A favour

Amber groaned as she placed her hand on her aching head. She looked around as she noticed that her room seemed different. Jumping out of the bed, she noticed the picture of Dan on the wall and her nose scrunched up in disgust. She got into the bathroom as she quickly freshened up, putting on some of the spare clothes she left here, putting her old clothes in a bag, she walked out of the room. Her heart hammered against her rib cage as she got closer to the living room, thankfully, it was only Maya and her nanny.

"Good morning ma'am" her nanny, Winter, said as she stood up. Maya stopped eating as she ran to hug Amber.

"My baby, how are you?" Amber said as she stroked Maya's hair, Maya giggled as she pulled her mom to seat down.

"I'm fine momma, dad brought you home yesterday, you passed out" Maya said as she looked at her mother with worried eyes, amber face palmed inwardly. If she sets her eyes on Daniel before she leave the house, she'll stab him right in the gut.

"I just got drunk baby, I'm fine" amber said as she kissed Maya's cheek. Amber stood up as she went to the kitchen to make some coffee for herself. The kitchen was just like she remembered it, simple and cozy just like it should be. She ran her fingers in the counter were Daniel had taken her, she swallowed the lump in her throat as she took a large gulp of her coffee, the burning sensation made her mind calm down.

Amber shouldn't be here, Daniel had told her before that she didn't belong here and he was right. Amber was once a member of a mafia clan, but she left when she met Daniel, Daniel had swept her off her feets the first time they met but she had been so foolishness to let Daniel deceive her.

"Fancy seeing you here" she heard a voice behind her, making her cup fall to the floor.

"Shit" she screamed as she stepped out of the way as the mug shattered. Daniel walked closer to amber as he turned her around, checking if she was hurt.

"Are you okay?, did it touch you?" Daniel asked as amber shook her head, she took in a deep breath as she looked at Daniel, his eyes were coated with nothing but worry and fear.

"I'm fine Daniel, it's okay" Amber said as she shook his hand off her body, she grabbed her bag as she was about to walk out of the kitchen when Daniel grabbed her hand.

"Where are you going?" Daniel asked as he pulled her closer to his body, wrapping his hands around her. Amber couldn't help but sigh inwardly as she tried to control her hormones.

"I'm going home, you basically kidnapped me, but somehow, it helped" Amber said, now she didn't have to drive all the way down here from her estate just to pick Maya.

"Just stay for a while and besides I need your help" Daniel said as he pulled amber with him, as amber stood in front of the counter, Daniel lifted her up placing her on it as his hands went to her thigh.

"W-what are you doing?" Amber said as she swallowed, it had been so long since a dick had entered her and she could feel herself getting wet by the minute.

"I need your help baby, it's about Liya, but i know you wouldn't help me so this is the only way I can convince you baby" Daniel said as his hands went under amber's skirt, Amber sucked on her lower lips as Daniel held eye contact with her. Amber wrapper her hands around Daniel's neck as he wrapped his hands around her neck, forcing her to kiss him, it wasn't as though sje wouldn't kiss him if he had asked her, but this way it just turned her on more.

"Okay, what do you want?" Amber asked Daniel as she broke the kiss, she didn't need another baby especially not her.

"Do you know that Kaliya is the heir of the shadow Weavers?" Daniel said as amber burst out laughing, but when's he saw Daniel's face was normal and emotionless.

"Oh, you're serious, but how is that even possible?, yeah she's brave and outspoken, but she's too innocent to be part of such a devilish clan" Amber said as Daniel cupped her tit as he stared at her.

"Yeah, she's part of it, we are trying to lure her to our base, to see if we can really find out what's going on" Daniel said, he knew amber had being to the clan's base a lot of time's when they were dating.

"Where do I come into all of this exactly?" Amber asked relishing In the feeling of her tits being groped by Daniel's hand, he always knew how she loved being touched.

"We need someone to bring her there, and of now she only trusts you, we would've asked Adele to do it, but the bitch might just scare her away" Daniel said with a sigh as he took his hands off amber's body, but amber grabbed his hands placing it back there.

"I know, but, she might never trust me after this. Maybe I shouldn't even get involved in mafia games" amber said as she remembered what happened the last time, Daniel cupped her face between his hands as he looked at her.

"Just do this for me Amber, Carson looks as if he would loose his mind at any second and did I forget to mention Carson shot Kaliya?" Daniel said as amber's eyes widened.

"What the fuck!" Amber exclamated as she jumped off the counter, she walked to one of the cabinets pulling out a knife. Daniel couldn't help but chuckle at how feisty Amber was. He wished everything that happened in the past never happened but it had already happened there was nothing he could do.