the last battle of the galaxy

Again, after destroying everything, all the devils died. Still, their battle was incomplete because no real devils boss has been killed. Both of them are a little worried about this. But both of them are full of courage and enthusiasm that now whatever danger comes, we will destroy it completely, even if we lose our lives. But now we will not let anyone destroy anything. Then suddenly, a group of demons attacks them again and they start killing them again, but this time their pressure was very high. It seemed that they were coming from somewhere else. Then, a lot of demons had come and the army of the devourer also attacks them. Both of them get tired of killing everyone, but the crowd of demons was not decreasing and was hitting them hard. Then, they take their animal form too, but still, Zayed is not able to stand up. Finally, they take their normal form again and Zayed gets tired and then the demons start killing him. Now they did not get any other option except to retreat, still both of them used all the energy they had and killed the devils but now the energy also left them, finally both of them had to run away from there, now what will happen to the galaxy and will they both be able to recover again.

Is the last time of the galaxy over, when will those people come who are written about in the book, and then on the other hand the galaxy is being ruled by the devils, on the other hand those two got injured and disappeared, no one knows where and on the other hand there is darkness over the galaxy, what will happen next?...

Now both of them went to a small place and were bandaging themselves and no one suspected that both of them were hiding here, they both cannot come out until both of them are completely well and their energy does not come back, both of them were recovering quickly but still it was taking time, then both of them see that someone is calling them from another galaxy, then those people look As soon as they go out, Erin suspects that it is some devil, then he makes a clone of himself and sends it outside, then the voice that he hears is of a real devil, it was good that both of them did not come out, otherwise they would have been caught again, then slowly after everything is fine, both of them make a plan that we will have to fight separately and then with the mind also, then both of them think that it will be easy to kill them by diverting their attention first, then both of them decided that one will divert their attention and the other will kill them, then Erin said that I will tell the attention and Aalan you give them immortality, then everything was decided and both of them got ready for the fight again and then suddenly a voice is heard on the radio that hello hello, that voice was of a girl and she said that we are coming to support you, wait for us, the radio gets disconnected and both of them start thinking again that who was this and why does she want to help us, then both of them are saints They go and say let's wait for her, let's see who she is and where she is coming from, then both of them start waiting for her.

Just then everything was getting destroyed there, both of them were not able to do anything except watching because they had to wait for someone and that person was about to come.

Even after waiting for a long time, they did not see anyone coming, then both of them went out to fight and came out with a big bang and did the same plan. Vaidehi started the fight and killed many of the devourers. Then some were coming from nowhere, when suddenly the devourer and his 10 great devils arrived there like lightning. It was not less. The enemy who came in the storm, whose name was Roldrator Man, also arrived. As soon as he came, he made both of them kneel down in one go. Then he started telling them about himself. He told them only one thing that I am such a devourer in the whole universe that I can kill anything but because of your old master, my dream was shattered. Since then, I swore that I will not get peace until I destroy him and his galaxy. Then he also told that the devourer is my younger brother. Now you and your galaxy will be destroyed. Then suddenly there is a strong blast there and there is chaos again and both of them also get free from captivity after killing those devils and a big fight starts again. Both of them continued fighting but those people who were written in the book had not yet come. They kept waiting for those people who would come and save the galaxy from destruction. Still the fight continued. The Satan army was attacking both of them, still both of them stood firm on the battlefield.

Then as the fight was getting more dangerous, the future of the galaxy was becoming visible. This was an unprecedented war till now and the army of demons was increasing so much that they were causing a lot of damage to the galaxy. They had injured both of them so much that they were still continuing the fight. Then suddenly that 10 comes again and starts attacking them again and both of them were also giving a dangerous reply to their attack that both of them were getting a little weak. Then one of those Maharaths attacks Elin with his powerful energy and Elin is not able to get up. Then Erin comes and starts running away from there taking Elin with him. Then Lyra catches him with her energy and starts pulling him towards her. Then Erin kills him hard and disappears. Then the war stops there. Then both of them go to a small place and do their treatment. Both of them were at such a place that no one could find them. Then they get a lot of pain. It took him days to recover himself, then he again heard a strange voice saying we have arrived, we are about to reach your galaxy, then that voice vanishes. Then both of them go back to fight and again they both come in full form and start fighting recklessly, slowly they reduce the population of devils by half, then again suddenly the crowd of devils increased and they again started attacking both of them and they were also attacking back, then suddenly a portal opens and from it 5 people from the prophecy come out who were supposed to come to save the galaxy, and those people came, as soon as they came they killed all the devils, still they died and more came, what will happen next?