Sneaking into dormitory

After Raphael left Victor turned to her, his expression serious but gentle. "Ready?"

Eve nodded, her eyes reflecting the moonlight. "Ready."

They moved quietly along the pathway, staying close to the walls and ducking behind bushes when necessary. The silence between them was comfortable, filled with an unspoken understanding and trust.

As they neared Eve's dormitory, Victor slowed his pace, his eyes scanning the area for any signs of security. The building stood tall and silent, its entrance illuminated by a single lamppost.

Victor pointed to a side door that was partially obscured by a large flowering shrub. "That door is usually left unlocked for maintenance. We should be able to get in through there."

Eve glanced at the door, her heart pounding in her chest. The thrill of sneaking around, combined with Victor's presence, made the night feel surreal. She nodded, keeping her movements slow and deliberate as they approached the door.