
Chapter 9 - Nothing is so bad that it can't get worse.

I really believed that I could do it, nothing without looking bad and breaking some school rules so that my fame would spread throughout the four corners of the school, but my grades were still high, so I was called to the principal to find out about my behavior, but they saw something in me so, as punishment, they made me help the art teacher with the school murals (I love art, for me it wasn't a punishment. shhh...), it's not that the teacher liked my artistic gifts on every commemorative date that happened. When I got closer, he took me out of the classroom so that we could visibly develop. My grades dropped, and even my name became the subject of a meeting between teachers. I felt important, but it wasn't for the best. I was a flood of complaints about Luciano, and he took me out of the classroom. He said that I couldn't do my classes because I didn't care about making friends at school. He said that my social skills were bad and he was helping to make things worse. In the end, they took away the only thing that really brought me something good, something that made me happy. But that's life, but I wasn't that mature. I ran to the bathroom and they grabbed me and thought they could bother me. So I separated the girls in the bathroom. The same result, coordinator. The coordinator's words went in one ear and out the other. They meant that I was cooler in that shitty school. Then my behavior got worse. I would skip class in a quarry that was in the schoolyard, where everyone could see me and only the coordinator could see me. yelling from afar for me to come down and of course I didn't and my mother's visits were more frequent until another school year passed or ugh I can't believe it's vacation.

At home my behavior couldn't change because if I spoke a little louder the pot or the glass would fly away, my mother's patience would drain like water in a sieve, and it would thicken and I would continue going to church that day. On that April 30th, my birthday, the girl was allowed to have her first boyfriend instead of saying happy birthday, the greeting was: "Now you can date" ugh, what world was I in, help God but that's how it happened but logically it was common for boys to ask us to be their girlfriends, but that didn't happen at least until I was seventeen, just whispers about who would be my future because I had friends with two boys and we did everything together, I worked as a maid in one of their houses and his mother Carlos was amazing, I loved him like my second mother and everything she could, she taught me, especially what Carlos liked, I think he had an ulterior motive in that lol, but I let it flow, I wasn't worried about Sundays and my mother wasn't going to church anymore, so I went with them so I wouldn't go alone. One Sunday I was there waiting to go another Sunday and I was surprised by Carlos' mother saying let's go in a little while we'll be late and when she went to see Carlos he still hadn't put on his tie so the question simply came Julia, do you know how to give us ties? Of course not, so they asked me to come and teach you, you'll need it when you get married (what...) but he said it patiently twice with me looking and then undid it more because my God I asked myself, now what do you mean to me? But come on, his mother took a picture of me doing this project, it's lost, so he went with one on the third one, imagine, I couldn't undo my first one because we were very late and so it went and I was laughing a lot. When Marcos was very nerdy, he was my companion to what they called seminary, like a study of the word of God that we did once a week. My mother's face lit up every time Marcos came to pick me up, my God, but I didn't have the same intimacy that I had at Carlos' house, but they were my best friends from church, they tried during that period to get me in line, but I was still adapting, always going to conferences.