The brunette's 'sweet' facade remained fixed stiffly in place as she approached her mother and sister. She lowered her head before the toddler, offering her hair and hoping the girl would tug on it as usual. It wasn't quite self-flagellation… but she hoped-
Instead of the expected hair-pulling, Onya simply patted her older sister's head with unusual gentleness. The fragment in Qat's chest surged with sudden 'surprise' at the gesture. It turned out the child could sense when comfort was needed rather than play.
"Thank you little 'river bend'. I'm alright now."
"For good measure, then."
With the sight next to her and the monotone she heard, Yatrel joined her youngest and pet her eldest daughter's soft brown hair. Both actions weren't nearly as effective compared to if a certain calloused hand had tried it, but together they still helped the reincarnator.