CHAPTER 28:Orochimaru's Betrayal

As Hiro approached Konoha, the weight of his recent mission pressed on his mind. The capture of Konan, Sasori, Sasori's puppets and defeating Pain's path clone was a significant victory, but the looming threat of Madara and Zetsu kept him on edge. The Akatsuki's plans were intricate and dangerous, and Hiro knew that his role in protecting Konoha was far from over.

Suddenly, a shadow flickered in the corner of his vision. Before he could react, a figure in black clothing appeared, summoning a massive blue Susanoo that loomed menacingly over the forest. The Susanoo swung its ethereal sword at Hiro, the force of the attack shaking the ground beneath him. Hiro shook his head, a smirk forming on his lips.

"Another challenger?" he muttered, his voice dripping with confidence.

In a blur of motion, Hiro moved faster than the figure could react. He punched the Susanoo with his Armament Haki, feeling the resistance but not the usual shattering impact. The Susanoo crackled but held firm, surprising Hiro.

"This thing of yours is quite durable," Hiro said aloud, admiring the Susanoo's resilience.

With a determined expression, Hiro punched the Susanoo again, this time with even more force. The impact having shattered the Susanoo,launched the black-clad figure through the forest, trees splintering and crashing down in his wake. Hiro appeared beside the figure, who lay on the ground, bleeding and disoriented. Lifting him by the collar, Hiro stared into the assailant's face, only to find it faceless and eerily smooth.

Meanwhile, 500 meters away, Teyaki Uchiha nearly lost his composure. Through his shared vision of his puppet, he witnessed the destruction of his puppet. His left eye having granted him a unique ability allowed him to create puppets with his exact strength and manipulate their appearances. The puppet's face could be altered or even made faceless, making it a perfect tool for covert operations. Teyaki's right eye also granted him the power to teleport to any location he could see, although this ability had a cooldown period of three minutes.

Zetsu emerged from the shadows, his presence unsettling as always. "How is your mission going, fighting the Ashura Demon?" he asked, his voice a sinister whisper and filled with curiosity.

Teyaki, still shaken by Hiro's display of power, responded, "I didn't realize Hiro's title wasn't just a mere joke. He really is an Ashura Demon."

Back in Konoha, Minato and his team scoured the remnants of Orochimaru's laboratory, searching for any clues left behind in the explosion. They found nothing of value, the site thoroughly destroyed. Minato's expression darkened as he made his decision.

"Orochimaru is to be declared a traitor," Minato commanded, his voice firm. "Elite shinobi are to be dispatched to track his whereabouts and bring him back for punishment."

The ANBU, hidden in the shadows, nodded in acknowledgment before vanishing into the night, their presence marked only by a faint rustling of the wind.

News of Orochimaru's betrayal spread quickly through the village. Jiraiya and Tsunade were devastated. Jiraiya, his usual jovial demeanor replaced with a grim resolve, volunteered to track down his former teammate.

"I'll bring him back," Jiraiya said, his voice heavy with determination. "One way or another."

Tsunade, however, was heartbroken. She decided to leave the village, taking her disciple Shizune with her. Minato tried to persuade her to stay, emphasizing the need for her medical expertise, but Tsunade was resolute.

"I'm done, Minato," Tsunade said, her voice cracking with emotion. "I can't stay here any longer."

Even when the Third Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi, intervened, Tsunade's decision remained firm. She left Konoha, her heart heavy with sorrow and betrayal.

As Hiro arrived at the village gates, he saw the somber expressions on the faces of the guards. He made his way to the Hokage's office, where Minato awaited him.

"Hiro," Minato greeted him, his expression a mix of relief and concern. "Did you succeed?"

Hiro nodded, his demeanor calm yet intense. "I made the Hidden Sand an offer they couldn't refuse so don't worry in the next negoations.On my way coming, I captured some of the newly rising Akatsuki members. They're contained in a special realm of mine."

Minato's eyes widened slightly. "That's impressive. But there's more. Orochimaru has betrayed us. He's fled the village, and we're organizing search teams to track him down."

Hiro's expression hardened knowing full well of Orochimaru's betrayal even from the anime. "Orochimaru's betrayal will not go unpunished. I'll assist in any way I can."

Minato placed a hand on Hiro's shoulder. "Your strength and skills are invaluable, Hiro. But I can't let you also go on a mission, I feel it's better to have you here in the village to guard against preying eyes in the shadows."

As the two strategized, Jiraiya entered the office, his face a mask of determination. "I'm heading out to find Orochimaru. I need to bring him back, one way or another."

Hiro nodded at Jiraiya. "Be careful. He's not the same person we once knew."

Jiraiya gave a grim smile. "I know. But I have to try."

Meanwhile, Orochimaru, now in his hidden laboratory, examined the unconscious Kaguya warrior he had revived. The man's bones were nearly indestructible, a testament to the Kaguya clan's power. Orochimaru's mind raced with possibilities, thinking of how he could use this warrior in his experiments and plans.

Back in Konoha, the village buzzed with activity. ANBU squads prepared for their missions, gathering intelligence and planning their search routes. The betrayal by one of their own had left a mark, but the resolve to protect the village and bring Orochimaru to justice was stronger than ever.

As Hiro left the Hokage's office, he felt a bit moody from a new face of power he doesn't recognize from the anime. An Uchiha other than Itachi, Fugaku or even Shisui using Susanoo puzzling him more.The challenges ahead were daunting, but he was ready to face them. The shadows of Madara, Zetsu, the new Uchiha, let's call him faceless Uchiha for now, he thought to himself and now Orochimaru loomed large, but Hiro knew that with his signin-in abilities and the system he can sail through this dangerous world.

Hiro made his way to the training grounds, where he found Kakashi and Gai sparring. He watched them for a moment, admiring their skill and determination. Kakashi noticed Hiro and called out to him.

"Hiro-Sama! Care to join us?" Kakashi asked, a hint of awe in his voice.

Hiro smiled. "I could use the practice."

The three of them trained together, while he helped Kakashi and Gai by offering themselves advice on the training pushing them to their limits. As they sparred, Hiro couldn't help but think of the battles ahead. The world was changing, and he had to be ready for whatever came next.

In the shadows, Teyaki Uchiha and Zetsu continued their plans, their ambitions intertwining with the chaos that was slowly engulfing the shinobi world. The stage was set for a series of conflicts that would test the strength and resolve of everyone involved.

As night fell, Hiro stood at the edge of the village, looking out into the darkness. He wondered what the future had in store for him with him intervening and changing some history of the anime, he knew that the path ahead was fraught with danger, but he was determined to protect Konoha, protect the smiles of everyone around him.

With a deep breath, Hiro turned back towards the village, ready to face any challenges that awaited him.