Chapter 27: Divided Loyalties

The bridge of the Aethel Spear crackled with a tension so thick it could be tasted. All eyes were glued to the viewscreen, where the sleek warship, Mortifer, loomed ominously, its obsidian hull glinting with an unsettling sheen. Vel's hand tightened on the armrest, the weight of command pressing down on him.Anya, ever the strategist, leaned in, her voice barely a whisper. "We don't know who these Dominion are, but they seem well-equipped. We can't afford another fight, especially not with the Exiles on board."Vel nodded curtly. Engaging in open conflict would be disastrous. He needed to buy time, to understand the Dominion's motives and assess their strength. Taking a deep breath, he keyed his comm once more."We apologize for any intrusion," he said, his voice calm yet firm. "We are simply travelers, seeking passage through this sector. We were unaware it was under Dominion control."The silence stretched, broken only by the hum of the ship's engines. Then, the booming voice filled the bridge again."Passage denied," the voice declared, devoid of any emotion. "This sector is off-limits. Identify your purpose and point of origin immediately."Vel stole a glance at the Exiles. Their swirling vortex form pulsed with a faint tremor, a hint of agitation that sent shivers down his spine. Were they communicating telepathically? Planning something reckless?"We are on a diplomatic mission," Vel continued, hoping to deflect suspicion. "We represent a peaceful alliance seeking to establish trade routes."It was a blatant lie, but in the absence of better options, it would have to do. Another long pause followed, the tension in the bridge reaching a fever pitch.Then, the response came, laced with a hint of suspicion. "Diplomatic mission? With whom? And where are you headed?"Vel hesitated. Revealing their alliance with the Exiles could provoke a hostile reaction. But withholding information could be seen as deceit, further escalating the situation. A cold sweat prickled his skin. He needed a way out, a solution that wouldn't jeopardize their fragile alliance or their mission.Suddenly, a wave of energy pulsed from the Exiles, washing over the bridge. A new voice, foreign yet strangely familiar, echoed within their minds."We are the Ex -" the voice began, but before it could finish, Vel slammed his fist on the console."Silence!" he boomed, his voice laced with a desperate authority. "This is a delicate situation. We will handle the negotiations."The Exiles' form pulsed once more, a flicker of something akin to annoyance, before subsiding. Anya raised an eyebrow at him, a silent question hanging in the air. Vel, his heart pounding, returned her a look that spoke volumes – they needed to tread carefully, maintain the illusion of a unified front while navigating this precarious situation.Taking another deep breath, Vel addressed the Dominion warship once more. "We are willing to disclose our destination on a private channel," he said, hoping to isolate the Exiles from the conversation. "Perhaps we can find a mutually beneficial arrangement."A tense silence followed. Then, to Vel's immense relief, the deep voice rumbled once more. "Very well. Establish a private channel. We shall hear your proposal."A sliver of hope flickered within Vel. They hadn't gotten out of the woods yet, but they had managed to buy themselves some time. Now, they had to navigate the treacherous waters of diplomacy, all while keeping their uneasy alliance with the Exiles from unraveling. The fate of their mission, and perhaps the future of their fight against the Harbingers, depended on it.