The welcoming ceremony

"You're the most loved.... I love you so much, my precious. But you must promise me that you'll take care of yourself." Said a woman to a little girl, and the girl nodded. She was sobbing and sniffling uncontrollably.

"But I don't want to leave you, mommy." Her little hands holding the hem tightly of her mother's dress. "Now there's no time to waste. You must leave right now. Run!" She said urgently and little girl obeyed and started running as if her life depends on it.

A gasp escaped from Eve's lips as she sat upright on her bed. Her heart thundering inside of her chest. She was crying in sleep about what she just saw. She was having a terrible headache.

Today, she didn't forget the nightmare, though it was a blurry one. Whenever she had nightmares before, she would have forgotten about it after waking up.

Suddenly, her eyes went to the ruby pendent on her neck and saw it glowing. She blinked then cleaned her teary eyes before looking at it again but saw it normal.

"This must be an illusion." She murmured and checked the time. It was 6 in the morning, and she decided to go and freshen up as she had to join the welcoming ceremony.

Far away from the girl's dormitory in the forbidden forest, a girl stood in front of Victor. His face was buried in the crook of her neck, sucking the blood out. When he felt it was enough filling, he stopped.

"Send her back after compelling." He said to Maximilian who was sitting on a tree and he walked away from there. When he reached his dormitory, he met Raphael. "Aren't you going to meet the headmistress?" Raphael asked.

"Now, why do I have to meet her?" He asked Raphael, feeling annoyed. "It's about the boy yesterday and also Lord Valor has awakened," Raphael informed and Victor furrowed his brows.

Lord Valor Osbourne was Victor's grandfather and the lord of Rosen Valley. He was gone for hibernation a long time ago. Even before the university was built.

The recent headmistress was none other than his aunt Minerva Osbourne. Who was strict as hell and also a kind mother figure for Victor. He has always respected her.

Without saying anything, Victor headed in the direction of the office of the headmistress outside the dormitory.

After reaching, he knocked on the door and after getting permission, he entered. There sat a woman behind the desk. She looked as if she was in her late thirties. She had midnight black hair which was tied into a bun and light brown eyes. She was wearing glasses and signing some documents. When he entered, she stopped what she was doing at looked at him.

Victor greeted her and she just nodded. "Let's get straight to the point, Victor. Why did you have a fight with a sophomore year? You've beaten him really serious." She asked without beating around the bush. Victor could say just looking at her that she was not impressed about what he did.

"He was becoming a serious pain by meddling in some of my business. Not only that, he even dared to harass another student in front of me. So I had to put him on his rightful position." He replied with a shrug, and Madam Minerva pinched between her brows. A headache was forming inside her head just by conversing with her nephew.

"Next time, don't take this kind of matters on your hands. Just inform me. I'll handle the rest, otherwise I'll have no other way but to put you in the dungeon for punishment." She warned seriously.

But he just smiled in response and said, "Why would I bother you when I can just handle things on my own? Also, grandfather won't be happy to after finding me in the dungeon. Right aunt dearest? I know you love me the most." He smirked and left the room, leaving his aunt frustrated.

"This brat is up to no good and will be the death of me someday." She murmured frustrated.

Far away from the office of the headmistress in the girl's dormitory on the third floor, Emily stood in front of the mirror of her dorm, getting ready. She wore a white turtle-neck and jeans. Her hair was tied in a ponytail.

She was applying mascara when a knock was heard and she opened her door. It was Eve. She was wearing a long sleeved black classic button front shirt and jeans. Her long hair was parted from the left and braided on the side loosely. A few small strands were let loosely.

"Oh my! You're looking so much cute." Emily said and Eve smiled, murmuring a thanks. "Let me do the last touch up." Saying this, she dragged Eve inside. She applied mascara and a baby pink lipstick. When she was done, she was grinning ear to ear, and Eve turned to look at her reflection. She was a natural beauty, but it heightened after Emily applied the mascara and lipstick on her.

"No one will be able to keep their eyes off of you, and Alex will go crazy after seeing you. I think he has a crush on you. You know he was asking the whole time about you in the dinner last night." Emily said ginning like a crazy and Eve blushed as she didn't find any word for a reply to her crazy friend's comment.

As they were going to attend the welcoming ceremony, they hurried to the canteen. It was already 8 in the morning and an hour left before the ceremony starts. Alex didn't join them for breakfast today, as he had to practice his speech. So the girls had their breakfast then left for the auditorium where the ceremony would be held.