Chapter 7: The Bad Boy Emerges

Riya's college campus bustled with activity as students moved between classes, chatting and laughing in the warm afternoon sun. In a secluded corner of the campus, Riya sat with her best friend Rahul, their heads bent in conspiratorial whispers. They were plotting to get rid of Mihael, the "simple village boy" whom Riya found to be a constant annoyance.

"We need to make him look incompetent," Riya said, her voice low but determined. "If my father thinks he can't do his job, he'll have no choice but to fire him."

Rahul grinned, his eyes gleaming with mischief. "I've got a few ideas. We just need to catch him off guard."

As they continued to plan, they were unaware that Mihael, standing at a distance, was observing them. His expression remained calm and composed, but a subtle shift in his demeanor hinted at something deeper. Unbeknownst to Riya and Rahul, Mihael had a secret—a double personality disorder. Most of the time, he was the kind, helpful village boy everyone knew, but sometimes, he transformed into a completely different person—a "bad boy" with a wild streak.

The first sign of trouble came later that day when Riya and Rahul decided to test their plan. Riya was sitting in the campus cafe, sipping on a latte and pretending to be engrossed in her phone. Rahul approached Mihael, who was standing guard a few feet away, his expression stoic.

"Hey, Mihael," Rahul called out, feigning friendliness. "Can you help me with something? It's urgent."

Mihael glanced at Riya, who gave a subtle nod, signaling him to go. Mihael hesitated for a moment before following Rahul to a quieter part of the campus.

"So, what's the problem?" Mihael asked, his voice even.

Rahul smirked, pulling out a small packet from his pocket. "I need you to deliver this to someone. It's a confidential message from Riya."

Mihael's eyes narrowed as he took the packet. "Confidential, huh? What's in it?"

"It's just a letter," Rahul replied smoothly. "But it needs to be delivered right away. Think you can handle it?"

Mihael stared at the packet for a moment, a flicker of something dark crossing his eyes. Then, with a shrug, he pocketed the packet and nodded. "Sure, I can handle it."

As Mihael walked away, Rahul turned to Riya, who was watching from a distance. "Stage one complete. Now we just need to wait for the fallout."

Riya smiled, feeling a sense of satisfaction. She was confident that Mihael's simple nature would make him an easy target for their scheme.

However, as Mihael walked through the campus, his demeanor began to change. The usual calm and composed expression faded, replaced by a more intense, almost dangerous look. His steps grew more purposeful, and his eyes gleamed with a mischievous light.

He found a secluded spot behind one of the buildings and opened the packet. Inside, there was indeed a letter, but it was filled with false accusations against Mihael, intended to get him fired. A smirk tugged at his lips as he read the contents. He knew exactly what Riya and Rahul were up to, and he had no intention of playing into their hands.

As he walked back to the cafe, Mihael's "bad boy" persona took over completely. He swaggered with a confidence that turned heads and drew whispers. When he reached Riya, he dropped the packet on the table in front of her, his eyes locking onto hers with a challenging glint.

"Nice try, princess," he said, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "But you'll have to do better than that."

Riya's eyes widened in shock and confusion. This was not the Mihael she knew. "What are you talking about?"

Mihael leaned in, his face inches from hers. "I know what you're trying to do. But guess what? I'm not as simple as you think."

Riya's heart raced as she tried to comprehend the sudden change in Mihael's behavior. She had expected him to be clueless and easily manipulated, but this new version of him was anything but.

"I... I don't know what you're talking about," she stammered, trying to regain her composure.

Mihael chuckled, a low, almost menacing sound. "Sure you don't. Just remember, two can play at this game."

With that, he turned and walked away, leaving Riya stunned and unsettled. She had underestimated Mihael, and now she had to rethink her strategy.

Later that evening, as Mihael settled into his room at the Khanna mansion, he couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. The "bad boy" persona was not something he liked to embrace, but it had its uses. He knew that dealing with Riya and her schemes would require a different approach, and he was ready for the challenge.

The next day, Mihael's transformation into the "bad boy" was the talk of the mansion. His sharp suit and confident demeanor had caught the attention of everyone, including Arjun's wife, Meera.

"Mihael, you look so handsome today," Meera commented with a flirtatious smile.

Arjun, overhearing the compliment, scowled and pulled Meera aside. "What are you doing? He's just a bodyguard!"

Meera shrugged, unfazed by her husband's jealousy. "He's still a man, and he looks good."

Mihael couldn't help but chuckle at the exchange. The dynamics of the Khanna household were becoming increasingly entertaining.

As Riya prepared to leave for college, she found herself stealing glances at Mihael. Despite her best efforts to remain indifferent, she couldn't deny the growing attraction she felt towards him. His new persona intrigued her, and she hated that she found him so appealing.

"Ready to go?" Mihael asked, his voice smooth and confident.

Riya nodded, trying to hide her unease. "Yeah, let's go."

As they drove to the college, Riya couldn't shake the feeling of being watched. Mihael's eyes seemed to follow her every move, and it made her both nervous and excited. She decided it was time to put her plan with Rahul into action.

During a break between classes, Riya and Rahul met again in their usual spot. This time, Riya was more determined than ever to get rid of Mihael.

"We need to step up our game," she said, her voice low but urgent. "Mihael's not as simple as we thought."

Rahul nodded, his expression serious. "Agreed. But how do we get rid of him?"

Riya thought for a moment, then a sly smile crossed her face. "We need to make him look like a threat to my safety. If my dad thinks he's dangerous, he'll have no choice but to fire him."

Rahul's eyes lit up with understanding. "I see where you're going with this. Let's set up a situation where it looks like Mihael is attacking you."

Riya nodded, her mind racing with possibilities. "Exactly. We need to make it believable, though."

Unaware of their plotting, Mihael continued his watchful duty, his "bad boy" persona still firmly in place. As the day progressed, he noticed Riya and Rahul's frequent meetings and their hushed conversations. His suspicions grew, but he remained vigilant, ready to counter any moves they made.

The following day, Riya and Rahul put their plan into action. During a crowded lunch period, Riya pretended to trip and fall, crying out for help. Mihael, ever the attentive bodyguard, rushed to her side.

"Are you okay?" Mihael asked, concern evident in his voice.

Riya's eyes darted around the cafeteria, ensuring they had an audience. "Get away from me!" she screamed, her voice filled with feigned fear. "Don't touch me!"

Students nearby turned to watch the commotion, whispers and murmurs spreading like wildfire. Rahul stepped forward, playing his part perfectly.

"What's going on here?" Rahul demanded, his voice loud enough to draw more attention.

"He tried to hurt me!" Riya cried, pointing at Mihael.

Mihael's eyes widened in shock and realization. He knew he had to act fast to defuse the situation. Embracing his "bad boy" persona, he smirked and raised his hands in mock surrender.

"Relax, princess," he drawled, his tone dripping with sarcasm. "Just trying to help."

Rahul stepped between them, his expression stern. "Stay away from her, Mihael. We're reporting this to the dean."

Mihael's mind raced as he considered his options. He could see the plan unraveling before him, but he wasn't about to let Riya and Rahul win. Drawing on his village-honed instincts, he decided to turn the tables.

"Go ahead, report me," Mihael said coolly, a hint of challenge in his voice. "But remember, I have witnesses too."

The gathered students exchanged confused glances, unsure of who to believe. Mihael's calm demeanor and confident stance created doubt in their minds, weakening Riya and Rahul's fabricated story.

Riya's frustration grew as she realized their plan was falling apart. She had underestimated Mihael's ability to adapt and outsmart them.

"Let's go, Rahul," Riya hissed, grabbing his arm and pulling him away. "We'll find another way."

As they walked away, Mihael couldn't help but feel a sense of victory. He had successfully navigated their trap, but he knew this was just the beginning of their battle.

Later that evening, Mihael returned to the Khanna mansion, his mind still racing with thoughts of the day's events. He knew he had to stay one step