Chapter 90 - You Will Never Live (Grav[it]y) Down, Unless You (Crystal) Whip It

The scout skittered back into the crowd in a hurry to flee the premises before she was caught by the Dame Goltbred. Seeing no reason to allow the exchange they had to ruin her evening - it even felt good to get some of her pent up desire to 'fight' people wearing *black*! - Elua glided gracefully back to Qatrand's side.

Their eyes met and a wordless exchange of emotions passed through pokes and prods of spirit. The swordswoman's calloused fingers brushed against her El's hand in a subtle gesture of support… and curiosity. As the entire thing just then devolved into that fight, she'd kept receiving 'assurance' and feeling it targeted at her two in-laws nearby as well.

Yatrel in particular had been clenching her fist with eyes almost as dull as Elua! The blonde had wanted to say something to calm the parent, but her words had failed as her attention became more and more riveted to the 'combat'.