Chapter 8 - Being Clingy for Reasons

Two weeks after she 'banished' the duplicate of her fiance from her family's estate, Elua rode in her family's carriage toward the Youth Guild with her father. Anper er Yecine seemed to want their next meeting to be on more neutral grounds. The young miss couldn't fault him for that as she certainly did reveal enough about her spiritual ability for the deceiver to be spooked.

'Maybe he thinks I wouldn't dare in a place with so many witnesses. That it is limited in the number of targets. Or that I possibly have to prepare the people somehow well ahead of time. There are lots of suppositions that could be made, so a change of venue is a natural safeguard.'

It was also one of her hopeful expectations. While getting any time with Qat was better than none, their being in *public* would be even better in her opinion!

It certainly was not like every random individual knew of their marriage arrangement. Only some other affluent families and people in their parents' Guilds that might have sent more engagement offers were informed.

While she had considered dropping more direct hints about the matter to the other children that would rarely speak to her, the masses suddenly seeing them together with their 'fairy' being attentive and clingy would drive her 'scenarios' far better.

'Now if only that man holds his word… wait, he never did promise anything, did he?'

She glanced up at the man she was leaning against. Ondua er Goltbred had taken a lot of 'hits' lately… being only *grimaced* at by his lovely daughter the few times she even came out of her room. He knew that becoming a woman was going to be the first of many changes, but did it have to happen so soon!

He feared coming next was her drifting away, never showing affection, even possibly directly telling him off…

'She's not even close to being a teenager, but she'll be a teenager already!'

Elua had noticed the fluctuations in his spirit but couldn't be bothered to care, at the time. Therefore she felt just the smallest amount of regret when her state stabilized and had made a real point of being his little padded jacket the past few days.

Though she had to admit it might just now hurt him more (temporarily) when she starts *only* showing Qat any attention when they get to their destination. It was merely a 'nice bonus'.

'A problem for mother to console. Anyway, I hope I won't have to disable him so that I can rip out the throats of Anper and that double of his 'son' if that's what he dares bring this time. A physical Primalist can sometimes react in weird instinctive ways when their spirit is suppressed by the same realm… and I don't want to force my bloodlust down his spine. Though I suppose I could also just rile him up into attacking the pair for me…'

Unknown to the man - who was enjoying the warm youth hugging onto his side despite the undercurrent of worry about his sweet daughter becoming an adult too quickly - he had already roared obscenities and decapitated his old friend several dozen times… in small illusory battles simulated within a 'fragment' of the spirit of a nearby Seventh Echelon Primalist.

All of that mental 'preparation' went to waste when the mint eyed girl was helped down from the carriage and met the *right* pair of pigeon blue eyes. Ignoring the surrounding foot traffic, she 'sprinted' to embrace her fiance with glimmering 'tears' on the corners of her eyelashes (formed by a little essence application of 'localized separation of humidity' from the air that she was practicing). Part of her even applauded that elder Yecine for giving her such a wonderful stage!

"I miss you more and more after each time we meet~"

The girl's voice was perfectly wistful and 'seemingly' only for Qat's close ears, though it did not stop the closest pedestrians outside with enhanced senses. Physical cultivation did heighten a little bit of everything related to the body. Of course this included her betrothed's father - and Qatrand knew that as well, so she steeled herself and responded with the line she was told to say.

"It is good to see you again, Elua. I'm sorry you weren't feeling well last time I visited."

The brunette backed away from the once again 'dark-haired boy' and smiled gently with eyes half-lidded. While gripping the side of 'his' blazer with thumb and forefinger she shook her arm side to side with 'restrained' enthusiasm as she thought.

'Well, it makes sense. It is an event that at least needs to be addressed to maintain continuity of their lie. But also the timing seems like her 'wielder' is trying to use her against me and I… very much do not like that.'

Her cute motions slowed before Elua's eyes tilted down and her face 'reddened'. Those who had stopped to gawk, at least those who before had seen or interacted with the famous youth 'medical fairy', were astonished. The prospect of the gentle child they'd been seeing making a *blushing* expression - it was new! 

"I… I made a step to becoming an adult that day. It's something mortal women go through and it really hurts~ D-do you know it will keep happening every month!? Mmgh~ I wish I was as strong as you! I read that… that those kinds of things could be dealt with if you were a powerful physical cultivator."

The girl spoke rapidly in between small pauses while her eyes darted into and out of contact with the 'boy'. For Qatrand's part, she hadn't been bothered to be informed just what kind of 'excuse' her father and her body double had been sent away from the Goltbred estate with… so she also grew embarrassed. She'd only been dealing with that kind of thing herself for months, but her three year *younger* arranged partner was already fast on her heels in that regard!

"T-that… uh…"

The young Yecine's emotions roiled, feeling sympathy for what the brunette would go through - and vexed that there was no help in cultivating she could offer that the Goltbreds could not. She was also confused why the elders put so much focus lecturing on the 'unknown' spiritual Aspect which the girl apparently held instead of this detail, but Qatrand wouldn't dare go back and ask them. The youth felt that it would risk revealing that she had known *something* about it for years - and that might break a promise she made.

'If El keeps my secret I must keep hers. Though I only made that vow to myself without ever voicing it…'

"Is… is there anything… that I could-"

The offer to help died in the tall adolescent's throat. Such a ridiculous question! She already knew there wasn't anything that the servants of that household couldn't easily take care of! The spirit of the 'boy' before Elua tightened its chaotic struggle, looking for any words to say. Luckily, the smaller one wasn't intending to let her betrothed suffer. She already had a prepared 'solution' for that offer!

"Oh, uhm… then…"

She released 'his' blazer and gripped at Qat's dominant hand, fiddling her fingers against the youth's index. The onlookers who had been enraptured at their little mascot being so different than usual could hardly stomach it. More than one left with sour expressions - to the scheming brunette's utter hidden delight.

"Aren't you going to join a Guild after your birthday? Could you ask your father if you can attend the same lectures as me… until then? If… if I know that after… my time of the month, I'll get to see you in the next classes… it could give me the willpower to survive!"

One of the adults listening close by wanted to scoff aloud at this audacious actress. The other was more moved. While the *looks* he had gotten that week hurt his heart - and the implication that this boy would make things better when he *couldn't* hurt his parental pride - he would be a bad father if he didn't even see if it would work!

"Anper, can I also ask this of you? I do not want to see her so miserable if the solution could really be so easy."

The Yecine was a little stunned, now wondering if the girl had really acted out that charade so meticulously or… if her spiritual power had already 'infected' the Goltbred patriarch. Either way it was impressive and fearsome!

Meanwhile, Elua's adorably resolute gaze and puffed cheek as she finished speaking had both calmed and unsettled a certain 'fortress'. Qatrand considered that maybe this was exactly why, as the 'son', they hadn't been allowed to interact with 'normal' girls from an early age.

She had *always* been 'guided' strictly in how they must become, without any room for seeking to be anything else… for nine years. The members involved in the deceit that placed Qat's existence at the core had yet to realize their young fulcrum had been figuratively pushed toward the wrong side of the plan's lever so *easily* already.

'Surely girls aren't *all* so cute - but if they were, wouldn't I have also wanted to be like them? Do I…? I… I don't know. I think I like who… I was made to be. Right? Or do I just want to be this way because I want everyone to 'like' me? How do I tell-'

Another hug with a surprising amount of force broke the dark haired youth out of the spiral of thoughts - and stilled her fraying spirit. An 'invisible' cocoon of essence controlled air also suppressed the background noise of the street as Elua buried her head in the other's chest - though now she had to stand on her toes to not bump her forehead on Qat's sternum!

"It's okay, don't think so much. Just do what feels right and I'll be here to support you. Growing up and finding yourself isn't done overnight. But it's okay… I will be on your side, so that you become who you want to be."

The Goltbred, distracted by having to be nearly 'en pointe' for the hug, decided she'd ask a relevant question when they were a little older. She wondered whether her beloved would want her wife to stay on the shorter side or closer match her height. It was not so hard to manipulate those things with her experience in the next few years and really she didn't care too much about her own looks.

Though she refused to be taller, at least. It was one of the many things she'd come to fancy about her husband-wife! She giggled, feeling like a hypocrite. 

"If you *must* consider my opinion about yourself, then I'll tell you a secret. I like muscles! Of all kinds. I just do. So, please do not ever be ashamed of any of those you gain as a sword wielder… even if your ultimate decision about how *you* want to clothe yourself is possibly against that of… your Yecine guidance. You will still look amazing."

The essence control 'ruptured' like she 'lost control' and sent a burst of air fluttering in the surroundings, ruffling both of their hair.

"As you can see, I've been practicing a lot and am already an essence Second Echelon Enchanter! Aren't I doing well?"

Elua lied *shamelessly* about her true tier while pretending that she was only showing off - and not having a quick private pep-talk to help 'polish' the little crack in one of the murkier planes of her gem. It was still unclear what kind of 'color' that facet may become.