Chapter 39: Shadows and Suspicions

The sun hung low in the sky, casting a warm glow over Konoha as Hiro trained Naruto at the edge of the training grounds. They were practicing chakra control, specifically how to stick to walls and trees. Naruto, his face scrunched in concentration, pressed his foot against the tree trunk and tried to climb but fell with each climb.

"Focus, Naruto," Hiro advised, watching as the boy stumbled and slid down. "You need to channel your chakra evenly."

"Right, Hiro-sensei!" Naruto grinned, trying again.

As Naruto struggled with his task, Hiro felt a shiver run down his spine. It was a sensation he couldn't quite place, a feeling of being watched. His eyes narrowed, scanning the surroundings. He activated his Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan, the crimson eyes searching for any sign of an intruder, but there was nothing.

"Is something wrong, Hiro-sensei?" Naruto's voice broke through his thoughts.

Hiro shook his head, dispelling the unease. "No, it's nothing. Let's focus on your training."

Naruto, ever curious, tilted his head. "Sensei, people have been asking how old you are."

Hiro smiled, ruffling Naruto's hair. "I'm 18, Naruto. Just a year older than Shisui."

Naruto's eyes widened. "Wow! That's so old! You're way older than Itachi-Sama!"

"Where did that question come from?" Hiro chuckled. "Now, back to training. Focus your chakra on your feet and climb that tree."

Naruto nodded enthusiastically, determined to master the technique. Hiro watched him, the earlier feeling of being observed lingering in the back of his mind. He dismissed it, deciding to focus on the task at hand. Yet, the thought nagged at him, like a whisper he couldn't quite hear.

Meanwhile, in the Hokage's office, Minato faced a tense meeting with Hiruzen, the two elders, and Danzo. They were demanding punishment for the Uchiha, accusing them of causing the Nine-Tails attack.

"The Uchiha's eye powers can control the Nine-Tails," Danzo argued, his voice sharp. "We cannot ignore this threat."

Hiruzen nodded solemnly. "We need to handle this delicately, Minato. Although Danzo's place as Elder of the village has been taken from him, his words speak volumes."

Danzo's eyes narrowed. "I was once again attacked by Teyaki Uchiha who has been branded a rogue ninja like Orochimaru not long ago. The Uchiha are planning something. I know it , Minato."

Danzo lies through his teeth while talking.

Minato sighed, trying to calm the situation. "Let's not jump to conclusions. Hiro's presence has been a stabilizing force. He is also an Uchiha, I don't think the Uchiha dare to do this, it might be a personal vengentta. Without Hiro, this would be much harder to manage and we wouldn't be having the pleasure of speaking now."

After the meeting, Minato leaned back in his chair, feeling the weight of leadership. Shikaku stood by his side, his expression thoughtful.

"We've received intel," Shikaku said, "Amegakure has become a no-go area for other village shinobi. It's concerning."

Minato nodded. "I wanted Hiro to check on it, but he's crucial here. His presence alone deters potential threats."

At the Uchiha compound, Fugaku questioned Sasuke about his training with Hiro.

"Hiro-sama is great," Sasuke said proudly. "He even gives pointers to Itachi sometimes. He wants to talk to you tomorrow when I start school with that baka, Naruto."

Fugaku smiled at his son's enthusiasm. "Very well, Sasuke. I'll meet with Hiro tomorrow."

As night fell once again, Hiro walked Naruto home, the village quiet under the blanket of twilight. The boy chatted excitedly about his training and other stuffs, but Hiro's thoughts were elsewhere. He had no immediate family in this world, no relatives or companions to share his home with. The loneliness weighed on him, but he pushed it aside.

"Goodnight, Naruto," Hiro said, watching the boy enter his home.

"Goodnight, Hiro-sensei!" Naruto waved before disappearing inside.

Hiro walked back to his house, the emptiness echoing around him. He thought about his earlier conversation with Minato regarding relationships. There was a girl he had taken a liking to, but he had no idea how to approach her.

"What a headache," he muttered to himself, smiling at the thought of her face. "I'll let tomorrow worry about itself."

As he lay down to sleep, his mind drifted back to the feeling of being watched. He couldn't shake the sensation that something or someone was lurking in the shadows. Unseen, but not unnoticed. He resolved to remain vigilant, knowing that the peace of Konoha might be fragile.

Meanwhile, in a hidden underground laboratory far from Konoha, Orochimaru was deep in his experiments. The dimly lit room was filled with people in fluid containers, jars of strange substances, and the walls were lined with shelves of scrolls and vials. Orochimaru's pale hands moved deftly as he worked on his latest project: the Chimera Technique, an inspiration he took from a friend.

"Almost there but not yet perfect," Orochimaru hissed, his snake-like eyes gleaming with excitement. "With this technique, I can absorb and merge the bloodlines of various shinobi into my own body but I can't risk my own body for now."

On a table before him lay a body clone he had cultivated from the cells of several powerful shinobi. This clone was a vessel, designed to hold the combined powers of different bloodlines as an experiment. Orochimaru injected a mixture into the clone, watching as it convulsed and then lay still but alive.

"Patience, my creation," he whispered. "You will soon be the key to my immortality."

As he continued his work, a thought crossed his mind. "Hiro," he muttered. "The Ashura Demon. His abilities are unparalleled. If I could acquire his cells, I would be unstoppable."

Orochimaru's obsession with Hiro grew as he imagined the power he could wield. He knew of Hiro's prowess, he had bore witness of how he cut down armies of shinobis like cutting grass before and during the war, his unique abilities, and his influence in Konoha, being close to Hiro always gave him a dangerous feeling. The desire to possess such power fueled Orochimaru's experiments, pushing him to the brink of madness.

Back in Konoha, Hiro woke from a restless sleep, the memory of his death in his previous life haunting him, a memory he has been trying not to remember but couldn't. He had no idea what happened, all he could recall was a gunshot, his vision blurry and he couldn't see the face of his assailant.

Sitting on his bed, meditating, as he tries to forget about this nightmare as dawn broke. The dawn brought new challenges and questions, but Hiro was determined to face them head-on.