Jack thorns hunger hasn't been quenched still after eating a god but then Zeus flies down
Jack- so you arrived the strongest God has come down to banish thy
Zeus- yes I have come to banish you and smite your soul jack thorns you have killed my children
Jack- then let the fun begin
Jack thorns runs to Zeus and hits Zeus with a barrage of attacks but Zeus parry's all the attacks so jack thorns speeds up his attacks but Zeus still parry's the attacks easily so jack thorns speeds his attacks up and make his hits harder this time Zeus is actually struggling so Zeus makes a lightning bolt and stabs jack after jack got stabbed he tried reciting the spell
Jack- llevar, mon, corpus, και, Lí-
Zeus- you won't be able to recite the spell
Zeus stabs jack thorns mouth with his lightning bolt so Zeus starts to recite a spell to banish jacks soul but Jen was angry and tried killing Zeus but failed and Zeus makes Jen perish now jack thorns is angry and stabs Zeus and trys to recite the spell but Zeus says his spell faster
Zeus- ako dito, verbannen, Anata no tamashī,
Jack thorns soul flies out of his body but Zeus isn't done and smites jacks soul so jack thorns dies and is burning but Jack thorns isn't truly dead he was sealed and trapped somewhere