[1.2] First F-Grade World: Life Reincarnations

"AS I had said, the host actually wasn't eligible to enter the system world since he still lacked the requirements of experiencing twelve lives. Since before the host died, if we include the host's last world, the host only had been to four reincarnation which is one whole cycle. But because the host had reached the required merit points, plus it was the compensation of the higher ups for the host on the reincarnation pool team."

"I already told the host about the mistake in your latest world of reincarnating you in the wrong body which is a female body. If it wasn't for the host's superb skills and qualities, plus your strong soul force, your life in that world would be so hard that the world consciousness would force you to live a life of misery. So after the main system detected your soul force was being wasted in that world, the main system decided to immediately save the host from completely becoming the world's nourishment."

System Lulu used his control in the system space to open a small holographic screen to show the host's last life before he died.

"Because of the original world where the host was born, the host has a very strong soul vitality that no ordinary being can have. According to the information about the host that this system gathered from the information given by the main system, the host's soul is one of the beings that were made together with the first SSS-level world. Since all beings in the vast universe had started as small ranks, that includes the stars and the worlds. And it was the first newborn star that was already ranked triple S, almost ranking as a legendary star. So all the children of the world, which are the main characters of that world, had been ranked SSS. And as an original, the host also belongs to the world's children."

"Each star or world only lasts a thousand years after creation. However the world will add another millennium if the original residents can upgrade the world. Unfortunately, because of the abnormality of the newborn star, it did not last even a decade and entered the recycling of dead stars. While the original residents including the host were brought into the reincarnation pool and start their cycles of reincarnations. And because of the high rank of the host, he reincarnated to different stars with the same class as your original world making you an SSS-rank soul. But because of the aftereffects of the abnormal world that the host originates from, an error happens when you are about to enter a new reincarnation. That's the reason why the host was dragged into the body of Artemis Lee. And since the host's soul force is higher than the world's class which is a D-class star, the world consciousness targeted the host's soul and used the host's soul force to upgrade by making the host its nourishment. So the moment the main system found the host, the host's soul force degraded from SSS-rank to B-rank while the world upgraded from D-class to B-class."

"So that's why!" Artemis exclaimed in his mind while his expression darkened as he heard more of the system's words.

Artemis grew up in an ordinary family. It was still fine when he was young, but as he reached twelve, his mother in that world died. Then his father's real face showed up. His father was a real scum in the face of a gentleman.

He had many mistresses that he used for sexual purposes. His face looked like that of a real gentleman, but his insides were a lascivious devil whose mind was in his crotch instead of his head, that even his daughter, who is Artemis in his wrong body, was almost raped.

If not for Artemis himself, he might have been harassed by his own father. So at such a young age, Artemis lives on her own. He was eighteen when a talent scout found him and helped him. That scout became his manager and acted like his mother and sister.

It was at this time that Artemis started his acting career. But it never went smoothly, as he encountered many hardships before he was able to reach the title of "film empress". He was still living his success when, at the age of twenty-nine, he died after being sleep-deprived for three days from reading books and novels.

Just thinking about that, Artemis felt both proud and ashamed. That despite the world consciousness' effort to make his life miserable just to suck him out of his soul force, he was still able to reach the highest. Then he was ashamed that he had been thinking that he was a real female and that he even had crushes on some male actors, which if he were going to compare with his real figure, did not even reach half.

"Technically, the host wasn't supposed to be under the system since he still lacked experience, but as compensation for the host, after saving the host's soul from that D-class star, the main system decided to let you become part of our system as a star hopper. And this system will clarify this immediately that the main system did not forced the host in joining the main system just to add him as the system's servant but to give the host a chance to relived his life that was wasted in that world. Although world hopping and fixing and helping worlds from upgrading is only the main system's advancement, but I would suggest to the host to look it on the better side. And that is the freedom of living the way you want without any shackles like what happened to the host in that D-class star. That wasn't that bad, right host?"

Artemis did not immediately answer, as he was trying to soak up all the information given to him by the system. After all, it was too much information for him. From how he wakes up in the system domain, thinking that it was all only a dream from reading too many novels with the same theme.

Then there was the fact that he was actually a man and not a woman. As a person who had been thinking that he was a woman, being informed suddenly about the reality of him as a man caused a real breakdown and culture shock within Artemis.

After all, he was used to treating himself and characterizing himself as a woman, doing all the things that only women can do. And now he was informed that it was all a mistake and that he was really "he".

"This system hopes that the system has made it all clear now to the host. If the host still has questions, feel free to directly ask the system."

System Lulu still has some things to say to the host when something happens to their system space. Then a large screen appeared in front of the two, and the scene of Assistant Axia entering the room played like a live broadcast.

Without any question, the system quickly ejected the host from the system space. Since it was only Artemis' soul that could enter the space, when he was forcibly returned inside his vessel, he could still feel some headache, but it was only a mild pain. When Assistant Axia reached the door of his bedroom inside the room prepared for him by the film production, the pain also receded.

"Brother Hayden?" Assistant Axia gently called, followed by a knock on the door.

"Come in," Artemis said, and he immediately entered his role.

Just like what he had seen inside the system space, Assistant Axia entered with a tray full of food, which was undoubtedly prepared by the assistant herself. The food tray has a bowl of meat congee, a cup of water, a medicine, and a bowl of fruit slices.

"Please eat this for now, brother. Sister Nathalie is on her way together with your private doctor to check on you. I was really worried about you, so I quickly informed sister about what happened. That's why she wasn't here now as she fetched Dr. Fredrich on her way back here. I'm really sorry, brother Hayden."

Artemis shook his head in return. "It's fine, Axia. There's no need to ask for forgiveness. You are just doing your job. And it was also your good intention, so it's fine."

Hearing that, the assistant, namely Axia, felt relief that she could finally smile. "By the way, brother Hayden, the director said that you don't need to rush your rest since your health is more important. Plus, he was also busy filming the special guest of the film for the special scene, so he asked me to inform you about giving you three days rest if it was really needed."

Artemis raised his brows, but it was so brief that the assistant, who had been staring at her boss, did not notice it.

"Okay. Thank the director for me. I will just let you inform them if ever I feel better. And tell the director that there's no need to give me that long break. I don't want other junior and senior artists to think that the director has preferential treatment."

After assistant Axia agreed and was reassured that Artemis was really fine, she finally left and did as she was told. On the other hand, Artemis waited for a few minutes before he stood up and locked his door.

Looking at the food prepared for him by the kind assistant, Artemis hesitated about whether he would continue his discussion with the system or eat first. Especially after smelling the tasty scent of the food that was teasing his foodie self.

In the end, since both weights are important currently, Artemis could only sit in front of the food while urging the system to continue his explanation.

"But host, I already told you how we must talk about this privately inside the system space. With the host's current rank, you can't bring aborigines of the outside world inside the system space, and that includes things such as food."

The spoon that was about to feed inside his mouth hung in the air as Artemis raised his brow towards the system's position. "I wasn't about to question you about this, but I noticed how the system had been wanting to talk about this matter privately like there could be some people who can hear and understand us."

"Because there might be other star hoppers entering this F-class star as outsiders that might be stronger than the host himself."

"Isn't this an F-class star? So this shouldn't be that hard to complete, like what you are insinuating. And if you are speaking the truth, shouldn't those outsiders be the same as me? A beginner?" Artemis asked.

"Then let this system explain it to the host for clarification. Although this world is really an F-class star, this was still different from those F-class stars that the host had been reading from different novels. Since the reality about these worlds is that an F-class star is not ranked as F because it was the easiest star to complete, but because it is a beginner's star, all the originals of this class star are all data created by the main system for the beginner's insurance of earning experience, and completing a world without destroying a star."

"And? What's so dangerous that you are being this wary?" the confused Artemis asked.

System Lulu sighed. "F-class stars aren't only called beginner's star but was mostly called by all leisure stars. Because of these data-generated worlds, many star hoppers treated these worlds as vacation stars since there is no world consciousness to put restrictions and coercion on them. Unlike those regular higher-class stars who would give certain merit points for every mission, if these star hoppers forcefully enter an F-class star, they couldn't get missions so they won't be given merit points. So most of the star hoppers who would entered this merit point-less stars are world hoppers who had either wounded from a mission and healing themselves, a destroyer, or star hoppers that are ranked A to L. Either of these three, all of them are not only playful and powerful but well-experienced that they might be able to identify a person if they are data or a real person by a glance."

"That dangerous?!" Artemis asked incredulously.

"That's why I am being wary of the host's safety. Since with the current place that the host is, places that the main characters like the host's vessel usually come are the target places of these outsiders. Although it only has a ten percent out of one hundred chance that there is really an outsider or destroyer in this world, it is still best to be safe and wary. With your current low merit points, it wouldn't be enough to save you from playful outsiders who love playing with newbies like you nor with dangerous destroyers who would not hesitate to kill weak newbies like you for soul force."

"Fuck! Why did you not say that sooner? Now go to the system space!"

System Lulu immediately did as he was told and opened up the system space. And however shameful it is for a man, growing up as a woman, it was a natural reaction for Artemis to show after learning how dangerous things might be. The things about these outsiders and destroyers that he read in the books did not help.

Slightly feeling relief, Artemis looks at the system. That's only when he realized how embarrassing his reaction was. It may not be seen in the system's face but after being paranoid from what the system said, he became paranoid too that the system might be laughing at him.

To hide his embarrassment, Artemis faked a cough as he once again imagines a sofa to sit on.

"Where are we now again?"

"How about this system explain to the host about the merit points and other things that the host needs to know?" System Lulu asked, trying to stop the host from asking more about his past incarnations.

"Then let's do that."

Afraid that the host might change his mind, System Lulu immediately uses his control of the system space to release an interface screen in front of them as big as a normal wall.

"This system will start with the host's current points. I already discussed to the host the requirements for entering the system world and one of it is the required number of merit points. Merit points can be collected from reincarnating with different world. The more you live your lives happy and successfully, the more merit points you will earn. And if you were able to create a name before dying in that world, the higher your earning of merit points. That's why entering the system world is hard since earning merit points is hard. You have to earn no less than fifty thousand merit points as a starter. Fortunately, before the MP (merit points) of the host was sucked completely by that D-class star, the host was saved leaving you a hundred and fifty-five thousand MPs. Enough to rank the host a C-rank. So if the host were able to successfully complete his mission in this world, you will be either ranked C or go directly to class B, allowing the host to enter higher class stars."

"Wow, isn't that high? That world had been sucking me out of points for almost three decades and I still have one-hundred and fifty-five thousand remains. Just how slow can that world suck me up completely if I haven't been saved?" Artemis asked, pointing at the big screen that flashes numbers and graphs that he can't understand.

An audible scoff came from the system. "That was actually too low and too fast, host. As I said, before the host could even reincarnate in that world, the host could already be ranked as legendary. A legendary rank star hopper has more than ten million MPs. Let's say that the host's MP is between nine and ten million. For it to be sucked up by a D-class star for only three decades is a shame."

"The fuck is that?!" Artemis roared.

If he would just think about it, it was really shameful. If he really had that merit points, and was only suck up almost until only one-eight of it remains to him. Maybe three-fourths of it was sucked up, while the rest was used up by him from preventing himself from dying and suffering under the world's consciousness, leaving him that one-eight part. If a hundred and fifty thousand of ten million can be called one-eight.

"Yes host. Moving on, this system will talk about the merit points per mission star. Each mission star will give merit points depends on the class of the star. So if the requirement of entering an F-class star is fifty-thousand MPs, then the same MPs that the host will receive after completing the world mission. And to complete a mission star, the host must complete at least three missions; one main mission and two side missions. Then it will depend on the host if he can trigger any hidden mission. The MPs that the host can receive after completing an F-class main mission is one-thousand and two-hundred-fifty MPs. Side mission will earn between one hundred to five hundred MPs. And the hidden mission will depend on how hard or important it was, but it will not give less than two hundred MPs."

"As for the following class mission, just double it. For example, the given MPs after completing a main mission in a D-class are doubled the amount of an F-class main mission. So instead of one thousand and two hundred fifty, you will receive two thousand and five hundred MPs. Then double it to know the amount of MPs that the host can receive on a C-class star, and so on."

Artemis felt dizzy with all the numbers that he could hear from the system. If not for it appearing on the screen, Artemis might have never understood anything.

It wasn't because he doesn't know about numbers and such. He was actually called a genius before he decided to be an "actress". It was just that he became so lazy that he no longer portrayed his genius ability. So now that he had been shown numbers once again, his mind wasn't able to process them, leaving him feeling dizzy.

"Additional, host. If you fail a mission, the points that you are supposed to receive after completing it will be subtracted instead. All the items inside the system store will be paid for by the host with MPs. So be a wise-money spender and be a careful host. To avoid mission failure and costing more MPs."

Artemis mentally gulped. "What will happen to me once I fail to complete a mission?"

"Disintegration," System Lulu answered cruelly.

Imagining his soul disintegrating like dust in the system domain made Artemis shiver. That he could never answer the system immediately as he didn't know what to say. So he could only stare dazedly like he was out of his mind.

This made System Lulu feel a bit happy to see the look on the host's face. What he said was all true, but because he wanted to take revenge to the host, he never filtered his words just to render Artemis speechless. And it was all worth it after seeing the sorry figure of the host.

"Speaking of mission, does the system want to know his mission in this world?" System Lulu asked after seeing enough.

Artemis quickly glared at the system, which was obviously making fun of him. But since he was already there, he had no choice but to accept it. Maybe he could just do all he can so that he will not fail and will not be disintegrated.