Chapter 15: Shadows In The Ward.


Two days had passed. Luna and I settled in more comfortably, and Helena was much more relaxed. She refused to leave the house however, saying that it wasn't necessary. Another part of me said otherwise.


We were currently on our way to the hospital to check if Veronica had regained consciousness. News of her accident had spread, and we even watched the coverage of the scene on the news. It took every ounce of self-restraint not to smash the TV as it displayed the wreckage, still covered in blood. The truck driver was unscathed, which was particularly odd. But Veronica had crashed into the side of his truck, so her car had most of the damage.


As we drove, I couldn't help but notice the skyscrapers that lined the streets. I had only seen high towers and castles back in Lunaville, but this….this was something else. Their glass facades reflected the morning sun, casting a golden hue over the bustling streets below. Pedestrians crowded the streets, some hurrying to work, while others leisurely sipped their coffee.


We passed by a park, its lush greenery permeating my senses. The aroma of freshly baked bread wafted from a nearby bakery, and my inner wolf growled at me, 'we have to get a taste of that.'


This time, I agreed with the little fella.

Luna shot me a glance, as if she could hear him too.


As we got closer to the hospital, the scenery changed. The buildings on this part of the city were much older, hinting at its historical roots. The hospital itself was a modern complex, with continuous patterns of gray and blue, designed to portray healing and comfort. Ambulances occasionally pulled into the emergency entrance, their sirens a constant reminder at the urgency of life.



We headed into the hospital, the reception filled with different people with one issue or the other. I was glad werewolves didn't get sick often, because I did not have the patience these people did. A group of people were yelling at the nurses who stood at the reception tables, and it was evident that they didn't actually give a shit.


As we walked past, my senses became increasingly alert. I sniffed the air. Nothing out of the ordinary: the sharp antiseptic tang of cleaning agents, latex gloves and surgical masks, the faint aroma of sweat, anxiety and fear. Everything seemed normal, but my inner wolf was restless.


We moved towards Veronica's ward, and I glanced at Luna. She glanced back, with a worried expression. I could sense a presence in the ward, and it definitely wasn't a doctor. Helena pushed open the doors and gasped.


Well, good news, Veronica was awake. Bad news, or rather disturbing news, there was a strange masked man injecting something into her IV drip. She was struggling against him, weak in her attacks. At that moment, he turned towards us, took out a knife and aimed straight for her throat.


Without thinking, I sped over, my reflexes making my movements a blur, disarmed him, and delivered three precise punches to the skull designed to leave him dazed for at least thirty minutes. I pinned him to the ground, baring my razor sharp teeth. Helena screamed for help. I was so close to switching forms and ripping this 'guy' limb for limb, but that would have to wait. Luna walked over and examined him as I held him underneath me. Her eyes widened with strange recognition. Puzzled, I felt a surge of energy from his body and glanced at him. I probably rolled my eyes so hard they almost fell into my skull.


This idiot was one of us.




I was relieved when I walked towards Veronica's ward, but that earlier relief turned into icy dread. That man….with the string poised directly into Veronica's drip tube. The image burned in my memory, forever imprinted. My pulse quickened, with fear and disbelief as I watched. A surge of protectiveness and anger washed over me, but I was frozen with the horror of the scene.


Aaron moved, his speed too quick to catch with the eyes, and his sudden movement yanked me out of my daze. I screamed as loud as I could, calling for help. I was breathless, my knuckles white from clutching at the door handle. Realization set in; this wasn't just some random attack, this was something dark, more sinister. Whoever this man was, he planned all this perfectly well.


Within seconds, the doctors rushed into the room, assessing Veronica and making sure she was stable. "I'm fine, get those things off my face." She protested. I ran over to her, and tears freely streamed down my face. I explained what had happened to the doctors and they nodded, before leaving the ward.


"Helena…. you're here." She whispered softly.


"He–he wanted to–to kill you… what if..what if I wasn't here…I.." I faltered.


"Nothing is going to happen to me Helena. I promise." She said weakly.

Her heart rate increased, and the monitor beside her bed went bonkers. She shut her eyes, trying to control the rage going on in her chest. She was shaken, it showed.


Then again, she acted like it was nothing.

"Why did you come back?" She asked, startling me.

"Why didn't you tell me you were the one who had the accident?" I retorted,a little mad.


"Because I knew you'd do something like this. You're probably gonna give up one full week of work because of me.



"Shhhh." She patted my palm which rested on hers. "He didn't succeed now did he?" She had a playful glint in her eyes.


Excuse me you almost got murdered?


She chuckled at my expression, holding her head to steady herself. "Do you know him?" I decided to ask. From her demeanor, something told me she expected the attack. At first, when she noticed the man, her eyes widened in horror. Normal reaction.


But then, there was a spark of recognition and resignation in her eyes. It was as if she had steeled herself for this moment but was prepared to fight back, despite her weakened state. Reminiscing that scene sent involuntary shivers down my spine. Veronica looked at me with an inscrutable expression. She paused for a moment, and opened her mouth to speak when a group of officers barged into the ward.


It was then I realized that Aaron was still pinning him to the ground, where he lay unable to move. They seized the man and one of them walked towards me and said, "Please follow me ma'am. We have a few questions." More chills.


The number of times I've had adrenaline spikes in the last two weeks should be enough to induce a heart attack.


I was led to a small, sterile conference room down the hall. The room was empty, save for a small table and a few chairs. The fluorescent bulbs cast a harsh glow in the room, making the atmosphere more tense.


I sat down, my hands trembling. The officer sat across from me, notepad in one hand and pen in the other. He had a calm, professional demeanor, but the intensity was clear in his beige eyes. He started, and I tried to keep my emotions in check.


"Can you tell me exactly what you saw at Veronica's ward this morning?"

"Did you recognize the man who tried to attack her?"

"How do you know Aaron and Luna?"


His questions continued, sending my brain into a frenzy. I answered as best as I could, although my voice wavered. The officer took occasional glances at me, trying to gauge my reactions.


I think.


By the time I returned to Veronica's ward, she was asleep. My stomach rumbled, indicating that it was empty. I hadn't even eaten breakfast. Aaron and Luna sat on the bed opposite Veronica's, talking quietly. They looked at me every now and then. I was surprised they could actually talk to each other without going at each other's throats.


I shifted my gaze back to Veronica. I sat at her bedside, holding her hands and watching the continuous rise and fall of her chest. Those determined, defiant eyes. They were a silent message, a cry for help that hinted at deeper, darker truths that were yet to be uncovered.


I stayed with Veronica until night fell. She didn't wake up. Throughout, my mind raced with different possibilities as to why someone would try to kill her.

"Aren't we gonna go home Helena?" Luna's voice reverberated through my ears. I looked up at her, met with a soft gaze and shook my head.

I didn't want to leave.

I opened my bags, gave her the house key and asked them both to leave. Aaron initially didn't want to, but with a few words, he did. I decided to escort them to the truck.


I think I needed to check my hair and makeup. The amount of people who left me stares were alarming. We got to the truck, and I couldn't help but ask, "What were you guys talking about earlier? It was such a sight to see you both finally talking like real people." I said, opening the car door.


Luna snorted, came up to me and said, "It's a hospital, we need to be quiet. We were talking about the upcoming Luna festival."


I froze.


Luna festival?!