Chapter 225 - Big Scoop! Our Cute & Sweet Medical Fairy's Most Fervent Fan Is... Family?

The brunette teenager turned on her heels and smoothed down her hair. Elua chose not to immediately jump into a chillier persona, but did make herself look a bit more serious with a stance just a little tighter and 'guarded' than before.

"I'm afraid it would be quite inappropriate... depending on the reason. Could you clarify why you would ask me for this?"

"I- well..."

Talva's military bearing wavered as she struggled to form words. Her spirit churned with a mix of admiration and mounting embarrassment from her request.

"Your work is poised to help so many people. The way you improved things here for everyone, not just the cultivators. I've been responsible for following your projects since you started with the Coiled Serpent and..."

She straightened suddenly, as if forcing herself back to proper form.

"I apologize. That all sounds rather obsessive when said aloud."