Chapter 2 Jessica

Jessica wakes up in a hospital bed

Jessica- he didn't kill me why....he's a medical genius

Jack thorns iconic bone crunching sound-crunch crunch crunch-boots are heard in the hallway and the iconic whistle plays Jessica is petrified and lays down acting like she's still in a coma jack thorns them i walks in the roim and stops and looks down st her he raises his scythe snd stabs her carotid artery and she dies jack then ripped his sword down leaving a huge scar in her shoulder then Jack leaves and disappeared into the shadows

Jessica crying- AGH my shoulder!

She gets up and she falls her legs aren't working anymore she's paralyzed forever because while she was unconscious Jack thorns also broke her spinal cord

Jessica angry- that trash of a brother why did he do this to me!

A doctor hears her and runs to her

Doctor- are you okay

Jessica- yeah I'm ok

Doctor- ma'am your spinal cord is broken!?

Jessica- I know and it hurts a lot

[A few minutes later a nurse is ordered to be her caregiver]

They go to Jessicas new house and they talk have fun they wheel chair mode the house and it was all going well until H|$ wH|$TL€ started playing

Jessica whispers- run now

Nurse- wh-

Jack thorn cuts the nurse in half he then takes his mask off and rips his face getting his old face before he died

Jack- missed me sister

Jessica- your a monster a monster from hell

Jack- funny because that monster was made by mother and everyone else

Jessica- but that doesn't justify your actions!

Jack- i got a chance for revenge and vengeance so I took it and I'll keep hunting you down if it's the last. thing. I. do.

Jessica uses her wheelchair to try and run away but it's futile she falls over

Jack- come on sister you aren't scared right, your still alive right your. Immortal.

Jack then makes a weird ritual and says

Jack- llevar, mon, corpus, και, Línghún, και, oordrag, suu m, Línghún, naar, Jibun

Jessica then starts floating and a blue spirit comes out of her body and flys away then she falls to the ground jack thorn then proceeds to torture her for 5 day until killing her on the 6th day he then whistles and walks into the shadows