43. Orphalon Melthyr

Although it was shaped like a man, the being that walked out could only be described as a giant.

He stood towering completely over the crowd of students. The muscles on his body popped and quivered under his clothes as if they threatened to burst out of his shirt at any moment. Each step carried with it an oppressive air that made many trainees feel suffocated.

Its eyes, or more correctly, eye, shined with an intelligent light as it quickly scanned the arena as if assessing something.

And yes, Aiden meant singular eye, and that was because the being in front of him was no regular human; it was a cyclops!

Aiden knew that in the world of gods there were many mystical beings and not all the descendants of the gods would necessarily be 'human,' but it was still the first time he had met such a monstrous being up close.