In the new school

"You're judging me, right? How dare you!" Diana's voice echoed through the corridor, sharp and cutting as she slapped the girl who had fallen. Her entourage quickly restrained the girl, while Diana, fueled by anger and entitlement, pressed a burning cigarette against the girl's arm with force.

"Now you decide if you want it to end or not," Diana whispered with chilling intensity, her eyes cold and calculating.

"Let go!" Diana commanded her underlings, who released the sobbing girl. She crumpled to the floor, tears mixing with the pain etched on her face, a stark contrast to Diana's indifferent demeanor.

"School is so much fun. I love it," Diana declared with a hollow laugh, the sound devoid of warmth or joy.


Deuce entered Diamond High School, his eyes wide with awe at the grandeur and size of the campus.

"It's huge! I love being here," Deuce murmured to himself, a mix of excitement and nervousness bubbling inside him.

"Excuse me, I'm a scholarship student. Can you tell me where the principal's office is?" Deuce politely asked several students passing by, but they brushed past him as if he were invisible.

"What's going on? I'm handsome, people should be noticing me, not ignoring me," Deuce muttered to himself, a hint of frustration creeping into his voice as he navigated the bustling hallways alone.

"Hey, are you looking for the principal's office?" a friendly voice broke through the indifference. Deuce turned to see a girl with a warm smile.

"Yes," Deuce replied gratefully, relieved to find someone willing to help.

"I'm Ashley. I'll take you there," Ashley offered kindly, leading Deuce through the maze of corridors.

"Thanks," Deuce responded sincerely, following Ashley's lead.

"Here it is," Ashley pointed to a door marked 'Principal's Office,' just as Diana emerged from within.

"We have a new scholarship student," Ashley announced, admiration clear in her voice as she glanced at Diana, who exuded charm and confidence effortlessly.

"Oh my! She's so cute," Ashley remarked softly, momentarily captivated by Diana's presence.

"Is this the principal's office?" Deuce inquired again, hoping for a straightforward answer this time.

Ignoring his question, Ashley introduced Deuce to Diana with a casual wave of her hand.

"Hello, I'm Deuce. Nice to meet you," Deuce extended his hand for a handshake, a genuine smile on his face as he tried to make a good impression.

"Let's welcome the unwelcome," Diana declared abruptly, her tone laced with irony as a crowd gathered around them, eager to witness the drama unfold.

Confusion clouded Deuce's face as objects began to rain down on him, thrown by his new peers.

"What are you doing?" Deuce's voice rose in disbelief and anger, his eyes darting between Diana and the mocking crowd.

Diana smirked, enjoying the spectacle she orchestrated.

"We're welcoming you. Don't you like it?" Diana's smirk widened into a mocking smile, her eyes glittering with amusement at Deuce's discomfort.

"I don't!" Deuce's reply was sharp, cutting through the laughter and taunts directed at him. His frustration boiled over as he struggled to comprehend the cruelty masquerading as a welcome.

"You don't?" Diana's amusement faltered for a moment, replaced by a flicker of surprise at Deuce's defiance.

"No, I don't! What kind of welcome is this?" Deuce's voice cracked with raw emotion, his gaze challenging Diana to explain herself.

Before Diana could respond, a sudden commotion interrupted their confrontation. A loud thud echoed through the hallway as Erica, a fellow student, fell from the rooftop.

Diana's expression hardened into indifference as she glanced at the tragic scene.

"She made the right decision," Diana scoffed callously, her disdain for weakness apparent in her tone.

"There's another rat that needs to be taught a lesson, but he's kinda cute," Diana muttered to herself, her eyes narrowing thoughtfully as she assessed Deuce.

"What's happening in this school?" Deuce's voice trembled with fear and confusion, his eyes wide with disbelief as he witnessed his classmates' callous reaction to Erica's death.

"What are you?" Deuce turned to Diana, his voice trembling with a mix of anger and disbelief.

"I'm Diana, the fearless one," Diana declared boldly, her laughter ringing hollow in the solemn atmosphere.

"Someone just died!" Deuce exclaimed in shock, his voice rising in protest against the heartless indifference surrounding him.

"And so?" Diana shrugged nonchalantly, her gaze cold and unyielding. "She chose to die. No one killed her."

"You're a scholarship student. Know your place, or you'll end up like her," Diana warned with a cruel edge, her words a chilling reminder of the harsh realities at Diamond High School.

"What are you?" Deuce's frustration exploded into action as he grabbed Diana, pushing her against the wall with a mixture of anger and desperation in his eyes.

"What are you doing?" Diana's voice pierced the air, sharp with anger as she struggled against Deuce's grip. Her eyes blazed with fury, demanding he release her. "Get your filthy hands off me now!" she shouted, her tone laced with disdain.

"What if I don't?" Deuce retorted, his own frustration mounting. He stood firm, unwilling to back down in the face of Diana's aggression. His grip tightened slightly, prompting a scoff from Diana as she glanced dismissively to the side.

Suddenly, a burly figure emerged from the periphery, swiftly intervening by seizing Deuce's arms and forcing them behind his back. "What are you doing?" Deuce protested, attempting to wrestle free, but the man's grip was overpowering.

"Make sure to teach him a very good lesson," Diana commanded coldly, her voice cutting through the tension. "Next time, don't dare to bark like a dog. I don't want to see you breathe, or even around," she added with a finality that chilled the air.

The guy dragged Deuce forcefully to a secluded corner, away from prying eyes. With brutal efficiency, he unleashed a barrage of blows, each one landing with a sickening thud. Deuce cried out in pain, his attempts to shield himself futile against the onslaught.

As the beating continued, Deuce's vision blurred, his breath coming in ragged gasps. Pain radiated through every fiber of his being, a stark reminder of his vulnerability in this unfamiliar and unforgiving environment.

Left battered and bruised, Deuce lay crumpled on the ground, his body aching and his spirit shaken. The assailant and his accomplices departed without a word, leaving Deuce to grapple with the aftermath of their brutality.