The Tribe's Origins

Felicia's mind was still reeling from the previous revelations as King Benjermin led her and the other tribe members into a grand chamber adorned with murals and statues. The atmosphere was heavy with the weight of history, and Felicia felt a mix of awe and curiosity.

"Rochelle," Benjermin called, his voice echoing in the spacious room. "Please enlighten Felicia about our tribe's origins."

A dark-skinned woman with a short afro, wearing a pink and brown gown, stepped forward. Her presence was commanding yet gentle, and Felicia instantly felt a sense of trust towards her.

"Welcome, Felicia," Rochelle said warmly. "Our story begins with the legendary Marie Laveau."

She began chanting a spell in Swahili, her voice melodic and rhythmic. As the words flowed, an ethereal image materialized in the center of the room, depicting a regal woman with a commanding presence.

"Is that Marie Laveau?" Felicia asked, her eyes wide with wonder.

"You've heard of her?" Latoya asked, surprised.

"My orphanage only has two TVs in it. So I usually browse through the library to pass the time. I found a lot of worn-out books about Marie Laveau to keep me entertained. But I thought her having real magic was a myth."

"Those books are wrong, my dear," Rochelle said. "Marie Laveau was more than a medicine woman. She was the first mortal in New Orleans to become a full-fledged voodooist and take the throne of Vodun."

"She was also my grandmother," the king added.

Felicia's eyes widened as she tried to fathom King Benjermin's true age. "But you barely look a day over forty."

The other tribe members giggled at Felicia's response.

"He gets that response a lot," Latoya whispered with a grin.

"I am actually over three hundred years old, my dear," Benjermin said, smiling.

Felicia gasped at his remark as she processed this information. "You'll find that those who become full-fledged voodooists age much more slowly than average humans. Much like my grandmother did when she maintained the throne."

"All voodooists in our region are under the protection of the king as long as they follow the tribe's laws of order," Rochelle explained.

"What laws are those?" Felicia asked.

"There are many laws we must follow as voodooists. But the main three are as follows," Rochelle said. "The first is that no voodooist may practice spells outside of our region without consent from the king. Second, we only serve the lwa that guide us—in this case, Maman Bridgette. The third is that voodooists are never allowed to use voodoo to kill normal humans. The last voodooist to break all three rules was—"

"Our father," Latoya interrupted.

"I knew your father for many years," the king said. "We were both apprentices of Maman Bridgette's husband."

"She has a husband?" Felicia asked.

Rochelle projected a construct of a slender dark-skinned man in a black, purple, and white tuxedo suit with a tall hat and a white skull painted on his face.

"This is Baron Samedi, the chief lwa of the dead," Rochelle said.

"The Baron was our main lwa until he faced Baku for control of the Vodun two hundred years ago," Benjermin said. "The two nearly erased each other from existence, leaving the tribe without a lwa to protect them until Maman Bridgette adopted our order."

"Protect them from what?" Felicia asked.

"There are many forms of magic outside of voodoo," Rochelle said. "Some by savage deities who are threatened by voodoo existing. The lwa we serve protect voodoo itself from being erased."

As Rochelle's words sank in, a sense of urgency filled the room. The atmosphere grew tense as if the walls themselves were listening to their conversation.

Suddenly, the door burst open, and a young man with dark skin, his body covered in scars, rushed into the room.

"Father," he called out, his voice filled with desperation.

"Emmitt," the king rushed to his son. "What happened to you?"

"It's Calvin. I went to visit him and—" Emmitt began, but the king cut him off, his expression turning to anger.

"I told you to stay away from your half-brother," Benjermin said sternly.

"But he's in trouble. I was attacked by dark spirits when I went to see him," Emmitt explained, his voice trembling.

"The king has kids?" Felicia whispered to Latoya. "Did you know that?"

"More than you know," Latoya answered with a vague implication.

"Baku has sent dark spirits into the human world," the king said, his face hardening with resolve. "Everyone, let's go."

The tribe members began conjuring a mystic portal, the air shimmering with energy. Felicia watched in awe and fear, unsure of what to do next.

"Does that include me? I haven't started training," Felicia asked, her voice shaking.

"The best training is on the battlefield, little sis," Latoya said, generating a green and purple sorcerer gown on herself. She reached out her hand to Felicia. "Shall we?"

Felicia hesitated for a moment, then took Latoya's hand. As they stepped through the portal, she felt a surge of energy course through her, filling her with both power and dread.

They emerged in a dark, twisted version of the city, where shadows moved unnaturally, and the air was thick with malevolence. The sight was both terrifying and mesmerizing.

"Stay close," Latoya whispered, her voice steady but urgent. "The dark spirits are everywhere."

The tribe moved as one, their steps silent and coordinated. Felicia could feel the tension in the air, the anticipation of an impending battle.

"Over there," Rochelle pointed to a group of dark figures emerging from the shadows. "We need to act fast."

Benjermin raised his staff, and the air crackled with energy. "Protect the innocent and banish the darkness!"

Felicia watched as the tribe members engaged the dark spirits, their movements fluid and precise. She felt a mix of fear and exhilaration, her heart pounding in her chest.

Latoya turned to her, her eyes fierce. "Remember what I said. Trust your instincts and stay focused."

Felicia nodded, trying to steady her breathing. She could feel the power within her, raw and untamed. She closed her eyes for a moment, centering herself, and then opened them with a newfound determination.

The battle was fierce, with dark spirits swirling around them, their forms shifting and writhing. The tribe fought valiantly, their magic clashing with the malevolent forces.

Felicia felt a presence behind her and turned just in time to see a dark spirit lunging at her. She instinctively raised her hands, and a burst of green and purple energy shot out, striking the spirit and dissipating it into the air.

"Well done, Felicia!" Rochelle called out, her voice filled with pride.

But the victory was short-lived. More dark spirits emerged, their numbers overwhelming. Felicia fought alongside her tribe, her confidence growing with each successful spell.

Yet, despite their efforts, the dark spirits continued to advance. The air was thick with the sounds of battle, the cries of the tribe, and the hiss of the dark spirits.

Just as Felicia began to doubt their chances, a powerful roar echoed through the air. She turned to see a massive figure emerging from the shadows, its form towering and menacing.

"Baku," Benjermin said, his voice filled with both dread and determination. "Everyone, stand your ground!"

Felicia's heart raced as the realization of the danger they faced hit her. She could feel the malevolence emanating from Baku, a force unlike anything she had ever encountered.

"Stay behind me," Latoya said, stepping in front of Felicia, her stance protective.

Felicia's fear threatened to overwhelm her, but she took a deep breath, focusing on the power within her. She knew that this was a test, a trial by fire.

As Baku advanced, the tribe prepared for the fight of their lives. The air crackled with tension, and Felicia felt a surge of determination. She would not let fear control her. She would stand with her tribe and fight for their survival.

With a final roar, Baku lunged forward, and the battle for the fate of the voodooists began.