CHAPTER 14: Assault in the Hospital

Author POV: Thanks for the power stones and your comments, I really appreciate it. I have decided to add another chapter for today for my lovely readers. Enjoy.

The war had begun, and Hiro was determined to display more of his power to warn any person who doubted him and to play his part in protecting Konoha and shaping its future. The village was in turmoil, with shinobi preparing for battle and civilians seeking shelter. Hiro stood on the roof of the hospital, gazing at the village he had sworn to protect. His recent battles against the Rock shinobi and the Seven Swordsmen of the Hidden Mist had solidified his reputation, but not in the way he had hoped.

Rumors had spread like wildfire. Whispers of an Ashura Demon who had crawled from hell and is currently living in Konoha circulated among the people in Konoha and other villages.Parents used the stories to scare their children into obedience, and the shinobi spoke in hushed tones about the mysterious figure who fought with strange fire techniques and wielded a Susanoo with terrifying power.

As Hiro stared at the village, he couldn't help but reflect on his strange journey to this point. His transmigration into this world had been abrupt and disorienting. He had never truly pondered over it until now. Everything had moved too fast, leaving him no time to process. It felt as though he wasn't entirely himself, as if he were subconsciously controlled by the original owner of this body.

He shivered at the thought. Who gets transmigrated into a new, bloody world with a new body and identity and just takes it all in stride? It was unnatural. The system, an ever-present guide in his mind, told him not to worry. It explained that the lingering spirit of the previous owner still had strong desires. The Uchiha clan and the village were at the center of these desires. The former owner's mother had wanted him to be loyal to both the clan and Konoha, a wish that had left him torn between the two.

Hiro sighed, pushing these thoughts aside. He needed to focus on the present. What was his next move? He considered the Shinobi Academy, a place where he could sign-in and maybe something more valuable and powerful from before fully joining the war. He also thought about important locations to sign-in within the Uchiha clan and other clans, as well as enemy villages. There was so much to explore, and he felt a rush of anticipation for the adventure ahead. Rubbing his palms together, he felt a spark of excitement amidst the chaos.

Meanwhile, the enemy forces were not idle. The other hidden villages had begun taking action, formulating countermeasures against Konoha. The Sand Village, led by a new but cunning Kazekage, was planning an alliance with the Hidden Stone Village. The Raikage of the Cloud Village was mobilizing his troops, known for their speed and strength and the Hidden Mist Village, with its terrifying Seven Swordsmen who once battled the rumoured Ashura Demon,was ready to strike.

Back in Konoha, a shadowy meeting was taking place in a dark, eerie location. Orochimaru stood with Danzo Shimura, discussing their nefarious plans. Danzo, ever the schemer, asked about the progress of Orochimaru's experiments with the First Hokage's cells.

Orochimaru, his eyes gleaming with malice, replied, "I'm working on it, but I was delayed by a recent mission."

Danzo then inquired about Hiro. "What do you think of him?"

Orochimaru responded, "Smart, but a bit overconfident and cunning."

Danzo nodded, lost in his own thoughts, as he began to walk away. With a sinister smile, Orochimaru called after him, "I want Hiro's body. You can take the Sharingan; I have no problem with that."

Danzo, not turning back, continued walking as a masked ANBU operative appeared beside him. "Lord Danzo, I received your encrypted message," the masked man said.

"Take some elite Root shinobi and bring Hiro to me," Danzo ordered. "He is recovering and might not be in the best condition to fight. If you can't capture him alive, I still want his dead body. Failure is not an option."

"Yes, Lord Danzo," the ANBU operative replied, disappearing into the shadows.

Unaware of the plot against him, Hiro returns from the roof and lay in his hospital bed, pondering the future. The war loomed large, and he knew he had a crucial role to play. But never did he thought of Danzo Shimura, the man he despised most from the anime, now having his eyes set on him.

The hospital room was quiet, with only the faint beeping of medical equipment breaking the silence. Hiro's mind was a storm of thoughts and emotions. He had to be ready for whatever came next, whether it was the battlefield or the political machinations within Konoha but Hiro knew he had to forge his own path.

His thoughts turned to war. Joining the war effort directly might be the best strategy. Perhaps he could gain more understanding of the dynamics of other clans and villages while signin-in. There was much to be learned and many potential allies to be made. He rubbed his palms again, this time with a sense of purpose.

Just as Hiro was about to drift off to sleep, he heard a faint rustling outside his window. His senses, honed by his experiences like a muscle-memory from his past owner's body, immediately went on high alert. Silently, he reached for a kunai hidden under his pillow. The window creaked open, and a shadow slipped into the room.

Hiro's heart pounded as he prepared to strike. But before he could move, a cold, metallic voice whispered in the darkness, "Hiro, come with us. We have orders from Lord Danzo to bring you to him."

Hiro's grip tightened on the kunai. He could see the outlines of several figures, masked and cloaked in the darkness. His mind raced. He knew nobody was aware he was at full strength now. The odds were against them, but he then pretends to be weak by swaying his body a little while loosening his hand on the kunai.

The lead figure notices this, smiling but what he didn't know was they had fallen for Hiro's trick.

"I don't think so," Hiro said, his voice steady but with a tingle of fear trying to throw his attackers off-guard.

The lead figure stepped forward, the moonlight glinting off his mask. "You dare question Lord Danzo, you don't have a choice either you come with us or we take you by force."

With a swift motion, Hiro hurled the kunai at the nearest figure and prepared to leave the room. As the room erupted into chaos, Hiro realized this was just the beginning. The adventure he had anticipated was upon him.

As the battle commenced, Hiro couldn't help but wonder what exactly was Danzo's thoughts about him.But deep down, Hiro knew that he would survive this encounter, the true challenge was yet to come with confronting Danzo himself.