Chapter 6: A New Dawn and New Customers

Lin Chen woke up to the first rays of sunlight streaming through his window. He stretched and got out of bed, feeling the invigorating energy coursing through his body. Today would be a good day. As he prepared his morning coffee, he brought up his system interface to review his progress and any updates.


#### **System Interface: Wealth of God System**

- **Host:** Lin Chen

- **Level:** 1

- **Experience:** 450/1000

- **Crystals Collected:** 250 Tier 1 Crystals

- **Store Inventory:** Basic food, medical supplies, ordinary weapons

- **Store Upgrade:** Available

- **Current Abilities:**

- **Spatial Storage (Tier 1)**

- **Enhanced Strength (Tier 1)**

**Store Status:**

- **Defense:** Active (Immune to outside attacks)

- **Inventory:** Infinite

- **New Features Available:** Upgrade to Level 2 - Adds Lounge Room (Allows customers to eat and drink)

**Upgrade Cost:** 200 Tier 1 Crystals


Lin Chen noted the upgrade option with interest. A lounge room could be a valuable addition, offering customers a place to rest and eat, potentially increasing the number of visitors and transactions.

As he was contemplating the upgrade, the doorbell rang. Lin Chen turned towards the entrance and saw a group of five people entering the store. They looked around in awe, clearly wondering who would set up a shop in the middle of such chaos. Lin Chen's eyes narrowed as he assessed the group.

One of them stood out—a Tier 3 Awakened One. It had only been six days since the apocalypse began, and to see someone reach Tier 3 this quickly was extraordinary. This person had to have at least an A-grade talent, if not an S-grade. Lin Chen's gaze lingered on the man, scrutinizing him closely.

The silence stretched on until one of the men broke it. "We have about 80 Tier 1 crystals. What can we get with that?"

Lin Chen nodded, breaking his own contemplation. "You can get a good amount with that," he replied. "Check the prices on the shelves and bring what you want to the counter. Pay after you've made your selection."

The group dispersed, each person moving through the store, gathering supplies. They picked out food, medical kits, and a few weapons. The Tier 3 Awakened One chose the most items, his eyes scanning the store's inventory with keen interest. Once they had gathered everything, they approached the counter.

Lin Chen tallied up their selections. "That will be 75 crystals," he said.

One of the men handed over the pouch containing the crystals. Lin Chen counted them quickly and efficiently, then nodded in satisfaction. As he handed over the goods, he said, "Spread the word about this place. Word of mouth is the best advertisement in times like these."

The group nodded, and the Tier 3 Awakened One spoke up for the first time, "We will. This place is... remarkable. Thank you."

With that, they left, taking their supplies with them. Lin Chen watched them go, then turned back to his system interface. He had enough crystals now to upgrade the store.

"System," Lin Chen said aloud, "initiate store upgrade to Level 2."


**System Notification: Store Upgrade Initiated**

- **Upgrade Cost:** 200 Tier 1 Crystals

- **New Feature Added:** Lounge Room (Allows customers to eat and drink)


Lin Chen felt a slight tremor under his feet as the store's layout shifted. A new door appeared at the back of the store. He walked over and opened it, revealing a cozy lounge area with tables, chairs, and a small kitchen setup.

He smiled, pleased with the new addition. This would undoubtedly make the store more attractive to survivors looking for a place to rest and refuel.

Returning to the main area, Lin Chen began organizing the new stock and preparing for more customers. With the lounge room now available, he anticipated that more people would be drawn to the store, increasing his crystal income and helping him progress further.

The rest of the day passed quietly. Lin Chen continued his training, pushing himself to new limits and refining his abilities. He knew that as the days went by, stronger and more dangerous beings would emerge, and he needed to be ready to face them.

As night fell, Lin Chen took a moment to relax in the new lounge, savoring a cup of coffee. The store was evolving, and so was he. The apocalypse had thrown the world into chaos, but it had also given him a purpose and a path to follow. He was determined to rise above the madness and carve out a place for himself in this new world.