Chapter 72 - Her Letter Of Love Reads As Strong As An Ogre's Grip

Qatrand exited the Order premises after a short debrief and handing off of the letter from the senior member at the encampment. Elua had been in her workshop when her spiritual sense launched outward and spun in a search of the city. She did it roughly every five minutes, and she kept count of every use!

When she noticed that her beloved was back, her face had brightened and began a run to intercept. The brunette looked up, into pigeon blue eyes as she came to a stop and started fixing her hair.

"Qat! You're back early. What a coincidence to see you here. How was the mission?"

The swordswoman stared nonplussed, but felt it wasn't worth a grip to the forehead for the obvious lie. After all, she had missed her as well.

"It was... eventful. We encountered some strange sigils. Actually, I wanted to ask you about them."

The heiress's eyes sparkled with 'interest'. It wasn't that it involved sigils… merely that her 'fortress' was talking about her work!