Chapter 75 - 'Sweating' Out Some Defiance Of Tradition

Elua followed a stern-faced Yecine attendant through *formerly* unfamiliar corridors. Each turn revealed another display of the family's historied martial prowess. Battle worn weapons and tapestries depicting combat forms adorned a significant portion of the walls.

Their presence left a constant reminder of the family's heritage. It was quite interesting to see in the light of day! When they approached a set of double doors nearly as ornate as the main entrance, the woman she was following slowed her pace.

"The women of the house await you within."

She gestured towards the entrance while stating flatly. An irreproachable mask of 'demure' anticipation nodded back to the attendant, who took it as a sign to open the way. Elua was greeted by a chorus of soft susurrances suddenly stilling.