Chapter 228 - Shouldn't Someone Be More Suspicious Of Me Taking A Nap? In The Middle Of A Pair Of Blades Clashing With & Against Tradition?!

The methodical defense of the warhammer user ultimately proved insurmountable for Aleck's creative but less polished techniques. Though the chain created interesting angles of attack, the Ironclad Order member trapped it repeatedly and intentionally against their weapon's long haft. The 3-1 victory highlighted both the winner's skill and the meteor hammer user's ability to find at least one opening in such a solid guard.

Qat studied their interactions carefully. The way the defender used the war hammer's weight to control space was a very coherent way of manipulating his body and weapon. There were parts that she could practice, but there was not much difference from her own form that would give her any immediate advantages if she fought the chain again.

Which seemed quite likely.