In Brown Cafe, the smell of early morning coffee oozed around the neighborhood .

A girl walked in confidently with her mini pleated dark blue skirt , with a long sleeved white shirt neatly tucked in her skirt, long white stockings and shiny polished black shoes , with a black school bag held with her right hand and a gold wrist watch worn on her left wrist , she had thick black curly hair packed in a pony tail and curly strands left on each sides , perfect pink lips that fit perfectly with her beautifully shaped nose and flawless fair skin , she had bright brown eyes that swept around the cafe , it was obvious she was a student and was searching for someone .

" Hey ! Over here " A guy with a blck hat on , his face hidden waved indicating where he sat.

The girl walked over noticing his movement, she sat opposite him and placed her bag on her lap.

" What's up " the guy asked

" No time for chit- chatting" she said scrambling inside her school bag.

" Oh! Fiesty , not even a Hello from you" He joked, but she ignored him still searching through her bag .

" Here" she said extending a cheque

" Sorry it took time , my mom just unfreezed my account ." She said as he took it and stared at it with aw .

" I did nothing yet you paid me so much "he whispered but loud enough for her to hear

" You are right you did nothing .." she paused

".... And that pisses me off " she whispered as she looked coldly at him

" They still found out what I did ... You should know the reason why I'm paying you though " she explained standing up .

" I'll stay far from sight I promise .." he stood up

" Nice doing business with you Miss West " he said and she left first , walking out of the cafe and entering a black vehicle .

Her cold expression turned into a worried one - her problem can't be solved can it?-

She thought.

" Katherine " the Driver called , bringing her back to reality .

" Yeah " she answered

" I don't think you need to go to school" he said after while

" I suggest you stay low key for a while " he advised and she nodded before he drove off.

Two weeks passed so quickly.

Katherine walked into the school hall briskly , part of her was scared of coming here cause she would have to face ...

" Katherine West!!!" A Blondie ,Carmen charged at her like a lion ready to devour.

" How dare you , you bitch ! " Carmen cursed looking like she was about to cry , students walking around gathered the scene .

" I can't believe you did this to me! I thought you were my friend !" Carmen cried out .

Katherine didn't say anything cause she knew she was wrong , she would take all the insults poured on her .

She looked at the crowd and then at Carmen and all she could say was....

" I'm sorry" she looked down

- I couldn't control myself , I'm really sorry deep down - she thought

" Sorry?" Carmen looked like she would burn down the school at that moment .

" You fucking ruined my social life! My relationship with Xavier got ruined by your actions !" Carmen spat at Katherine.

Then at that moment Katherine lost it and a smile crept in .

" Why smile uh ?! You enjoy seeing me like this right ?" Carmen Was annoyed .

" I couldn't help it but smile at your last statement Carmen " Katherine said

" I'm sorry I hurt you by making a sex video of you, I'm also sorry for posting it , but the truth is you cheated on Xavier " Katherine explained .

" I ..... I can't believe this " Carmen was shocked at Katherine behavior

" I was drunk Kathy " she said weakly.

" Isn't it clear enough , what I did was only catch you cheating on him fucking some stranger and caught it on video" Kathy explain.

" You could have covered for me I would do the same Kathy ..... I would " Carmen cried , her eyes red and disbelief evident .

In a moment guilt flashed across Kathy's eyes she felt pained for hurting Carmen but can't show her weakness can she , the deed was done already.

- I know you would, I was envy of you , I loved Xavier - Katherine thought

" I can't do this anymore " Katherine said after a while walking out but Carmen held into her

" You did this because you wanted Xavier for yourself " Carmen said then Kathy turned to look at Carmen .

" You did ..." Carmen sniffed

Kathy blinked and tried hard to control herself.

" I'm being expelled today " Carmen said her eyes welling up, she used her other hand to wipe her red, wet face , and looked at Kathy in the eye

" I promise you'll pay .... For everything , it's not an empty threat Kathy " Carmen said then she let go of her leaving ,walking away the crowd have way for her and all stared at Kathy who stood rooted .

- I'm sorry for being a monster - she thought as she watched Carmen retreating figure .


Kathy knocked at the door of the office.

" Come in" a lady answers from the inside .

Katherine took a deep breath gaining all sorts of courage before walking in, standing in front of her principal.

" Miss West" the lady called

" Yes Ma'am you sent for me " Kathy said her head laid low.

" Yes please sit " the lady requested

" Thanks" Katherine said and sat.

" You missed school for a full two weeks " Her principal said not looking up but focused on her computer.

" I had issues " Kathy said after a while of thought.

" Issues? ...." The lady scoffed

" ..... You mean posting a pon video of your classmate " the woman said with a frown now looking at Katherine .

" About that , I apologized" Katherine shrugged

" You apologized ? .... I can't believe the drastic change you had in character you were one of my trusted student Katherine"

" This means I'm not anymore ?, I said I'm sorry " Kathy said her voice was laced with annoyance.

" Sorry isn't enough , you are lucky that the school board let you off and your mom contributes to the school or else expulsion for you " the lady said obviously annoyed of that fact

" I never wanted my mom to be my backing if I deserved expulsion then I deserve it .". Katherine said.

" You did actually but we'll let you off with a punishment " The Principal said handing out a pice of paper .

Kathy stared at it and got angrier " this isn't really fair , just because my mom wants it you let it happen , what if I killed someone you'll let it slide?"Kathy asked .

" Miss West this is the decision of the school board I have no hand In this , follow sooth with your punishment and leave now " The lady said angrily and Kathy bit her lower lip to avoid her self from reacting and walked out.

Coming out of the office she bumped into him causing her bag to fall the impact was so strong she bit her lip .

" Ouch " she covered her mouth and looked up to see Xavier .

He didn't even look at her , but bent over to pick up her bag .

" Xavier " Katherine called , he looked at her and gave her the bag walking away .

" Xavier , Xavier wait listen to me " she called after him and held his hand.

" I'm sorry " she apologized , with out a last glance

" Let go " he pulled her hand away

" I'm sorry I didn't mean to " she begged taking his hand again.

" Keep your sorry to your fucking self ..... I don't need it " he said , she felt this lump in her throat like she wanted to cry.

" Listen to me please ...." She begged

" Why ? So you could lie to me again ?" Xavier asked with an angry expression making him look cuter .

" Yes I lied .... But I did it for you " Kathy said

" No Kathy , you did it for your self , you did it cause you hated Carmen and loathed her , you did it cause you wanted me for your self , right?" Xavier stated.

Katherine remained quiet and looked away cause what he said was the truth but not all the truth but how would she explain it.

" I got my answer " he said and left.

She watched as he walked again and a tear dropped .