CHAPTER 31:The Faceless Threat

In the hidden chamber, Teyaki's preparations continued with a palpable intensity. The time was approaching for Kushina to give birth, and with it, the chaos that would ensue. Teyaki's heart burned with the desire for revenge. He would make Danzo pay, and he would do it in the name of Madara.

The night was calm, but the storm was gathering. Konoha stood at the brink of a new era, one that would be shaped by the choices and actions of its inhabitants. The battles ahead would test their strength, resolve, and loyalty.

Hiro, having sensed the looming threat, decided to leave a clone in Konoha. The clone was tasked with training Obito and serving as emergency backup if anything were to arise. The clone had been diligently working with Obito, refining his skills and preparing him for the challenges ahead.

"Obito, focus on your chakra control and don't be controlled by the power of your Sharigan," Hiro's clone instructed, watching as the young Uchiha concentrated on maintaining a stable flow of chakra. "You need to be precise and deliberate."

Obito nodded, his face set with determination. He admired Hiro's strength and dedication and aspired to reach the same level of mastery.

A week after Hiro had left in search of Orochimaru even though Minato persuaded him against it, the time came for Kushina to give birth. Minato took every precaution, following step-by-step procedures to ensure her safety and the security of Konoha. He had arranged for a secluded location, guarded by trusted shinobi, to prevent any disturbances.

The day had arrived, and Kushina was on the verge of giving birth. Hiruzen and Minato was by her side close to the room she was giving birth, offering comfort and reassurance. Hiruzen's wife, Biwako Sarutobi, and Taji, a skilled midwife, were present to assist with the delivery.

As the birthing process began, Hiro's clone, who was training Obito, suddenly sensed a shift in the atmosphere. A malevolent aura seemed to be emanating from the outskirts of the village. The clone's eyes narrowed, and he turned to Obito.

"Stay here and continue your training. I'll be back soon," Hiro's clone instructed before vanishing in a blur of speed.

Meanwhile, Teyaki and Zetsu silently entered the place of Naruto's birth. They had felt the seal on Kushina weakening, indicating the imminent release of the Nine-Tails. Teyaki's heart raced with anticipation and malice.

Teyaki suddenly appeared between the midwives tending to Kushina and Kushina herself. His eyes blazed with the power of his Mangekyo Sharingan, and he quickly gained control of the Nine-Tails, using a special technique to free the beast. The beast's eyes turned red, and it began to scream and thrash around as a sign of freedom.

Minato and those present felt the sudden, oppressive presence of another person in the room. Before they could react, a massive explosion erupted, sending everyone flying. Minato, Hiruzen and some of the ninjas managed to evade the worst of the blast using the Body Flicker Technique. Hiruzen frantically searched for his wife and found her lying beside Taji, both unconscious but alive taking them away from the battlefield for treatment.

Hiro's clone arrived at the scene just as the dust began to settle. He took in the destruction and the chaos, his eyes narrowing as he spotted Teyaki holding Kushina by the collar. The Nine-Tails, now free, roared in anger, its massive form towering over the battlefield.

Minato's eyes blazed with fury as he faced the faceless figure. "Who are you, and what are you doing here?, "Gimme my wife and child",he demanded.

The faceless figure began to speak, his voice distorted and eerie. "I am the follower of the harbinger of peace, the one who will bring about a new era. I serve Madara and the power of this tailbeast will be the first step in ensuring peace in this forsaken world."

Hiro's clone stood still, observing Teyaki intently. The clone's presence seemed to emanate a pressure that even the Nine-Tails noticed, a hint of surprise flashing in the beast's eyes.

Teyaki tightened his grip on Kushina as Zetsu held baby Naruto who was crying in his arms, his eyes blazing with hatred and determination. "You will all see the truth," Teyaki spat. "The Uchiha have been oppressed for too long. It's time for retribution!, Madara-Sama has approved me to free them of this so-called Konoha"

Minato's face hardened. "Let them go," he ordered, his voice cold and commanding as his eyes darted between Zetsu and Teyaki.

Teyaki laughed, a hollow, mirthless sound. "You think you can stop me? I hold the power of the Nine-Tails. You are nothing compared to me."

The Nine-Tails roared again, its massive form thrashing as it felt the pull of Teyaki's control. The ground trembled under its immense weight, and buildings nearby began to crumble.

Hiro's clone stepped forward, his eyes locked on Teyaki. "You talk too much," he said calmly. "If it's a fight you want, then a fight you shall have."

The clone then looks at Zetsu who suddenly felt nothing in his arms when Zetsu saw a baby in Hiro's arm with nothing but a stone in the palm of his. Zetsu knowing now wasn't his time to intervene vanishes into the ground, thanks to Hiro's clone that had its eyes on Teyaki and not him.

Hiro then gives baby Naruto to Minato and now focus its attention on Teyaki.

Teyaki's eyes widened in surprise as Hiro's clone moved, appearing before him in an instant. The clone's fist collided with Teyaki's chest, sending him flying back. The force of the blow was immense, and Teyaki crashed into a nearby building, the structure collapsing under the impact.

The Nine-Tails, momentarily freed from Teyaki's control, roared in defiance. It lunged at Hiro's clone, its massive claws and tails slashing through the air. Hiro's clone dodged the attack with ease, his movements fluid and precise.

Minato took advantage of the momentary distraction, using his Flying Thunder God Technique to teleport Kushina and baby Naruto to a safer location leaving behind his clone and some of the uninjured shinobis to protect them. He then reappeared beside Hiro's clone, his eyes locked on the rampaging Nine-Tails.

"We need to contain it," Minato said urgently.

Hiro's clone nodded. "I'll keep it occupied. You handle the faceless figure."

Minato gave a curt nod and vanished in a flash, reappearing beside the rubble where Teyaki lay. Teyaki, battered and bruised, struggled to his feet, his eyes burning with rage.

"This isn't over," Teyaki snarled. "I will have my revenge!"

Minato's eyes hardened. "Not today."

With that, Minato launched into action, engaging Teyaki in a fierce battle. The two shinobi clashed with incredible speed and power, their movements a blur as they exchanged blows.

Meanwhile, Hiro's clone continued to battle the Nine-Tails, using his immense strength and agility to dodge the beast's attacks. The clone's armament haki allowed him to withstand the force of the Nine-Tails' strikes, and he retaliated with powerful blows of his own.

One might ask why wasn't the clone stopping time and doing away with Kurama, the nine-tailed fox. This brings about a sudden recollection of Hiro and the Sign-in System. The system had informed Hiro that some abilities he gains from the Sign-in System can only be used by him and not his clones, such as the time-stop ability from the world of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure.


Sign-in System:"Host there is something you should note and understand about the abilities you gain from the Sign-in System."

Hiro:"What is it, System? Is there anything I should be aware of?"

Sign-in System:"Yes, certain abilities you acquire through the Sign-in System are unique to you and cannot be replicated by your clones."

Hiro:"Why is that? Shouldn't my clones have access to all my abilities to maximize their effectiveness?"

Sign-in System:"Some powers, especially those that involve manipulation of fundamental forces like time, are intrinsically linked to your essence. The time-stop ability from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure is one such power. It can only be wielded by you."

Hiro:"So, my clones can't stop time? Even in critical situations?"

Sign-in System:"Correct. While your clones possess significant power and can handle most threats, the ability to stop time is beyond their capabilities. This ensures that the most potent abilities are used with the utmost responsibility and precision, preserving the balance of power."

Hiro: "I see. It's about maintaining control and ensuring these powers aren't misused. Are there other abilities with similar restrictions?"

Sign-in System:"Yes, there are a few others that you'll come to possess from signin-in. Each of these abilities is designed to be used by you alone. This limitation ensures that your true strength remains unique and that you remain the ultimate safeguard."

Hiro:"Understood. I'll have to be mindful of this when deploying my clones."


Hiro:"Thank you, System. I'll keep this in mind."


Back in the present, the recollection of this conversation reinforced the clone's understanding of its limitations.

With renewed determination, Hiro's clone focused on the task at hand, confident that even without the ability to stop time, they had the strength and resolve to protect Konoha and its people.

The battle raged on, the ground shaking under the force of their clashes. Despite the overwhelming power of the Nine-Tails, Hiro's clone managed to hold his ground, his resolve unshakable.

In the midst of the chaos, the villagers of Konoha watched in awe and fear. The name of the Hiro Uchiha, the Ashura Demon spread like wildfire, his bravery and strength inspiring hope in the hearts of those who witnessed the battle and knowing full-well that without his presence Konoha would have been doomed.