Stage 9
And the dogs, let lose for war.
Aerlina walked through the halls of the covert and security apparatus building, from the medical ward to the high security section. Any who encountered her thought twice about engaging her. One unfortunate passerby found himself threatened by a look that could freeze flesh. Lucky for him, she was in a hurry and though her frosty eyes touched upon him for a moment, it wasn't enough to set him like stone.
The idea of her skin being marred because of some draconian impulse had offended her more deeply that she had thought. Which was why she had reconsidered the paradigm of her previous decision and made it a point to reach medical as her first stopping point. The thought of being made an example of set her teeth on edge. She had never hated Carmen Zigfler more than at this moment in her young life.
Exhaling, she narrowed her eyes and set her mind to work. What she was about to do could set the world aflame if she allowed unit code name Creo Flamma to satisfy its most destructive desires.
The most pressing point was the activation of the Infractus. Not only was this an incredible stupidity, but should something go wrong she would wear that failure around her neck like a noose.
Growling to herself as she walked down the secure corridor, she came to the end of the hallway that held a lone elevator. She flashed her proximity sensor card, the elevator doors opened and she walked inside. There were no floor buttons, no labels, nothing to indicate the nature or use of this particular elevator, but she knew the moment the doors closed…
A low humming noise tipped her off that she was being subjected to a full body scan that was, much to her chagrin, invasively thorough.
At the other end of the scan, computers converted that digital information into visual data and that visual data was now being inspected by senior enlisted personnel with strict orders to remove every "virtual article of clothing" in order to assess all possible risks. The system was so advanced that she was essentially being stripped nude in front of a bunch of strangers.
She was glad that she took good care of her body. She wasn't shy about what they were seeing, but the fact they could be ogling her without her express permission just served to fuel her growing anger.
Thankfully, it wasn't long before the elevator started to move. When it stopped again, she was out the doors before they were fully open.
Working furiously to beat back her rising anger, she slowed her walk and started taking in deeper breaths.
The corridor had a surgical feel to it, which rather fit its classification of "ultra-secure." The security in the elevator was nothing more than an induction to the seriousness that these hallways exuded.
What with the frequent random security checks, counter-electronic surveillance sweeps and the sphinx-like armed personnel readily equipped for the next galactic war.
The hardball security guidelines didn't stop there; additional requirements dictated that there was never to be more than four visitors in the hall at all times. She was grateful that she had managed to arrive when the corridor was all but empty or she would have been stuck in the "peepers" elevator for much too long.
The corridor portals had their own automated security along with a paired security team at each side. Aerlina had never had an official need to go down any of those side halls, but considering the horror show she was about to enter she really didn't want to know if there was something more terrible hiding behind those innocuous looking doorways.
When she finally reached the end of the corridor, she was greeted by a vault-like doorway. At its entry point, a senior level ISS officer with a detachment of two heavily-armed and serious looking sentries stood at parade rest, protecting the vault.
Of her many "hobbies", Aerlina's most publicly known was her knowledge of weaponry. She was of legendary status among those in the enlisted ranks. She had an almost encyclopedic recollection at identifying different kinds of ordinance. To her secret delight these guards were sporting the latest THEOPS R&D.
The body armor, code named Scepter, was crafted of a synthetic material known as Zeus Fiber, a meld weaved at a molecular level using nanomachines by fusing the organic compounds found in spider silk, a flexible carbon matrix known as Carbi-Flex, and a molecular enhanced form of titanium steel alloy. The fiber strand had the consistency of cotton, which was then rolled into traditional fabric bolts. Nano-enhanced ceramic trauma plates would ensure that each solider could take the punishment of being hit by an ultrasonic small caliber sabot round…even in rather sensitive areas.
The soldiers' rifles brought an enthusiastic smile to Aerlina's face. Code named Hestia's Curse, the rifles featured the most advanced form of caseless ammunition on the modern battle field. It was a rifle capable of firing two hundred and fifty rounds a minute with minimal recoil. The light-weight and compact design made it perfect for urban combat, but due to its modular nature the rifle could quickly be turned into a grenade launcher, long range sniper rifle, or an over-under ballistic and explosive system. Unique among weaponry, this particular rifle had the ability to accept standard caseless magazines, super-sonic ultra-accuracy caliber programmable magazines (a design system that allowed the input of caliber-sized projectiles), armor-piercing, explosive, high-thermal sub-sonic heat magazines (nasty pieces of work when wall busting enemies behind cover), and high velocity, low-heat, explosive needle magazines (designed for maximum penetration of armored personnel carriers).
There was a dreamy look upon her features when, after the third attempt to get her attention, the senior ISS in charge finally got through. "Lieutenant Major, how can I help you?"
Aerlina blinked and coughed, clearing her throat, "Yes… sorry, Gunnery Major. I have orders by Commander Third Class Zigfler to access vault number 6466."
The senior ISS nodded and keyed up the terminal. After a few moments she glanced up at Aerlina and gave a somber look. "You're cleared. Please authenticate your credentials and you'll be allowed admittance."
Aerlina gave a nod in return and walked up to the vault, stopping short of the door between the two sentries who both offered a salute, which she returned smartly.
The product of hours worth of practice, they returned to their silent vigil.
Aerlina loved the strict, regimented form of the enlisted ranks. Not that the officer corps were any less rigid, but whenever she found herself crossing The Overhang, a bridge that spanned one of the larger enlisted training yards, she would find herself listening to the cadence chanted by one of the many drill instructors on the yard. The reverent chant called back from those yet to be enlisted was almost religious in nature, a hauntingly bellowed bass that wrought a cacophony in reply. The harshly imparted wisdom that was pressed into their youthful charges was something that she now found somewhat endearing. Even though her memories of training were hellish, she was thankful for them now.
"Activate." There was a small electronic beep, followed thereafter by the sound of something spooling up.
A few seconds later a disembodied voice spoke.
"Vault door activation requested. Please identify yourself."
"Verification mode: Alpha-Romeo-Motel, Aerlina Renegard Menocourt; Lieutenant Major assigned to Broken Laurel. Gifted classification: Combat Sensorium Touch Specialty Level 3."
"Verification mode accepted. Welcome Lieutenant Major."
Of the many Gifted abilities, the Combat Sensorium can "see" the unique "aura" of an individual, this allows for a more intimate understanding of that person's psyche. Of the five known iterations, the Touch Specialty is the rarest form.
Those women and men with this ability, are one of the most feared of the Gifted, because with a single touch they can convey horrors beyond the wildest of imaginations. By using their victims own repressed fears, their power only serves to enhance the use of person's emotions against them in the form of pain.
Even fewer know, that Touch Specialty are some of the most sensual of people. Whether this is a natural branching of the power and its inherent rarity or a question of a specific person's own life experiences. There is a commonality that binds those with this specific ability.
Their expressed desire and need to bond with people in a physical way.
She noticed only the slightest of twitches from the sentry on her left. As the door was opening she turned to look at him and smiled, putting a hand on his armored shoulder and murmuring, "It isn't all bad, but since you're so educated, I'll find you afterwards."
She offered the solider a wink, then stepped through the threshold of the vault door.
He wouldn't be disappointed, she would see to that.
She had established a good connection with her chosen partner and the pulse surging through him was one she could sink her teeth into, she enjoyed an aura that could deliver and recharge her all in the same moment of time.
He would be grateful for the level of ecstasy she would in part on him. She would be grateful for the level of physical touch they would share. Even now, she could feel the presence of him, its strong, vibrant blue pulse made her keenly aware of the type of man she had chosen and was much pleased.
Even as the doors came to a close, her smile became a little wider. There was a beautifully colored violet pulse that lingered in the echo chambers of her mind.
The time had come to find Miranda Grey.