
Carson got back to his penthouse to find the place quiet. He frowned as he checked the time. Wasn't Kaliya supposed to be home by now? Lilian was already off duty, so where did Kaliya go?

He looked around the house as he checked every nook and cranny, as he couldn't find Kaliya, he immediately called her as he felt his blood boiling. He felt something was wrong. After her phone rang for some minutes, there was no answer. He immediately called Alex.

"Hey, I'll send you someone's number, track her down asap" Carson said anxiously. Alex was surprised to see his boss so agitated by a 'Her'. 

"Sure boos, I'll be waiting for the number. He should have found the person at least 6 minutes later", Alex said as Carson hung up. He just hoped that Kaliya wasn't kidnapped because if she was, he would slit anyone who had dared to touch a strand of hair on kaliya's skin.

Kaliya woke up, her head pounding, her throat was patched and dry, she coughed as she opened her eyes. She looked around her and, due to what she was seeing, she was probably in a house, but the room was unfurnished and looked old. There was only a window that was at the side of the room, and everywhere was dark, it was given off a spooky vibe.

"H-hello!, is anyone here?" Kaliya screamed, but her voice only echoed back to her. She looked around the room as she spotted the door. She started to bang on the door, harder and harder at every minute.

"Help!!, is anyone in here?" She yelled, but she got no response. Sighing, she sat on the floor as she looked through her purse. She couldn't find her phone. Who exactly had kidnapped her? She wondered, she rested her back against a wall in the corner. Soon she heard footsteps coming from outside the door. She immediately sat up, as the door creaked open, a large figure stepped in. It was a man and a woman, which surprised her.

"Oh look, our little bitch is up" the lady said as she snickered.

"What do you want from me?" Kaliya asked. She wasn't there to play around with those kidnappers.

"What don't we want? You're engaged to a Don, so we practically want everything, missy," the man said, his voice was thick and deep. She couldn't really tell who he was, because his face was covered up and only his eyes were revealed.

"Oh, you mean Carson, what does that have to do with me anyway?" Kaliya said, pissed by the fact that she was getting kidnapped because of Carson.

"Oh shit up, you're a real bitch, I would've smacked you right here, but I'm in a good mood, so stay put" the lady said, casting Kaliya a disgusted gaze as she walked out of the room. Kaliya looked at the man and noticed a tattoo on his wrist. It was a dove. She had seen that tattoo somewhere, but where?

"Who are you? I have this feeling that you know me" kaliya asked cautiously as the man frowned on his mask, obviously not pleased by her question.

"Shut up" the man snapped at her before leaving the room. He locked the door behind him. Kaliya fell to the floor as she groaned.


Carson stopped his car in front of an old wooden house. He couldn't help but frown. Why would anyone live in such an environment, but he couldn't care less. As he stepped out of the car, Alex followed him. They had brought a few of their members from the clan, because they had no idea what they were up against.

"Few of you can go around, Alex and vodka. , Would go up front", Carson said, and after giving warnings and instructions, they finally proceeded into the shabby house. 

The woman who kidnapped Kaliya was named Hanadi. She was part India and part America. She was in the kitchen and preparing a salad when she heard movements in the living room. As she peeped through the kitchen's door, she found strange men there as they looked around, but the one she could never forget who Carson was. She immediately grabbed her gun as she went through a secret passage going to get her husband. Thankfully, her husband was seated in front of the place where Kaliya was kept.

"They are here. I told you they'd come for her and Carson looked angry" hanadi as her husband stood up. He went into the room as he grabbed Kaliya, making her let out a shrill scream.

"Get your hands off me, you beast" she yelled as the man pulled her out of the room whilst her struggling. He didn't let go, he waved his wife over as they immediately decided to leave the house.

Carson heard kaliya's scream. He could recognize her voice from any distance or angle. He motioned at vodka and Alex to follow the scream. They cautiously did.

"Don't move" a voice boomed through the halls as Carson, Alex and vodka paused on their feet. As they turned around slowly, hanadi was standing beside her husband who had his hands wrapped around Kaliya's neck as he applied force to it.

"Fancy you came to save such a bitch ayy Carson " the masked man said. His voice was soothing but dangerous. Kaliya tried shaking his hands off but hanadi just slapped her with a gun.

"Shut the fuck up" she whispered to Kaliya, whose eyes were already filled with tears.

"Don't you fucking lay another finger on her, or I promise to kill each of you one by one" Carson said as hanadi and her husband burst into fits of laughter, making Carson frown.

"Fancy you are here threatening us, when we clearly have the upper hand" the masked man continued as vodka chuckled.

"Upper hand, you have a man who is too ashamed to take off his mask and a woman who I'd probably snatch that gun out of her hand, and you call this upper hand?" Vodka said as he stared at Kaliya who stared back at him.

"Say that again, I fucking dare you" the masked man said as he pointed his gun at Kaliya.