Tell mum I love her

Donovan shook his head only to see that there was no one standing in front of him, he must have been imagining things, he wasn't really the best at staying in the dark.

He stood up from the bed, removing the drip from his hand as he stretched his stiff limbs. He wanted to go over and see how amber was doing. Walking down the dark hall, he felt a chill run up his spine but he knew that it was probably because of the cold wind that was entering through the opened windows. Getting to amber's room, he pushed the door open and a nurse was inside, finishing her work.

"You shouldn't be here sir" the nurse said but Donovan didn't care, he looked as if he had just seen a ghost, amber was laying on the bed, she looked lifeless and this was all his fault.

"Is she going to be okay?" Donovan asked as the nurse covered amber, she turned as she smiled at him, her smile was reassuring and it made Donovan feel slightly better.