(Katherine's pov)

I sat on my bed, trying to shake off the confusion. What happened in the field? The weather was fine today, so how did I feel raindrops and end up in the middle of the field? Was I hallucinating? I went blank, and the next thing I knew, I was obstructing the school's game. How did I even get there?...

Madam Fei burst into the room,

"Kathy, did you take your tea?" She asked, and my eyes drifted to the table, where the still-filled cup sat.

"Oh no, I'm sorry, I forgot about it," I apologized. I really had forgotten - what's wrong with me?!

"No worries, it should still be warm. Drink it to feel better," she said. I nodded, and she left.

I took little sips from the tea and in a minute I was done. I felt better and relaxed and a satisfying smile came across my face.

Xavier's pov

I sat at the far end of the table, the long table between us filled with delicacies. My parents, seated at the opposite end, seemed like distant figures, their faces obscured by the candelabra's flickering light. The air was heavy with the scent of roasted beef and the weight of unspoken expectations.

As I toyed with my food, my mind wandered back to the events of the day. The game today had gone surprisingly well, despite my initial reluctance. But the real highlight was seeing Kathy, her bright smile and sparkling eyes lighting up the dull corridors of school. I couldn't help but feel a flutter in my chest whenever she was near.

But what happened today was beyond weird if there was a thing like that.

But I knew I had to stay away from her. I had made a deal with my parents, after all.

" Stay away from Katherine and you'll secure your position as the one next in line"

,' they had said. It was a tough choice, but I knew I had to prioritize my future.

"Xavier, your mother asked you a question," my dad's voice broke into my reverie.

I turned to face them, my gaze meeting my mom's expectant stare.

"What was the question again?"

"We were discussing your day," she said, her tone dripping with sweetness.

"Tell us, how was school?"

I shrugged, trying to appear nonchalant.

"It was fine. Just the usual stuff."

My mom's eyes narrowed, her gaze piercing. "And did you talk to Kathy today?"

I hesitated, sensing a trap.

"No, we didn't talk," I lied, trying to keep my end of the bargain.

My dad's eyes lit up with interest.

"Good boy, Xavier. You're making the right choices."

" That's not what I heard " my mom said under her breath, I tilted my head .

" What? Did Ivy tell you something else?" I asked with annoyance evident

But I knew I wasn't fooling anyone. Least of all myself. I couldn't shake off the feeling that I was losing something precious, something that truly mattered to me.

"Xavier, don't be rude," my mom said, her voice laced with warning.

But I couldn't help myself.

"What's the point of this conversation? I'm being watched so why ask me 'how was my day?'"

My dad's expression turned stern. "Xavier, show some respect."

I rolled my eyes. "Respect? You want respect? You're the ones who are always breathing down my neck, trying to control every aspect of my life."

My mom's face turned red with anger. "Xavier, that's enough!"

But I didn't care. I was tired of their constant meddling, tired of being treated like a puppet on strings.

"No, it's not enough. I'm sick of this. Sick of you both."

When all this crap is over and I take over the empire I wouldn't have to be controlled by you guys. What I want is to be the head .

"I've had enough of being controlled and restricted by this family," I said, my voice firm but measured.

"I want to be the head of the empire, not just a pawn in your game."

My mom's expression turned pleading. "Xavier, we love you. We just want what's best for you."

"Then let me make my own decisions," I countered.

"You're always talking about the family's enemies and the risks of me being with someone you don't approve of. But I'm not a child anymore. I can take care of myself."

My mom sighed. "You don't understand, Xavier. The family has many enemies who would stop at nothing to destroy us. We can't trust anyone outside of our inner circle."

I shook my head. "That's exactly my point. You're so focused on protecting the family's interests that you're suffocating me. I want freedom to make my own choices and live my own life."

My dad's expression turned stern

. "Xavier, you're being reckless and ungrateful. We've given you every opportunity and provided for you. You should be loyal and respect our wishes."

I stood my ground.

"Loyal? You call this loyalty? I've been waiting for years to take my rightful place as the head of this empire. But you keep holding me back, using the excuse of 'protection' to control me. I'm sick of it."

My dad's face reddened. "How dare you! You ungrateful child. You'll do as we say, or you'll face the consequences."

I smiled coldly. "Consequences? You mean like waiting for you to die so I can finally take over? That's the only way I'll ever be free from your grasp."

The room fell silent, the tension palpable. I knew I had crossed a line, but I didn't care. I was tired of being trapped and manipulated. It was time for me to take matters into my own hands.

" You would want me to die for you to take over the empire?" He said with anger evident.

- even if he dies now war will break out in the family-

Alot of people are eyeing that seat my dad is on now , I have my own enemies talk less of my father who's already the CEO , the family elders would definitely cause trouble for sure.

I looked at my dad's red face from anger .

-Him being alive till now is a miracle considering who he is , yes he has escaped a lot of assassins , the thing troubling me now is it has been over a year since he received death threats .-

He has gone through a lot to protect me all this years why be angry at him now.

I walked away cause I didn't know how to reply or answer his question .

Do I want him dead?

" Where are you going ?" My mom asked .

" Going to my room, got a problem with that?" I said leaving without waiting for a reply.

I feel like a coward.

Do I really have to stay away from Kathy , just so I could make my dad happy?.