The Next Door House Wife

Kane walked into the parking lot of the gym where his earlier match had taken place. A mix of luxurious and run-down vehicles were parked there.

Recalling his earlier memory, it was easy for the heavenly young master to spot his new ride.

In a few seconds, he walked over and checked out the motorcycle.

"Man, I rode a fucking dragon, literally and figuratively, in my past life. Now I have to ride this ugly thing. Tsk."

It was an old motorcycle, like really old. Apparently, Kane had gotten it from his father, who had bought a nice car.

"This thing must be at least fifty years old. Oh well... I'll have a nicer one in no time."

He hopped onto the bike, put the keys in like he remembered, and turned the key.

Nothing happened.

"Huh? Why isn't this piece of junk starting?"

He turned the key again, then a third time, but the bike still didn't start.

"Is it broken?"

He grumbled, gritting his teeth.

"Hey, you old piece of shit, if you don't start, I'll tear you apart. You really don't want to mess with this heavenly young master."

Vrooommm~ vroommm~

A grin spread across his face as the engine finally roared to life.

"See? That's how it's done."

He patted the bike like it was a baby and wobbled out of the parking lot.

At first, he rode like a drunken idiot, causing the security guard to dive into a small fountain to avoid getting run over.

But slowly, Kane got the hang of it, thanks to Hunter's memories kicking in.

"Man, this world is ass. No dragons, no fairies, not even a hint of the immortal realm. Just a bunch of humans working their asses off until they drop dead."

"Well, screw it. Let's party here until I figure out how to get back to my immortal realm."


He revved the bike and sped down the highway towards his new home.


An hour later, Kane stood in front of an apartment complex. It was twenty stories high and looked like it hadn't been maintained in over a year.

Clothes hung on some balconies, apparently to dry.

He parked the bike where old Kane used to and casually walked towards the entrance.

The main gate was open, and there was a guy sitting and eating chips while glued to his phone.

"Hey, old man."

The man, who looked like a hobo, turned his head and nodded at him. "Ah, how was your match? Did ya get your promotion?"

"Nah. I died and came back. The promotion's gone."

"Whoa, that's... that's unfortunate. What you gonna do about Viktor Romano? He'll eat you alive."

The security guy was nice enough, at least towards Kane. He was a bit of a pervert, probably because of his age.

Kane shrugged. "Don't worry. I'll pass next time with flying colors."

He winked and walked away.

It was the truth. In the next match, he'd win without a doubt.

'I'm a damn martial arts genius who fought against princes of hell and heaven's kings. What can a little human scum do against me, huh?'

He whistled and waltzed into the elevator, pressing the button for the 20th floor.

The door was about to close when suddenly a group of people ran towards the elevator, bags and luggage in hand. They all looked exhausted.

"Wait, wait! Don't close the door!"

He clicked his tongue and pressed the button to hold the door.

Being a benevolent young master, he was annoyed but... well... people needed help.

"No need to run. Take your time, I'll hold the door."

He smiled graciously at them.

Hearing the young man, the group slowed down, catching their breath as they dragged their luggage with them.

"Thank you, young man, you're so kind."

An older woman said with a warm smile.

Kane smiled back. "My pleasure, granny."

"Young people like you are so rare today. If it was any other young ones, they would've scoffed and pretended not to see us."

"I'm not like them, granny. I don't scoff at people while I backstab them; I actually smile."


With a ding, the elevator doors closed, and the last thing the crowd saw was his ear-to-ear grin.

"You little fucker!"

He heard the granny's voice as he laughed and leaned back against the elevator wall.

"Telling this heavenly young master to hold the elevator for them? Hmpf, how arrogant of them."

He was annoyed but amused, knowing that the elevator would take about 10-15 minutes to reach the ground floor.




Seven minutes later, the elevator doors on the twentieth floor opened with a grating sound.

Just as Kane was about to step out, a particular family walked forward, naturally blocking his path.

"Whoa... Ah, Kane, good to see you."

The husband, who looked like he hadn't eaten or slept for over a week, was named Alex.

This guy was an IT company worker who worked overtime as the sole breadwinner for his family, while his wife, who was behind him, stayed at home, ate, and took care of her body and beauty.

"Same, brother. How was work?"

"Ah, I'm dead tired. I want to sleep but..."


"Well, Layla wants to shop."

The man was dead tired.

"Well, wife is wife."

Kane smiled and let him pass.

The man got inside and started typing away on his smartphone, not even checking if his wife and small child had gotten in.

Then Kane greeted the wife with a smile. He naturally knew about this woman. How could he not?

She always tried to flirt with him, but old Kane was an idiot who just ran away.

'Not anymore.'

"Looking good, mommy..."

Kane had a big smile on his face as he addressed the woman.

She was in her late twenties, very self-conscious about her body, and an attention whore.

Medium breasts and an ass like puffy cakes, she was wearing a white crop top and black tight leggings that hugged her cheeks tightly.

"Whoa... well, thank you, Kane. The boy is giving me a headache."

Naturally, he called her mommy because she was the mother of a 4-year-old, who was currently perched on her arms, wiggling and smiling.

The word "mommy" had an effect on her, as her face reddened.

"The boy will only grow and become more of a menace. If you're tired at this age, what are you gonna do then, huh? Don't you wanna get in shape?"

He caressed the boy's head, not out of affection but for another reason. The small boy giggled in response.

"Ah, that..."

Layla was flabbergasted that he bluntly said she didn't have enough stamina to keep up with her son and was out of shape.

She always thought she was fit and all. So it was a blow to her confidence to hear those words, especially from an MMA fighter.

"I know many ways to increase stamina. Of course, if you're up for it. No fees, naturally."

He leaned in, and the boy giggled again, giving Kane the perfect opportunity.

His back hand, which was caressing the boy's head, "accidentally" brushed against Layla's boob, and she couldn't help but notice.

Blushing, she thought it was just a mistake and considered moving away.

However, the intensity of his eyes made her freeze, gulp, and stay put, unsure of what to do next.

"You have my number. I'll be waiting for that call. Let's have some fun while working out, alright?"

He winked at her and gently grabbed her hip, guiding her inside the elevator.

"Ah, I don't want to delay your shopping anymore. Please, continue."

She nodded and was about to step in when she suddenly felt a small slap on her ass cheek.


Her whole face flushed as she snapped her head around, seeing him smile and gesture with his hand, mimicking a phone to remind her he would be waiting for her call.

The elevator doors shut, and she glanced at her husband, still engrossed in his phone, oblivious to the fact that someone had touched her boob and slapped her ass.

'Am I getting out of shape?'

Doubts crept into her mind, exactly what our heavenly young master wanted.

'Should I call him?'

She liked to tease him, but now she was the one being teased.

He had boldly touched her and commented on her insecurity as if it was the most natural thing to do.

'He's not afraid of anything, is he?'

She smiled and glanced at her husband, who seemed indifferent to her or their son.

"Honey... how would you like it if I started working out?"