

They reached the administration office, where a woman in her early thirties was typing away at a keyboard. When she noticed them, she looked up with a polite smile.

"How can I help you?" she asked.

"I'm a new student. I was told to come here," Eve replied. The woman asked for her ID card, then handed her an envelope and the key to her dorm. After signing the register and getting her ID back, Eve turned around to find that Emily had disappeared.

Puzzled, Eve decided to step out and look for her. As she was about to turn a corner in the hallway, she bumped into someone. The impact nearly made her fall, but strong arms caught her waist, saving her from hitting the ground.

When she looked up, she was met with a pair of deep azure eyes. The boy looked to be around the same age as Alex. His pitch-black hair was parted to the side, with some strands falling over his eyes. He was wearing a black turtleneck shirt and an overcoat and had a devilishly handsome face.

Her heart raced as she realized how close they were. The boy let go of her waist and stood tall, towering over her. He was even taller than Alex, and from the impact, she could tell he was strong. There was something dark and intimidating about him.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't see you coming. Thank you for catching me," she apologized quickly. But he just stared at her with a cold, distant expression, as if he was trying to figure something out about her. Feeling embarrassed, Eve looked away.

Without saying a word, he nodded and walked past her down the empty corridor. She stood there for a moment, scolding herself for being so clumsy.

"What are you doing here, standing alone?" It was Emily. She looked around and slightly wrinkled her nose as if she was sniffing the air. That was strange, Eve thought, maybe she just had a strong sense of smell.

"I was looking for you. Where did you go?" Eve asked.

"Oh, I just went to take a call," Emily replied, then asked, "Did you have lunch?" But before Eve could answer, her stomach growled, making Emily laugh. Eve blushed, feeling embarrassed.

"Let's go to the canteen. I'm starving," Emily said, and she quickly pulled Eve along with her.