Ran away

"What do you mean by I'm on my own Wilson?, what about the kids?, and what do I tell the clan's Don when they come in search of you?" Annah Wilson whispered on the phone as she sat on the bed trying to balance herself before she faints by the news she was hearing.

"I'm serious here Annah, just sort it out, this would be the last time you'd ever see or hear my voice" Wilson said as Annah heard movements in the background.

"Wait- beep" Annah stared at the phone in disbelief as she dialed the number again and again, but sadly it didn't go, she clutched her hair in her hands as she threw her phone in the corner. This man was going to put her and her family into deep shit and she knew it. Being the wife of a transporter was a good thing but it came with it's pros and cons.

Kaliya entered into her home as she felt tension in the air, she looked around but the house was as silent as a graveyard. She tied her brown hair into a ponytail as she walked further into the house.

"Mother!" She yelled only to meet her mother on the floor, with a duct tape stuck to her mouth, with two scary men hovering over her. She immediately turned to her heels as she dashed out of the house, as soon as she opened the door she was shoved back into the house as she fell with a thud.

"Fucking hell" she cursed as she looked at the large and puffed men in front with of her.

"What do you want from me?, I didn't do anything wrong" she asked confused, she stared at her mother who looked dishelved and scared at she immediately placed that something was wrong.

"Tie her up" one of the guys who had a scar on his face said as he walked back to where Annah was kneeling, he slapped her across the face as her face turned, making her lips burst, she looked gruesome and it made kaliya's eyes burn in shame.

"Just tell us where your husband is and we'll let you and your daughters go" the scar face man said as Annah shook her head trying to speak, she knew nothing about her husband's whereabouts, so why was she being blamed for it.

"Stop hitting my mother, she didn't do anything wrong" Kaliya yelled in defense as she guy that was behind her slapped her head making her vision blur for a split second. Kaliya felt the pain from her head shoot up to her stomach as she clenched her fists.

"You three are going to be in big trouble with the Don, get Wilson here by tomorrow or consider yourselves fried fishes" the scar face said as he kicked mom in the side of her ribs allowing her fall to the floor as she clenched her eyes shot in pain.

"And maybe this feisty one can be our little pet" Kaliya felt a finger trace her neck into her cleavage, she bit the finger so hard till it bled, but she immediately regretted it as she felt a cold metal being pressed in her temple, she shuddered as she looked up at the dark brown eyes that was staring down at her.

"Fuck you bitch, know your place, right now you're at our disposal so know your place" Scar face said as he slapped her with the gun making Kaliya wince as she clenched her eyes tears falling out of them as she nodded.

"Come on let's go" Scar face said as his buddy joined him, as they left the house, kaliya looked at her mother that was on the floor sobbing. Her junior sister, Lucia rushed down the stairs.

"Are you okay mom?" She said in an innocent voice as she loosened the ropes tied around her mother's hands as she helped her sit up.

"I'm fine darling" Annah said as she stood up from the floor casting a gaze of mockery at Kaliya before she walked away, Lucia stood there as she stared at her sister that was still kneeling.

"You look like some cheap bitch" Lucia sneered as Kaliya could only stare at her helplessly. This was how it has always being, what else could go wrong?.

"Cat got your tongue?, I always thought you were better than me but guess what, dad was right to run away, you're the problem Kaliya and you'll always be" Lucia said as she went to the lights as she turned them off, she knew her sister hated the dark so immediately she turned it off, she left the sitting room heading upstairs.

Kaliya looked around in the darkness as she clenched her eyes shut as tears flowed out of them freely, this isn't the first time she was being treated in such matter. Yes, she was a carbon copy of her father, but her mother and sister always treated her like trash and maybe she was. She had never done anything meaningful before, but she knew she hadn't done anything to receive such treatment from her family. Kaliya swallowed in pain as she stood up, she swayed for a bit before she stood firmly looking around. She closed her eyes as she opened them, she could swear someone was staring back at her with red eyes that made her take a step backwards.

"Ahhhh" she screamed as she fell on the couch but the figure remained unmoving. She closed her eyes as she shook her head vehemently as tears fell out of her eyes. She clutched her chest with her tied hands as she felt herself slipping into an endless darkness.

"I miss you dad" she whispered as she finally passed out. Lucia smirked in the darkness as she left the room going upstairs, she wished nothing more but death for her sister and she was going to make sure Kaliy

a dies whether by hook or by crook.