[1.4] First F-Grade World: Bodies as One

THE INSIDE HALL of a Western royalty-themed palace was full of people dressed in exceptional attire that showed their aristocratic ranks, of which the majority were females in their most stunning dresses.

That's because this night ball is dedicated to the great general of the Argus Kingdom, the hero of their nation, who not only led their military in bringing down the Barbarians but also saved the people from the evil hands of the former mad king and all his evil peers.

After General Idris Westbrook, one by one, took down the evil nobles and aristocrats that supported and followed the former king, King Cadmus Argus decided to kill himself rather than surrender and be killed by his enemy's hands. And that's how the problem within the royals was solved.

It has been a year since the fall of the former king, and now General Idris, who is also the younger brother of the dead evil king's queen, has become the king regent of the kingdom since the only prince was too young to reign.

And to celebrate the king regent's one-year reign, the loyal peerage, including the queen and the young prince, prepared this celebration. The prince may think of this like that, but the queen as well as all the noble and aristocratic families think of this to tie a marriage with the king regent.

That's why most of the guests in the hall were all young and unmarried ladies from different familial classes.

Some of these aristocratic ladies may be genuinely curious about the king, but there are still a few ladies who are crazy and evil enough to scheme. With the help of their fathers with a higher rank, there was a scheme that succeeded.

Realizing that he was drugged, Idris' cold eyes darkened as he threw the glass in his hands toward the pair of father and daughter that were standing in front of him. The young lady shrieked in terror while the old marquess flinched when the sharp eyes of the regent fell on him.

"Presumptuous! How bold of you to drug this lord face-to-face? Ebert!" 

In a flash, a man in a military uniform appeared in front of Idris and did a slight bow. His golden brown arms were one on his back while the other was on his side and he reverently said, "General."

Idris gave a glance to the lieutenant general and then his sharp eyes once again collided with the figures of all the guests in the hall who were now shaking on their knees.

"I want the head of the insolent person. As for the rest, scram!" His cold voice echoed in the silent hall.

Without the help of the lieutenant and his men, everyone scampered away and the moment Idris turned his back to leave, the hall was almost empty.

Since his men were busy doing his commands, Idris didn't bother with his current appearance. Because of the feeling of slowly losing control, Idris' cold, handsome face turned menacing as curse after curse escaped his mind.

Just what type of drug did the impudent person use that a general like him, who had been immune to all types of drugs since he was young, wasn't able to detect the existence of it?

He can't be sure that the drug was a substance added to the wine he's drinking, or sprinkled on the cup he was holding. He can't also ignore the possibility of it being inhaled by him so he can only grit his teeth, almost biting his tongue to maintain his sanity.

This drug is too strong for him and Idris was also amazed at just how they were able to make him contact the said drug, how much dosage of it was needed to work this well, and how long it had been within his system to trigger its effect.

If not for the current events, Idris would like to research the drug himself. Unfortunately, others had taken the liberty to test it out on him, and he couldn't help but gnash his teeth in both annoyance and amusement.

It took longer than expected for Idris to reach the chamber room. Thinking that his royal sister and nephew were already asleep in their bed chamber, Idris just wanted to quickly enter his bedroom without disturbing the mother-and-son pair.

As you enter the royal chamber, you will find five tall and big double doors facing each other. There were two rooms on his sides, while the main bedroom used by the former king as well as his own bedroom were facing the entrance door of the big and wide chamber room hall.

Probably because Idris was so focused on controlling his own sanity, he didn't notice a person lying restlessly just at the foot of the entrance door. If not because of that low, soft gasp, which sounded like an angel's music, Idris would have proceeded on his stride toward his bedroom.

That gasp seemed like a soft feather tickling Idris' ears and an unbearable itch came upon him. He looked down on the person and his menacing look turned into something more dangerous as he took in the tempting figure.

A tall but petite beauty lay leaning on the already closed door. "Her" long and inky black hair, messily scattered but not too ugly in the eyes, only added a different sense of beauty to the person.

Small, thin, and kissable red lips, which were slightly agape, released low and long breathing that was too sexy to endure and watch. "She" was only wearing a simple European dress but the way it was carelessly worn was enough to give it an intoxicating look, especially on the "beauty" that was wearing it.

This so-called beauty was actually not a female beauty but a male who was one of the twin children of the Marquess of the Emerens clan. Because of their mother's exceptional beauty, despite being born in an ordinary family, the old marquess had taken an interest in her and forcefully taken her to be his "personal servant".

But anyone with discerning eyes can see that she wouldn't be just a simple servant of the lustful man so not too long after her "service", she gave birth to identical twins; one baby boy being the older and the other baby girl being the younger. And this twin was none other than Skyler Emerens and his twin sister, Skylar Emerens.

Because of the danger of giving birth to twins, the mother died and the old marquess completely lost interest in the twins. That's why, as the two grew older, their step-siblings had the freedom to bully them.

The two grown twins had fortunately inherited the beauty of their birth mother, and if not for the maltreatment of their family clan, they would probably get the title of the kingdom's number one beauty. And this became the reason for the eldest daughter of their father, Olivia Emerens, to be jealous of Skylar.

So in this grand celebration for the king regent, the mother-and-daughter tandem planned to ruin Skylar in front of many people. By letting her attend, drugging her, and bringing her to Marquess Raven Easton, like what happened to their mother.

Fortunately, Skyler, who was given amnesty compared to his twin sister for being a man, heard their plan after he returned from the academy. Although Skyler and Skylar are identical, one can still differentiate them.

For Skyler looks more like an immaculate beauty, while his sister lies on that sickly beauty. Since they were young because they were neglected, Skylar has grown sickly; thus, it has resulted to this.

So in order to save his sister, Skyler decided to "sacrifice" himself and substitute her after making sure that she would have a "good dream".

But what he didn't expect was that, despite being aware of the insidious plan of the mother and daughter, he was still drugged! Thankfully, before he completely lost control of the effects of the drug, he was able to escape and find a perfect hiding place until the drug wore off.

Well, that was his plan before a man suddenly evaded his privacy.

Idris continued to watch the "beauty" as he himself was unaware of how his eyes darkened in a different way, his adam's apple bobbing from the sudden dryness he couldn't distinguish with water.

Probably because of how heated Idris stared at the lying person, this "beauty" slowly opened "her" eyes and Idris almost cursed under his breath as those beautiful phoenix-shaped eyes with emerald blue irises, which gave off a cold feeling, stared back at him.

The remaining clarity in Idris' eyes snapped as he suddenly appeared beside the "beauty" and carried "her" like a princess towards his own bedroom in fast and big strides.

He didn't even manage to close his door; he directly threw "her" into his royal bed. "She" gasped in surprise as "she" bounced up and down on the soft bed. "Her" hair once again scattered all around; some even covered "her" face but it didn't stop Idris from attacking the temptress in his bed.

He got on top of "her," and without letting the other say anything, he unceremoniously gave the "beauty" a hungry kiss. Idris took control of the other's lips and "ate her" like a hungry beast as his hands slowly became naughty.

The mightiest and greatest general, who always seemed to have a paralyzed nervous system and didn't give any emotion or reaction to everything, now acted like a passionate husband, who, after waiting for a long time, was now able to taste his "wife". And it all thanks to the mighty drug.

Before anyone could catch the embarrassing figure of the two in hot bodies, the thick and bright red bed curtain slowly fell, giving the viewers a sneak glimpse of the general's figure raining the person beneath him with sloppy but heated kisses.

Because of the light in the room and the bright red color of the curtain. One could still see the two moving figures behind them and what they were doing. It added to the sensual aura that the sound of the creaking bed, rustling on the bed, and those delicious moans and groans, along with some ambiguous sounds, became the enticing background music of the scene.

"And cut! Perfect!"

The moment that Hayden heard the director, his still intoxicated and almost aroused to madness look returned to his calm and smiling face as he removed himself from hovering above his co-star in this bed scene.

Since he was still half naked and was only wearing thin white boxer shorts, he remained under the thick covers to at least hide his lower part and waited for his assistant to give him a robe.

Because he couldn't let everyone, especially the guy beside him, see his tent between those thin boxer shorts. Absolutely not!

It was enough that the other might have actually felt "it" while they were filming, because who would? They were, after all, required to at least rub their lower bodies to make it look like they were really fucking, right?

And please don't blame him and give him a "pervert" title because he isn't. It was a normal reaction to be aroused after being rubbed. It would be abnormal if he couldn't get it up, alright?!

So yeah, while Hayden was trying to justify his actions in his head, the little assistant finally came with a robe. Because Hayden was still busy arguing with his own conscience and innocence, he didn't see how his assistant Axia had been blushing while looking back and forth between him and Sinclair Anders. Her right hand was holding the robe while the other was trying to cover her nose in case of a possible nosebleed.

Hayden hurriedly reached the robe and with a quick move, he wore the robe and stood from the bed. He awkwardly cleared his throat before he muttered, "Thanks" lowly but audible enough for the others to hear.

And with that, Hayden left the area as how "General Idris" brought the "beauty" to the bed.