CHAPTER 35:Return of the Ashura

Hiro stood amidst the ruins of the battlefield, suddenly he caught movements other than the reanimated kages with his observation Haki, a group of Konoha ninjas appeared on the scene, their eyes widening in shock at the sight of the resurrected Kages.

Hiro called out, his voice carrying over the chaos. "Be careful, they're reanimated!"

Before the Konoha ninjas could fully comprehend the situation, the Third Raikage charged towards them, his lightning-clad form moving too fast for them to see. Sensing the impending danger, Hiro quickly used Shambles to switch the Konoha ninjas with his shadow clone, saving them from the Raikage's deadly attack.

"You're safe for now," Hiro's clone told them, nodding reassuringly. "I'm aware of the Nine-Tails' attack and have contained it with Minato. Go back to the village. I'll be with you soon."

An elite ninja's eyes widened in recognition. "You contained the Nine-Tails? Hiro-Sama, that's incredible!"

"Thanks," Hiro replied with a nod. "But right now, I need to deal with these Kages. Get back to the village ."

As the Konoha ninjas retreated, Hiro turned his gaze back to the four Kage. "I guess playtime is over. Now, let's end this so I can go back to Konoha."

Before he could finish, Tobirama interrupted, his voice cold and commanding. "Send my regards to Hiruzen and Danzo."

Hiro's eyes narrowed at the mention of Danzo. "You don't know, do you? I'm having a serious beef with that so-called disciple of yours," he retorted.

Hashirama, ever the peacemaker, interjected, "And send my greetings to my granddaughter Tsunade as well."

Hiro took a deep breath, his resolve hardening. He knew what needed to be done. "It's time to finish this," he muttered to himself.

Knowing what he was about to do was serious and dangerous but he needed to, to end the battle swiftly. He summoned The World, pausing time, channeling his chakra, Hiro summoned his complete body Susanoo. The massive, armored warrior radiated pure might, its ethereal form shimmering in the sunlight. Covering both the Susanoo and its swords with Armament Haki, Hiro swung the blade with all his might. The blade extended, engulfing the four Kages in a blinding flash of energy.

The battlefield was consumed in a whirlwind of power, the force of the attack reducing everything in its path to dust and ashes. As the dust settled, nothing remained of the Kage but remnants of their formidable power. Hiro knew that Orochimaru had likely escaped so as the clone.

Turning away from the devastation, Hiro rejoined the Konoha shinobi. "Let's head back to the village," he said. "We need to ensure everyone's safe."

As they made their way back to Konoha, Hiro constantly used Shambles to aid their progress. The village was still reeling from the Nine-Tails' attack, but his presence will be needed at times like this.

Meanwhile, in the shadows, the hidden villages were preparing to strike Konoha, hearing of the Ashura's departure. However, their plans were quickly dashed when they received news of Hiro's return. The Ashura was back, and Konoha was not defenseless.

As Hiro entered the village, an ANBU ninja approached him. "The Fourth Hokage has been expecting you," he said.

Hiro nodded and made his way to the hospital. Inside, he found Minato and Kushina, both awake and holding their newborn son, Naruto. Relief washed over him at the sight of them safe and sound.

"Minato, Kushina," Hiro greeted them, a smile spreading across his face. "It's good to see you both."

Minato, looking tired but relieved, nodded. "Hiro, thank you for everything. The village owes you a great debt."

Kushina smiled warmly, cradling Naruto in her arms. "We're all safe thanks to you."

Hiro replies with a smile while nodding.

Hiro's gaze softened as he looked at the newborn. "What's his name?" he asked.

"Naruto," Kushina replied, her voice filled with love.

"And the surname?" Hiro inquired, sensing an interesting dynamic between the couple.

"Uzumaki," Kushina said firmly.

"Namikaze," Minato interjected at the same time, bringing a moment of pause and then laughter to the room.

Hiro chuckled, watching the playful argument between Minato and Kushina. "This is the kind of smile I want to protect," he thought.

Kushina pouted slightly. "Naruto should have my surname. It represents strength and resilience."

Minato grinned. "And Namikaze represents speed and precision. Look at his hair; it's just like mine."

Hiro shook his head, amused by their banter. "How about a compromise? Let Naruto decide when he's older."

Both parents considered this, then nodded in agreement. "Fair enough," Minato said, smiling at his wife.

Hiro bid them farewell and wished them a fast recovery. As he made his way towards the Uchiha clan, he hoped to see Shisui, who he hadn't seen in a while.

Meanwhile, in another part of the village, Danzo was furious. His attempt to trap Teyaki had failed and almost lost his life if not for Izanagi.Danzo muttered "Damn it, I'll get you, Teyaki. You've made me lose one of my Sharingan collection."

Back at the hospital, Hiro found himself reflecting on the events of the day. Despite the challenges and the losses, there was a sense of hope. Minato's words about honoring the fallen as heroes resonated with him. "Even in such danger, people didn't run away but faced it with unwavering courage," Minato had said.

Hiro knew that Konoha would recover, stronger than ever. He made his way through the village, his thoughts turning to the future. He needed to see Shisui and catch up on everything that had happened.

As he entered the Uchiha compound, Hiro felt a sense of calm wash over him. The compound was quiet, a stark contrast to the chaos of the battlefield. He spotted Shisui training in the courtyard.

"Shisui!" Hiro called out, his voice echoing in the stillness.

Shisui looked up, a smile breaking across his face. "Hiro! It's been too long."

The two friends embraced. "I heard about the Nine-Tails attack," Shisui said, his tone serious. "Are you okay?"

Hiro nodded. "Yeah, it was intense, but we managed. Minato and Kushina are safe, and the village is starting to recover."

Shisui sighed in relief. "That's good to hear. We've been on high alert since the attack."

Hiro looked around the compound, a sense of peace settling over him. "It's good to be back," he said softly. "I've missed this place."

Shisui nodded, understanding the sentiment. "We've all missed you too, Hiro. Welcome home."

As they stood there, Hiro felt a renewed sense of purpose. The battle had been won. He knew that he and his friends would face many more challenges, but together, they could overcome anything.

For now, though, he was content to be home, surrounded by the people he cared about. The future was uncertain, but with his friends by his side, Hiro was ready to protect their smiles.