Chapter 10: Army Confrontation

Lin Chen was organizing his store early in the morning when he noticed a group of soldiers approaching from the hill. The army's presence in Zhaoqing had been a topic of constant conversation among his customers, but now they were here, right at his doorstep.

He watched from the storefront as the soldiers, led by a stern-faced lieutenant, approached with an air of authority. Lin knew they weren't here to shop.

"Is this the store we've heard so much about?" the lieutenant demanded as he entered, surveying the shelves lined with supplies.

Lin remained calm, his eyes steady on the officer. "Yes, this is my store. How can I help you?"

The lieutenant's expression hardened. "By order of the Zhaoqing military command, we are requisitioning this establishment for the army. Hand it over, and you won't be harmed."

Lin almost smiled. "I'm afraid that's not going to happen."

The lieutenant signaled his men, and they moved to seize Lin. But with a swift motion, Lin disarmed and incapacitated them, their weapons clattering to the floor. The lieutenant stared in shock as Lin stood over the fallen soldiers.

"You should leave," Lin said coldly.

The soldiers stumbled out, clutching their injuries. Lin returned to his duties, unfazed. However, he knew this wasn't the end. The army wouldn't back down easily.

An hour later, a rumble echoed through the streets as a convoy of tanks rolled into view. The sight drew a crowd of curious onlookers. Lin stepped outside, observing the tanks with a mix of curiosity and resolve.

A commanding officer, General Zhao, emerged from the lead tank. He barked orders to his men, who aimed their cannons at the store.

"Destroy it!" General Zhao commanded. The tanks fired, and explosions rocked the area. But when the dust settled, the store stood unscathed, its walls and windows untouched.

General Zhao's eyes widened in disbelief. "What kind of sorcery is this?"

His soldiers hesitated, then cautiously approached the store. Lin stepped out to meet them, his demeanor unshaken.

"This store is protected," Lin said simply. "You cannot destroy it."

General Zhao glared at him. "Who are you?"

"I am Lin Chen, the owner of this store. And I suggest you think twice before trying to take it by force again."

Zhao's anger flared, but he could see the futility. He turned to his soldiers. "Stand down. We need a different approach."

The general motioned for his men to lower their weapons, then stepped forward. "We need supplies. Food, weapons, medicine. Can you provide these in large quantities?"

Lin nodded. "I can. But you must trade crystals for them. Fairly."

General Zhao studied Lin for a moment, then sighed. "We can negotiate. But we'll need proof that you can supply what we need. Our army requires substantial amounts."

Lin nodded, knowing this was a significant opportunity. "I understand. Come inside, and I'll show you what I have."

Inside the store, Lin displayed his inventory, highlighting the abundance of food, weapons, and medical supplies. The soldiers were visibly impressed.

"This is remarkable," one of them muttered.

General Zhao turned to Lin. "If you can maintain this supply, we will purchase from you. But we need assurances."

Lin smiled. "I can assure you that the stock will be replenished as needed. You won't run out of supplies."

Zhao seemed skeptical but intrigued. "Very well. I'll need to report this to my superiors and get authorization for large-scale purchases. In the meantime, can we take some supplies now to prove your reliability?"

Lin nodded. "Of course. Take what you need and pay in crystals. You'll see the quality for yourself."

The soldiers gathered supplies, paying with a significant amount of Tier 1 and Tier 2 Crystals. Lin watched as they loaded the goods onto their vehicles, satisfied with the transaction.

As they prepared to leave, General Zhao approached Lin once more. "You're an enigma, Lin Chen. But if you can keep our army supplied, you'll be invaluable to us. Just remember, we don't tolerate betrayal."

Lin met his gaze steadily. "I have no intention of betraying anyone. Business is business. You keep paying, and I'll keep supplying."

Zhao nodded curtly. "I'll be in touch." With that, he and his men departed, leaving Lin to reflect on the day's events.


Later that evening, as Lin closed the store, he checked the system interface, noting the influx of new crystals.


#### **System Interface: Wealth of God System**

- **Host:** Lin Chen

- **Level:** 2

- **Experience:** 1800/2000

- **Crystals Collected:** 3000 Tier 1 Crystals (100 Tier 2 Crystals)

- **Store Inventory:** Basic food, medical supplies, ordinary weapons, newly acquired Awakened weapons

- **Store Upgrade:** Complete

- **Current Abilities:**

- **Spatial Storage (Tier 2)**

- **Enhanced Strength (Tier 2)**

**Store Status:**

- **Defense:** Active (Immune to outside attacks)

- **Inventory:** Infinite

- **New Features:** Lounge Room (Allows customers to eat and drink)

**Upgrade Options:**

- **Strengthen Powers:** (Requires 80 Tier 2 Crystals)


Lin considered the situation carefully. The army's presence could either be a boon or a threat, depending on how he handled it. But for now, he had secured a valuable new customer. The future looked promising, but he knew he had to remain vigilant.