Make up sex

Kaliya woke up, sweat dripping down her face as she wiped it with the back of her palm. They were still in her room, she stilled as she saw her briefcase on the table. She stood up as she walked over to it, the people in the room didn't even know she was awake.

Carson soon noticed movement behind him and as he turned, he saw Kaliya leaning on the wall as she held the briefcase in the hand smiling at him in a devilish way. Something about her had changed and the whole gang in the room could see it.

"Are you okay Liya?" Amber asked as she stood up about to go hug Kaliya but Daniel grabbed her hand as he shook his head.

"Let go of me" Amber shook his hand off her as she went to hug Kaliya, Kaliya hugged her back as the familiar scent calmed her headache.

"You seem different" Amber said as Kaliya just smiled at her, as she looked at Carson.

"I'm leaving" she said as Carson stood up walking over to where she was standing, he pushed amber away from Kaliya making her stumble a bit.

"Don't touch her" Kaliya yelled at Carson as he raised a brow at her.

"Leave us" he said as Daniel helped Amber up as he pulled her as they all left the room, leaving Kaliya and Carson together. Carson knew that something had changed, she looked more fierce and brave than before.

"What's going on?, have you forgotten that I own you?" Carson said as he took the briefcase and flung it across the room. Kaliya's eyes widened as she glared at him.

"I don't care Carson, I just want to go, get away from this toxic air" Kaliya said as she pushed him aside walking to the briefcase as she picked it up, Carson's eyes followed her every move, ahe seemed more mature and sexier than anyone he had ever fucked before.

"Toxic?, you're from a fucking clan Kaliya, you are fucking toxic" Carson yelled as Kaliya closed her eyes as if to control her emotions.

"I am not fucking toxic Carson, if you had just allowed my family...I mean the people who raised me go, none of this would have happened and to think your family caused all of this bullshit!" Kaliya said angrily as tears ran down her face. Carson wanted to come close to her but she shook her head admist her tears.

"Stop, okay, just stop there, you don't deserve to touch me" Kaliya said as she opened the briefcase, trailing her hand on the embroidery on the gun.

"Your elder brother killed my brother, he made me stay in hiding all my life, your brother only died because my brother wanted to save me, do you know how old I was" Kaliya said calmly, if it were other girl, they might be tossing and turning in Carson's arm, but seeing someone related to you brother's murderer was just messed up. Yes, she had falling in love with Carson when she didn't have her memory but now that she knew what happened, she detested Carson with all her heart.

"My brother killed your brother?, how is that even possible?" Carson asked confused, his brother had died in a bombing incident but he never killed anyone.

"I don't want to know whether it's possible or not, but I know what I'm saying, if you're looking for Wilson, I have nothing to do with him, you can kill him for all I care; but I have to leave with immediate effect" Kaliya said as Carson walked closer to her wrapping his hands around her waist as she looked into her eyes, the gun in kaliya's hand fell to the floor.

"You want to leave?, you're my fiancée, you have no right" Carson said as he cupped her cheek, pressing his lips on hers. Kaliya stiffened for a minute but soon their mouth's and tongue moved in a perfect sync.

Carson's hand moved to her right breast as he groped it, Kaliya arched her back but she never broke the kiss. If she wanted to kill Carson, this was the perfect time to do it. Her hand went to Carson's hair as she gripped it, Carson took a breath as he broke the kiss, looking at her flushed face, he turned her around as he pushed her against the wall.

"Arch your back" Carson whispered into her ears as Kaliya did as she was told. Soon, Carson rubbed her soft, plump ass as he gave it a slap, Kaliya bit her lips to avoid a moan escaping her lips. Carson saw what she did and just chuckled, he flipped her dress up as he noticed she didn't have panties on, he pressed his cock, between her ass cheeks as the heat made him groan.

"You've been such a naughty girl, not having panties on" Carson said as his hands trailed down to her pussy, when he felt the slimy liquid there, he rubbed on her pussy slowly as Kaliya let out a moan.

"Oh fuck, finger my pussy" Kaliya moaned as Carson slapped her ass.

"Call me daddy, if you call me that, I'll consider fingering you" Carson siad as he rubbed on her clit making Kaliya arch her back more.

"Jesus, Finger my wet pussy daddy!" She screamed as Carson smirked, he thrusted two of his fingers into her as she moaned loudly.

Amber leaned into Daniel's chest as he was on a call, when she closed her eyes, she swore that she heard moaning, she looked around the place but didn't see anyone having sex. Daniel noticed her skeptical look and ended the call.

"What is it baby?" Daniel said as Amber left his arms, walking over to the office where Carson and Kaliya were, placing her ear on the door, she could hear moaning.

"They're having sex?" Amber said as Daniel chuckled, he knew that Carson was capable of making Kaliya succumb to him.

"Make up sex I guess"