CHAPTER 33:The Unexpected Invasion

Meanwhile, chaos erupted in Konoha. Pain who had infiltrated into Konoha to rescue Konan, with Konan by his side, strode out of the village with an air of authority. Sasori followed, his puppet body glinting in the sunlight. Konan embraced Pain, her paper wings fluttering slightly.

"How are things?" Konan asked, her voice soft and concerned.

"Fine," Pain replied curtly. "But we must leave before the Ashura Demon arrives. It not time to engage him again, the Akastuki hasn't been fully formed.You never know what bizarre ability he might use again."

Kakashi instructed several ANBU Black Ops to rush towards Hiro's battlefield knowing full well that with all of them going to Konoha will be suicide with the Nine-tails released from the information he received from a Konoha ninja. "We need to get him back to Konoha before it's destroyed," Kakashi urged, his voice tense with urgency as he rushed in the opposite direction heading towards Konoha.

Elsewhere, Minato was locked in a fierce battle with Teyaki. Their kunais clashed, and jutsus collided, creating shockwaves that rattled the ground. Minato and Teyaki faced each other, the tension palpable in the air. They both knew this battle would test their limits. Minato's calm, analytical eyes locked onto Teyaki, whose fiery determination shone through his Sharingan.

With a swift motion, Minato flashed a kunai toward Teyaki, marking the ground near him. "Flying Thunder God Jutsu!" he shouted, instantly teleporting to the marked spot and launching a Rasengan aimed at Teyaki's midsection.

Teyaki anticipated the attack, his Sharingan spinning rapidly. "Fire Style: Great Fireball Jutsu!" he bellowed, exhaling a massive ball of fire. Minato vanished just before impact, reappearing behind Teyaki with another kunai ready.

"Flying Thunder God: Second Step!" Minato declared, his speed creating afterimages. He reappeared in front of Teyaki, Rasengan in hand. Teyaki, however, was prepared.

"Sharingan: Genjustu!" Teyaki's voice echoed as his form flickered, the Rasengan passing through a now illusory version of him. He teleported a few meters away, eyes gleaming with the Sharingan's power.

Minato frowned, impressed by Teyaki's cunning. "Shadow Clone Jutsu!" he called out, creating multiple clones that surrounded Teyaki. In unison, they threw kunai, each marked with the Flying Thunder God seal.

"Uchiha Flame Formation!" Teyaki yelled, forming a defensive barrier of intense flames around him. The clones' kunai melted upon contact, but Minato had already teleported inside the barrier.

"Rasengan Barrage!" Minato shouted, clones attacking from all sides with Rasengan. The flames flickered and died down as Teyaki barely managed to deflect the attacks with a burst of chakra.

"Wind Style: Gale Palm!" Teyaki countered, sending a powerful gust of wind that dispersed the clones and forced Minato to retreat momentarily.

"Flying Thunder God Slash!" Minato yelled, appearing right next to Teyaki and slashing with a kunai. Teyaki dodged, his Sharingan predicting Minato's movements.

"Fire Style: Phoenix Flower Jutsu!" Teyaki retaliated, shooting multiple small fireballs that homed in on Minato. Minato teleported rapidly, dodging each fireball with ease.

"Time to end this," Minato said, his eyes narrowing. "Flying Thunder God: Guiding Thunder!" He placed his hand on the ground, creating a barrier of teleportation marks around Teyaki. In an instant, he was everywhere at once, overwhelming Teyaki with a barrage of attacks from all directions.

"Sharingan: Genjutsu!" Teyaki cried out, trying to trap Minato in an illusion again. But Minato's speed broke through the genjutsu before it could take hold.

"Rasengan!" Minato's voice echoed as he finally broke through Teyaki's defenses, landing a direct hit. Teyaki was sent flying, crashing into the ground with a thunderous impact.

Breathing heavily, Minato stood tall, his kunai at the ready. Teyaki struggled to his feet, his Sharingan still active but his energy waning. "You're strong, Minato," he admitted, "but this isn't over yet."

Minato nodded, respect in his eyes. "I know. But Hiro won't let me down I believe so." Minato binds Teyaki Uchiha, sits down to catch his breathe and restore his chakra.

Teyaki, who had already released his eye power creating a puppet which was chasing Danzo, was determined to kill Danzo.

"You'll pay with your life for killing my wife," Teyaki's clone with his exact face shouted, his voice filled with rage.

"All Uchiha must die," Danzo retorted coldly not even caring about what Teyaki was saying. "Your clan is very dangerous in Konoha."

Teyaki teleported in front of Danzo, a kunai in hand, but Danzo dodged the attack. He led Teyaki towards a formation he had prepared for Hiro, but with Teyaki tailing him, he had no choice but to use it against him.

Hiro's clone was locked in a battle with the Nine-Tails, Kurama. The beast launched a Tailed Beast Bomb towards the village. Hiro's clone used Shambles, exchanging the debris far away from Konoha. The explosion was deafening, sending shockwaves and strong winds throughout the area.

Hiro's clone, running out of chakra, turned to Minato. "Minato, give me a blade."

Minato, trying to heal an injured elite ninja after restoring some lost chakra, grabbed a blade and threw it towards Hiro's clone. Catching it, the clone shouted, "Be ready to seal the Nine-Tails' chakra after I bring it down."

With the last of his strength, Hiro's clone activated the Thirteenth Form of Sun Breathing. Steam billowed from his mouth as he moved at blinding speed, striking Kurama with a flurry of fiery attacks. The Nine-Tails roared in pain, unable to keep up with the clone's speed and precision.

"Now, Minato!" the clone shouted.

Minato, having sealed Teyaki, brought Kushina and Naruto to the battlefield. With a series of swift hand signs, Minato began the sealing process. Kushina's life force was waning, and he knew he had to act fast. With a final, desperate effort, Minato sealed a part of the Nine-Tails' chakra into Naruto and resealed the rest back into Kushina, restoring her life force knowing Kushina might die taking the whole Tail-beast so he gave some to his son.

Kushina's breathing stabilized, and she cradled Naruto in her arms. "Thank you, Minato," she whispered, tears of relief streaming down her face and she faints from being exhausted.

Minato nodded, exhaustion evident on his face. "It's not over yet," he said, his voice grim. "We still have to deal with Orochimaru and the Kage-level threats."

As the dust settled, Hiro's clone dissipated, his chakra completely spent. The real Hiro stood amidst the chaos, his eyes burning with determination as he received memories of his clone. "I can't let my guard down even though my clone helped resolve the Nine-tails," he said to himself, turning to face the remaining threats.

In the distance, Pain and Sasori prepared to leave with Konan, their mission in Konoha complete. Sasori, ever vigilant, kept a watchful eye on their surroundings.

"Let's move," Pain ordered, his voice calm but commanding.

As they made their way out of the village, the battle continued to rage. Hiro, Minato, and the remaining defenders of Konoha knew that they had to stand strong. The fate of their village depended on their resolve and their ability to overcome the formidable foes that stood before them.

With unwavering determination, they prepared for the next wave of battle, knowing that the fight for Konoha was far from over.