Chapter 135 - I Should Have Just Promised To Carry And Feed You, Instead

Qat pulled her lower face back from the long kiss and rested her forehead against the girl held up in her arms. The close posture reminded her intensely of what their marriage really meant - their love and their goals woven together. She wanted to become adept at advancing each day while maintaining both in step. 

There was a time she didn't quite know what cherishing someone meant, but she felt confident that she was building her own sort of understanding about it. Stitch by stitch… and one tender moment that would lead to more of them. Eventually.

'I think I might be torturing her just a little bit. Maybe I should slow down on paying my debt. Or else she might decide to bite again.'

A phantom prickling sensation struck her neck as she had the thought!

"I believe in your plan, El. Just as I hope you'll believe in mine." 

"W-what is yours, exactly?"