61. The trouble maker

Aiden saw the message and felt his heart sink.

'First off, I'm not your bro, and secondly… what the actual fuck?!'

Aiden's thoughts were all over the place 

He had been just going about his day when, all of a sudden, he was added to a group chat by a bunch of crazy people who seemed intent on killing him. 

Sure, his exam results were mediocre, but were they so bad that the universe needed to punish him in this way?

Aiden felt like he had to clear up this misunderstanding no matter what. It didn't feel good having some unknown guys threatening to come beat him up at any moment. 


It's impossible for the person you're looking for to be me. I only created this account today. Hell, I didn't even get this computer until I redeemed it with divine credits.


Are you being serious right now?