The Tragedy

The Tragedy

The Tragedy had occurred during mankind's slowdown of its territorial expansion into the Void. With this cost effectiveness in mind, smaller governmental bodies like the Principle Confederation & Constitutional Monarchy of the Shared Territories, were able to join into a categoria de alianza, which offered landless member States recognition, without official representation within the Correlated Galactic Entente. Though considered a sovereignty by the C.G.E, this term could only be used when two landless governments chose unification with the explicit intention of moving five eights of the population from shared territory into the prime regions known as terra nullius.

With this mandate approval the P.C.C.M Ih-Den began construction.

A Leviathan class ship with colonization and terraformation expansions. Its 160 year construction was hailed as one of the crowning achievements of multiple generations, for no two governmental bodies had banded together to build a Leviathan class since the days of the Aggressive Expansionism.

On its maiden voyage through the SLT, the Ih-Den made use of a recently mapped lane known as charted waters that sat at the edge of the known substructure, dangerously close to the uncharted areas commonly called the deep. On V-day plus 70, a star located 469 kiloparsecs from the King's Road went supernova. This event created a gale force so immense that it destroyed the SLT layer of ArGNA beacons within a blast radius of 600 kiloparsecs. The Ih-Den was within fifty kiloparsecs of the King's Road when the gale cast it straight into the deep.

A massive rescue operation followed. Most ships under the golden constant were deemed D.S.M ( Destroyed, Sea of Mists) as evidence revealed fragmented debris floating within the substructure. Those precious few ships that managed to survive had by one means or another escaped the gale force.

Of the thousands of ships registered for SLT travel for that day, only fifteen were larger than the golden constant. All were found except for P.C.C.M Ih-Den. It was 57 years before khaosgraphers eventually stumbled across the dilapidated remains of the missing ship.

The horrific events of those last 336 hours would forever change how humanity viewed all SLT related travel and the consequences for any government that attempted to use the SLT as a means to do harm.