The unexpected kiss

"Are you alright, ma'am?" Deuce's voice was soft with genuine concern as he approached the shaken teacher.

"I'm fine, thanks," the teacher replied, her voice still trembling slightly.

The classroom was tense, all eyes on Diana as she angrily dialed her phone.

"My phone! I'm calling my lawyer! How dare you touch me!" Diana's voice echoed with fury, her fingers trembling as she pressed the numbers.

"Hello, come here quickly! I need to sue someone!" Diana shouted into the phone, her gaze fixated accusingly on the teacher. Deuce, overwhelmed with frustration, swiftly grabbed Diana's phone mid-call and slammed it against the floor.

"What's your problem? You're rude, proud, disrespectful, and so on..."

"Oh my! My phone!" Diana's panic was palpable as she scrambled to pick up the shattered device. "Do you have any idea how much this phone cost?"

"How much?" Deuce's voice was cold, his patience wearing thin.

"It cost a fortune! Not even your great-grandfather could afford it! It's worth billions! Pay up!" Diana's voice cracked with desperation, pushing Deuce to the edge. In a moment of anger, he raised his hand and slapped Diana across the face.

"Oh my!" Diana gasped, stunned, clutching her cheek as tears welled up. She collapsed to the ground, the classroom erupting in shocked murmurs.

"He hit a girl! He must leave the school!" Voices rose from some of the students, condemning Deuce.

"Oh my! What have I done? I can't be suspended. I just got here," Deuce muttered, his heart pounding with regret and fear of the consequences.

In the teacher's lounge,

"What in the world happened here?" A concerned teacher intervened, trying to make sense of the chaos.

"Look at my face! He hit me so hard! He's a beast!" Diana's voice trembled with pain and indignation. "I have my lawyer. I want to sue both of them!" She pointed accusingly at Deuce and the teacher.

"You can leave now," the teacher instructed Diana firmly, trying to maintain order.

"I can't leave! I've already called the police. They'll be here soon. I'll make sure they take both of them!" Diana's defiance was unwavering as she crossed her arms, eyes flashing with determination.

"What in the world! Why would you escalate this?" The principal's voice boomed with frustration as he entered the room.

"Why are you yelling? You're not the only one who can yell. I can too!" Diana retorted sharply, her anger bubbling over as she scoffed at the principal's authority.

Sirens wailed in the distance, signaling the arrival of the police. Diana rushed to them, tears streaming down her face.

"Hello, I called you guys! Look at my face and ears! They both did this!" Diana's voice quivered with hurt and accusation as she pointed vehemently at Deuce and the teacher.

"I'm sorry, but you both need to come with us to the station," the police officer declared, taking charge and leading Deuce and the teacher away.

"I'm sure he'll never come back here. My problem will be gone forever," Diana whispered to herself, a mix of relief and vindication evident on her face as she watched them being taken away.

"I won at last. Next time, don't bark," Diana muttered triumphantly to Deuce as he was escorted away, her voice tinged with satisfaction.

At the police station,

"Mom," Deuce's voice cracked as his mother approached his cell, concern etched deeply in her features.

"What happened?" Deuce's mother asked softly, her heart aching for her son.

"I'm sorry, Mom," Deuce choked out, tears streaming down his face as he recounted the events.

"It's okay, but they're asking for 10 billion to bail you out. Did you really assault someone and destroy their property?" Deuce's mother's voice trembled with a mix of disbelief and worry, searching his eyes for answers.

"I'm sorry."

"I'll pay," the principal's voice cut through the tension, surprising them both. Deuce's mother turned to see him standing there.

"Donald," Deuce's mother addressed the principal, her tone a mixture of gratitude and disbelief.

"Ella," the principal responded softly.

"I will pay for him."

"No, there's no need. We don't need your help," Deuce's mother insisted firmly, pride and determination in her voice.

"Please, sir, help me! What's wrong with you, Mom?" Deuce's plea was desperate, his heart heavy with guilt and confusion.

"I'll settle this now," the principal assured, walking over to the officer to make arrangements.

"Mom, what was that about?" Deuce asked, confusion evident in his voice.

"So he's the principal of your school?" Deuce's mother questioned, trying to make sense of the situation.

"Yes, why?" Deuce replied, puzzled by her line of questioning.

"Deuce, you know I'll do anything to make you happy, but I want you to leave the school. I'll enroll you somewhere else," Deuce's mother's voice trembled with emotion, her decision weighing heavily on her.

"Do you have the money? I'm on scholarship, Mom. You were happy before; what happened now?" Deuce's voice cracked with a mix of hurt and frustration, struggling to understand.

"Things have changed."

"Do you know the principal?"

"No, I don't."

"But you called him by his name," Deuce pointed out, leaving his mother momentarily speechless.

"I need to use the restroom. I'll be right back," Deuce's mom excused herself hurriedly, needing a moment to compose herself.

"I've settled," the principal's voice carried a sense of finality, and the officer immediately opened the door for Deuce to step out, relief washing over him.

"Thank you, sir. See you at school tomorrow," Deuce expressed his gratitude, his voice tinged with uncertainty.

"I'm happy to help. Did you know your mom and I were classmates and ex-lovers? Your mom still looks fine and young; she hasn't aged a bit," the principal's voice held a hint of nostalgia as he glanced fondly at Deuce's mom from afar.

"So that's it. But it's not bad that they dated. Why is she insisting I withdraw from the school? I would never withdraw, never."

The next morning, Deuce entered the classroom, surprising Diana with his presence.

"How did he pay off 10 billion?" Diana scoffed incredulously, disbelief etched on her face.

"Am I welcome?" Deuce questioned softly, his gaze searching Diana's eyes as he sat down beside her. She met his gaze with a mix of anger and uncertainty.

"Hello, everyone," a handsome guy entered the room, drawing attention with his striking appearance.

"That's the principal's only son," whispers spread among the students, and Deuce overheard.

"Since his father and mine were friends, maybe I'll be friends with him too," Deuce wondered aloud, watching the new guy closely.

"Hey, babe," the guy greeted Diana casually, their closeness not lost on Deuce.

"Babe! So they're dating?" Deuce's thoughts raced with confusion and curiosity.

"Hello, I'm Zann," the guy introduced himself to Deuce, extending a friendly hand and a disarming smile.

"Why am I hesitating now?" Deuce wondered, feeling a mix of apprehension and reluctance as he contemplated shaking Zann's hand.

"Let me just shake his hand," Deuce decided, turning towards Zann. Diana also turned at the same moment, and in an awkward twist of fate, they accidentally kissed, startling everyone in the room, including Zann and Diana themselves.