
Carson groaned as he opened his eyes, he felt pain all over his body. He looked around as he spotted Adele by the corner mixing up something.

"A-adele" he said with great difficulty and thank goodness Adele had great hearing because she turned almost immediately.

"You're finally awake huh?. You'll still feel pain for a while, so don't move to avoid your wound re-opening" Adele said as she looked at him, deep within her eyes were concern and fear of loosing it but they all knew Adele would never tell you her real feelings.

"Where is she?" Carson said as Adele laughed, her laugh was filled with pain and agony, and a tinge of mockery. "She? She fucking almost killed you as soon as you wake up, she's the one you remember?" Adele said, she was hurt that after everything she did for this man, he would never choose her, she would always just be his partner and nothing more.